Ab Re profile picture

Ab Re

Ultimate Balkan Music

About Me

Visit our official web site at ab-re.com
ab re info
The band is a product of a strong friendship between musicians, which dates back to the early 90’s. AB RE was founded in 2001. In the beginning, pure desire was the band’s only motivation for playing and making music.
The band played for several years in a small studio, without appearing in public. It was truly dedicated to music and existed without the outside influences of critics or audiences, or the hectic organization of concerts and commercial issues. It was during this time that most of today’s repertoire was created.
After a long time the band decided to give a public concert, and made its debut in October 2004, at the Jazz Session Night in the Youth Club (Velika Plana, Serbia). Since than, the band has been playing at different locations, wherever elementary conditions existed.
In May 2005, ab re held a very successful concert in the well known club KB in Pozarevac, Serbia. The concert was a part of the significant art festival Refract 04 (Regional Festival Alternative Culture). F.A.C.E. (Festival Alternative Creative Exchange) was held in August 2005 in Belgrade and Novi Sad. During the 10 day festival, ab re worked with many artists from different fields and different countries. The most valuable experience was the collaboration with the French accordion player Yves Beraud – who played with ab re bringing in high energy and influences from the French music. ab re held two concerts during the F.A.C.E. festival.Because of the success of these concerts at the F.A.C.E. festival, ab re got the opportunity to play at the UMBRIA JAZZ FESTIVAL in Novi Sad, on August 30th, 2005. This concert was only an introduction to what would come in 2006: an invitation to play at what’s perceived as one the most prestigious music festivals in Europe – EXIT festival in Novi Sad, Serbia.
ab re’s one hour performance has captivated hundreds of members of the audience, and many identified it as the most pleasant surprise of the July festival. Having performed only instrumental music for several years, the band decided to start experimenting with vocals. Another one of the band’s long time friends joined the group, adding new flavor to an already distinctive sound. ab re music is a specific fusion of Serbian ethno music and a variety of modern music forms such as basic rock, pop and jazz. Sometimes there are even fragments of heavy metal, post rock or noise. Traditional sound is just a frame for music research. ab re is much more than an ethno band, and it is always trying to upgrade and update traditional music in an unexpected way.

My Interests


Member Since: 8/6/2006
Band Website: ab-re.com/
Band Members:

    Vladimir Mladenovic, guitar Nebojsa Simic, bass guitar Aleksandar Vukasinovic, accordion, synth. Goran Savic, drums Aleksandar Popovic, drums and percussions Bojan Petronijevic, vocal, scream & dance Yves Beraud (France), accordion, baglama Francesco Quero (Italy), percussions Aleksandar Srejic, sound engineering

  • Balkan Folk Music
  • Silvana Armenulic,
  • Sinan Sakic,
  • Muharem Serbezowski,
  • John Coltrane
  • Frank Zappa,
  • Tuxido moon,
  • Vladimir Visotski,
  • Tom Waits, Bruce lee
    Sounds Like:
    Type of Label: None

    My Blog

    Ab Re @ OKUP Caravan 04 Festival

    Ab Re @ OKUP Caravan 04 Festival, Strasbourg, France October 2007 October 19th Ab Re at OKUP - Le Galet (OKUP "Caravane 04" Festival) October 24th Ab Re and Yves Beraud - Le Galet (OKUP "Carava...
    Posted by Ab Re on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 02:47:00 PST