was formed in early eighties in Novi Sad (capital of Vojvodina, northern region of Yugoslavia) by a group of people who were instantly and strongly infected with ideas and actions of punk movement, later also influenced by music of new wave bands such as The Fall, Television, Magazine, Gang of Four, etc. This powerful influence was probably the reason why O.P. always maintained critical confrontation with various types of repressive establishments. From the early beginning, band was trying to create and keep authentic and independent sound and to represent a different way of life and thinking.
Their first record "Najvaznije je biti zdrav" (The Most Important Thing Is To Be Healthy) came out in 1990 for the first indie record label in YU "Search and Enjoy." At first, O.P. was against publishing, but they finally did after 10 years of constant touring. Their shows were mostly on the territory of ex-Yugoslavia.
In spite of hard political situation in Yugoslavia throughout next 10 years, band succeeded to publish and promote 5 more LPs + 1 live, trying to keep up the pace with the best in alternative music, as much as technically was possible in this region of Europe. O.P. were the first Yugoslavian band with their video clip broadcasted on MTV's "120 minutes" and also they were on John Peel's tracklistings in 2002. They were an opening band for PLACEBO concert in Belgrade, 2003. Also, band O.P. is one of the rare bands that performed at EXIT Festival every year from its start.
During the 20 years of O.P. existence, its members were changing, but for the last few years the members remained the same.
"Najvaznije je biti zdrav" (The Most Important Thing is To Be Healthy)
1990, LP, Search and Enjoy
"Ovaj zid stoji krivo" (This Wall is Not Standing Right),
1991, LP, Tom Tom Music
"Prijatelju kocnice ti ne rade bas sve" (Friend, Not All Your Breaks Work),
1992, LIVE, Sorabia
"Verujem ti jer smo isti" (I Trust You Because We Are the Same),
1994, LP, Metropolis
"Ili 5 minuta ispred tebe" (Or 5 Minutes in Front of You),
1996, LP, Tarcus
"Sva sreca general voli decu" (Luckily the General Loves Children),
1999, LP, B92,
"Ako nisam dobra, sta cemo onda" (If I'm Not Good, What Are We Gonna Do?), 2002, LP, urbaNS
"Da li je to covek ili je masina" (Is it a Man or a Machine),
2005, LP, urbaNS
Music of the latest O.P. is a combination of guitar groove and electronic sounds with lead men's vocal and women's back vocal. Their last album was recorded, mixed, and produced in Studio "Sing Sing," in Holland, in the late 2004 which followed with very successful promotion tour across Europe in 2005.
" Obecaj Mi, Molim Te "
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