novi spot za pesmu "IN THE MIDDLE"
Bend je poceo ozbiljnije da radi 1998. godine, a 1999. na festivalu demo bendova osvaja kao nagradu snimanje albuma, koji je i ostvaren u studiju Akademija u Beogradu (jun-oktobar). Vrlo bucan i energican nastup nije mogao proci neopa--eno. E-play se u startu predstavlja kao kompletan rok sastav, ne samo po pitanju muzike vec i scenskog nastupa, imid--a i stava.
Ono --to karakteri--e muziku E-play-a je sjajno pro--imanje kontrasta, --to podrazumeva vri--tece gitare, sna--nu pratnju bubnja i perfektnu podr--ku ma--ina s jedne strane i ne--ne i sporije vokale s druge.
Pored nastupa --irom na--e zemlje (Beograd, Novi Sad, Ni--, Obrenovac, Gornji Milanovac, Zrenjanin, Arilje, Lazarevac, Kikinda, Kru--evac, Zajecar Po--arevac, Aleksandrovac, Vr--ac, Mionica, Subotica, Banja Luka, Pirot, , --abac, Aleksinac, Vranjska banja, Kraji--nik, Od--aci, Temerin, ...), muziku E-play-a imali su priliku da cuju i posetioci Beo Festa u Bolonji(Italija). Takode, E-play je svirao i u Tuzli i u Zagrebu.
Maja i Biljana na--le su se na projektu koji je posvecen Milanu Mladenovicu-Kao da je bilo nekada. One su pod vodstvom Koje(Disciplin a kitchme) ucestvovale na obradi pesme Zemlja. Na soundtrack-u za film "Munje" na--la se pesma “Prvi pogled tvojâ€, a za film "Lavirint" kao soundtrack iskori--cena je pesma “In the middleâ€. Bend je ucestvovao i kao muzicka podr--ka na modnim revijama i festivalima. Pesma Urban je pisana za FESTIVAL URBAN DEMO FEST, koja je poslu--ila kao pozivna pesma mladim izvodacima za prijavljivanje na festival. Ne nalazi se ni na jednom albumu.
Album “Crime†iza--ao je 2005., a sniman je u studiju “Akademija Free Zone†u saradnjii sa producentom Nikolom Vranjkovicem. Od gostiju se pojavljuju Sa--a Lokner (Bajaga i Instruktori), Kojot (Eyesburn) i Cvare (Overdrive).................................................
The band began serious work in 1998, and soon thereafter - in 1999 at a demo band festival - E-play, won a recording award. Their first album was created in studio “Akademijaâ€, in Belgrade (from June to October). Their volume filled and energetic stage presence couldn’t pass unnoticed. From its beginning E-play had a rock’n’roll attitude, not only as musicians but through their performance and visual image as well. E-play released their debut album in November of 1999, for the MCM records – the same label that organized the above-mentioned festival.As an attractive female band, E-Play has been very active, since 2000, in promoting the material from their debut album. Some of the most popular Yugoslav films feature their songs. The soundtrack for the movie “Munje†included their song “Prvi pogled tvoj†and the movie “Lavirint†featured the song “In the Middleâ€. The band provided the musical background for fashion shows, music festivals and performed many concerts in Serbia and Montenegro as well as abroad.Music performed by E-play is uniquely modern: drum and bass, techno, hard core… The dynamics and fusion of many influences has been presented in the single: “Zasto?â€. Incredibly energetic bass lines, screaming guitar sound, head-spinning special effects and drums in furious rhythms, intersect with lead singer Biljana’s significantly slower vocals – creating a noticeable contrast. Similarly, film producer Milorad Milinkovic “visually interpreted†their expressions in their music videos. Within a certain time period E-play was exposed to a broader audience through several new videos and singles which promoted the following releases: “Popâ€, “Prvi pogled tvoj†- used in the movie “Munjeâ€, and “Better Than You.†Their appearance in Bologna, Italy was distinguished with the song “Echo Tone†which closed the festival that was dedicated to Belgrade. This song, with very tender and intimate jazz influences, was recorded live on video. Two members of the band took part on the compilation of songs dedicated to Milan Mladenovic , under the creative leadership of Koja, from “Disciplina Kicmeâ€, with the song “Zemljaâ€â€œCrimeâ€During 2004 and 2005 the band was preparing and recording the second album in “Akademija Free Zone†studio, in cooperation with producer Nikola Vranjkovic. From this collaboration the album «Crime» came out with a new, refreshed and enriched sound. With songs from soft ballads to full sound the band succeeded maintaining the recognizable mix of electronics, live guitars, along with energy and melody. Contributors were guests musicans Sa--a Lokner (Bajaga i Instruktori), Kojot (Eyesburn), Cvare (Overdrive) . E-play kept the recognizable underground style while not limiting themselves to only one genre. On this album they offered an alternative view of the world around them with a much wider sound spectrum.
GER Die Band hat 1998 angefangen ernsthaft zu arbeiten, darauf folgte 1999 eine Teilnahme am Festival der Demo-Bands, worauf E-Play eine Aufnahme eines Albums als Preis bekam. Die Aufnahme des Albums erfolgte im Studio der Akademie in Belgrad(Juni-Oktober). Der sehr laute und energische Auftritt der Band zog sehr viel Aufmerksamkeit herbei.
E-Play ist von Anfang an eine komplette Rock-Zusammensetzung, nicht nur musikalisch, sondern auch vom Auftritt, dem Image und dem Standpunkt her.
Das charakteristische an E-Plays Musik ist der starke Kontrast zwischen den schrill klingenden Gitarren, dem laut begleitendem Schlagzeug und der perfekten Arbeit der Maschinen und auf der anderen Seite der langsam und zärtlich klingenden Vokale.
Neben den Auftritten durch ihr ganzes Heimatland(Belgrad, Novi Sad, Nis, Obrenovac, Gornji Milanovac, Zrenjanin, Arilje, Lazarevac, Kikinda, Krusevac, Zajecar, Pozarevac, Aleksandrovac, Vrsac, Mionica, Subotica, Banja Luka, Pirot, Sabac, Aleksinac, Vranjska Banja, Krjisnik, Odzaci, Temerin,………),konnten auch die Besucher des Beo Festes in Bolonia(Italien) die Band hören.
Außerdem spielte die Band auch in Zagreb(Kroatien) und Tuzla(Bosnien und Herzegovina).
Maja und Biljana nahmen am Projekt ,,Kao da je bilo nekada``(Als wäre es einmal gewesen), das Milan Mladenovic gewidmet ist, teil.
Unter der Führung von Koja(Disciplina kitchme) haben die Zwei das Lied ,,Zemlja``(Erde) bearbeitet.
Das Lied ,,Prvi pogled tvoj``(Dein erster Blick) diente als Soundtrack für den Film ,,Munje``(Blitze) und das Lied ,,In the middle`` wurde als Soundtrack für den Film ,,Lavirint``(Labyrinth) genommen.
Die Band hat aber auch als musikalische Unterstützung an Modenschauen und Festivals mitgewirkt.
Das Lied ,,Urban`` wurde für das URBAN DEMO FESTIVAL geschrieben, das als Einladungslied für das Festival für junge Künstler gemacht war. Das Lied ist allerdings auf keinem Album der Band zu finden.
Das Album ,,Crime`` ist 2005 erschienen. Es wurde im Studio ,,Akademija Free Zone`` aufgenommen und von Nikola Vranjkovic produziert.
Als Gäste auf dem Album sind Sasa Lokner(Bajaga und Ausbilder), Kojot(Eyesburn) und Cvare(Overdrive) zu hören.Generate your own contact table!
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