About Me
ReCiclo dos Ritmos promotes playful activities, of musical and corporal expression, towards the awaking of creativity and the conscience for the importance of recycling.
Our projects allow the participation of all type of people and all age bands.
Our starting point is the idea that it is important that each one of us has the conscience and the responsibility to help to create a better world.
Therefore our philosophy is Recycling...
Recycle the mind.
Recycle the attitudes.
Recycle the world.
Music with percussion is recycling this idea.
It consists on a circle where people join together in order to play percussion instruments.
The drum circle is an activity practised in the whole world and since very remote times. The Ciclo dos Ritmos adds to this idea the importance of recycling in today’s world, using music (percussion) as an activity to educate and stimulate all the people.
Rhythms Circle motivates all the participants to play together a percussion instrument and to awake their creativity. Music is improvised at the moment under the orientation of a percussionist.
Rhythms Circle is a glad and amused, dynamic and tolerant event, where percussion is used as a way to join people at a one moment of much pleasure and conviviality.
How it works:Generally there are percussion instruments available for all (both conventional instruments and instruments made through recycling). But also there is space and opening for those who want to bring their own percussion instrument.
The participants, seated or standing up, are usually put in a circle, each one with his/her percussion instrument. With the orientation of the percussionists, some rhythmic games are executed, always with much space for improvisation. Body and voice are also used as instrument...
Target Public:Rhythms Circle is an activity open to all: Children/ Youngsters / Adults / SeniorsThe contents can be adapted according to the ages and interests of the participants, including people with special educative needs.
Workshop on musical instruments building from waste materials, as form of sensitization for the percussion/music and for the necessity of recycling.
Main GoalsThe project aims to extend and to diversify the musical and acoustic sensitivity of the participants, supplying the required means so that the participants can not only create their instruments but also to explore the sounds that they produce.
Through this workshop, all participants will get to know the concepts of form, volume and sonority, developing their creativity and motor coordination, at the same time that they will have notions of aesthetic and taste.
The transformation of common objects into musical instruments will be also a great exercise of attention and manual ability. Children, young and adults will have a close contact with the diverse timbres that the materials can produce, and with the harmony that can appear among them. There will be a great auditory stimulation and to musicality in general. The construction of instruments by their own hands will bring, as a natural consequence, the affirmation of the personality and responsibility of the children, since they can see into practice the results of their efforts.
Target Public:All people, including technicians, teachers and entertainers.
Workshop Initiation to Percussion aims to give a first contact with the primitive percussion and the urban and organic percussion, with access to various instruments from the most traditional to the more modern ones. Everything in a simple, glad, dynamic language, given by the Brazilian percussionist Paulinho Kaiymã that brings his own technique allied to many years of experience in the world-wide percussion.
Target PublicEverybody who likes and wants to learn percussion, for leisure or professional ends... Workshops can be adapted to the specific necessities of technicians, teachers and entertainers.
Program of the Workshop Initiation to Percussion- What it is percussion?
- Heating and stretching
- The body as an instrument
- Corporal Percussion
- Basic Principles of the musical theory
- Rhythmic Exercises
- Presentation of various percussion instruments
- Djembé: main strokes and its rhythms
- World Rhythms
- Notebook with explanations
- Percussion Dictionary
For professors, technicians and entertainers in the following areas: Drum Circle; Musical instruments making through recycling; Music/Percussion/Rhythms.
These training courses regard professionals, and the number of hours and prices depend on the needs and expectations of the interested parties.