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Partibrejkers - BiographyOne of the most important Serbian rock bands, Partibrejkers (Partybreakers), was founded in 1982. The same year they released their first LP, named after the band. In the best tradition of their spiritual predecessors (The Rolling Stones, The Stooges), or contemporaries (Gunclub, The Cramps), Partibrejkers brings together both modern and traditional, rhythm and blues reinforced with punk energy. The lyrics are desperate, urban stories of love, hate, alienation, fear, lust, hope.The second Partibrejkers’ album was released in 1988, again without a title or a number. At that time the band got on MTV.1989 brought the release of the third record with the collaboration of various musicians from the Serbian musical scene of the time. In early 1992 during FEST (the annual international film festival in Belgrade) Partibrejkers was joined live on stage by Emir Kusturica, Johnny Depp on a guitar and Jim Jarmush as back-up vocals.When the war began, Partibrejkers, along with several other Belgrade bands, formed an ad hoc band called Rimtutituki. They recorded a cynical anti-war song that was released on the B92 label. A truck cruising the streets of Belgrade marked the release of the single. It was like being in an open-air concert. Later that year the band played in Vienna during the anti-war and anti-racism festival, and in many other cities of Western Europe.Many important Serbian musicians contributed significantly to the following Partibrejkers’ album “Kiselo i slatko”(“Sweet and sour). After a long break, the band was reunited in 1996, this time with a new group of young musicians. They released the best of compilation called "Najbolje od najgoreg" (“The best of the worst”), and a new album "Ledeno doba" (“The ice age”).The last album so far, named "Gramzivost i pohlepa" (“Greed and Lust”), was praised by both audience and critic. Besides the concert promotions in Serbia and the countries in the region, the tour included America and Canada. The concert in Zagreb, where they played together with Chuck Berry, was one of the most important moments in their career.At the moment the band is working on the new material.Zoran Kostic Cane pevacku karijeru je zapoceo u sastavu "Urbana gerila", da bi nastavio kao frontmen "Radnicke kontrole". Grupu Partibrejkers osnovali su 1982. godine Cane, bubnjar Goran Bulatovic Manza, gitarista Nebojša Antonijevic Anton i gitarista Ljubiša Kostandinovic. Produkciju prvog LP-a su uradili zajedno sa Kojom. U najboljoj tradiciji svojih duhovnih prethodnika (Rollingstones, Stooges) ili savremenika (Gunclub, Cramps), Partibrejkersi spajaju moderno i tradicionalno, rhythm i blues pojacan punk energijom. Posle mnogo peripetija, drugi album konacno izlazi 1988. godine, a u to vreme MTV snima prilog o grupi. Novembra 1989. godine su objavili trecu plocu, na kojoj su ucestvovali Gile iz Elektricnog orgazma i Pera Joe, a na cuvenom koncertu u SKC-u 1992. godine zajedno sa njima su svirali Emir Kusturica, Džoni Dep i Džim Džarmuš. Uoci rata u Bosni, clanovi Ekatarine Velike, Elektricnog orgazma i Partibrejkersa su formirali ad hoc bend Rimtutituki u okviru koga su snimili cinicnu antiratnu pesmu "Slušaj 'vamo". Izlazak singla u produkciji Radija B92 su promovisali 8. marta 1992. godine svirkom na kamionu koji je kružio beogradskim ulicama. Juna 1992. godine Rimtutituki su svirali u Becu na otvorenom prostoru u okviru antiratnog i antirasistickog festivala. Partibrejkers devedesetih nastupaju i po drugim gradovima zapadne Evrope.Album "Kiselo i slatko" snimili su sa brojnim gostima - Srdanom Todorovicem, Švabom, Milanom Mladenovicem, Cavketom, Giletom i drugima. Posle te ploce usledila je duža pauza, ali pocetkom 1996. godine Cane i Anton ipak obnavljaju Partibrejkerse, ojacani mladom ekipom iz Zrenjanina. Objavili su kompilacijski CD "Najbolje od najgoreg", na kome su dve nove pesme, "Ludo i brzo" i "Roden loš", snimljene februara 1996. godine. CD "Ledeno doba" su uradili ponovo u Kojinoj produkciji, a na ploci je gostovala duvacka sekcija DLM-a. Na sledecoj kompilaciji "San i java", uz izbor pesama sa svih njihovih ploca dodate su dve nove, "Da li sam to ja..." i "Krug".Poslednji album, "Gramzivost i pohlepa", je odlicno prihvacen kako od strane publike, tako i od strane rok kritike u Srbiji i bivšim ex-yu republikama. Na promotivnoj turneji Partibrejkers su nastupili širom ex-yu prostora. Bend je takode promovisao plocu koncertima u Americi i Kanadi. Zajednicki nastup sa Chuck Berry-em u Zagrebu je svakako jedan od najbitnijih momenata u karijeri benda, koji trenutno završava materijal za novi studijski album.
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Member Since: 2/13/2007
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Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None