If you care to put in perspective our current 'socialism' in America, and the pseudo "Theocratic" governance, check out the interviews here:Part 2 has an important question by Mike Wallace... But, I also find it interesting in the interview, on one point. She lied about who or what her Husband was. She re-iterates her love for the man who may or may not exist, and his embodiment may have been in the 'fictional' characters, Howard Roark and John Galt.
Some believe, we have a pseudo communist and socialist state, where our rights, economics, and media is State Controlled and also, that Americans are now dependent on a system with which most of our Government and Economics is based on Corporate and Consensus policies.But, make up your own mind, it's free or should be freed.
Her music is always good... But for the Music I listen to? Muse, NIN, Skinny Puppy, She Wants Revenge, Bill Miller, The Pixies, Frank Black, Incubus, The Orb, Fischerspooner, Sigur Ros, Radiohead, Coldplay, Vast, The Smiths, Missing Persons, Robert Wagner, Mozart, Korn, Mindless Self Indulgence, Nirvana and so many more :-)
2001, The Usual Suspects, Star Wars, V for Vendetta (Not close to the comic, but oh well.), Richard C. Hoagland's Monuments on Mars, V, They Live, An Inconvenient Truth, Buckaroo Banzai, Big Trouble in Little China, Geronimo an American Legend, Once Upon a Time in the West, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Pirates, Thunderheart...
Our favourite Quotes:Tez AKA mayor_r_whannah: "i have a cocoa and a viagra every night . .. cocoa to help me sleep, viagra to stop me rolling out of bed"
Ayn Rand's "The Fountainhead", "Atlas Shrugged", Hancock's "Fingerprints of the Gods", "Rule By Secrecy", "Theory of Relativity", An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything", Anything to do with Ancient History, Egyptian Mythos like the Papyrus of Ani (Book of the Dead), Mayan culture and Myths (Popol Vuh), or something to do with Astronomy and Physics. I really dig thinking and seeing topics and information on how the universe works. Hawking, Maxwell, Tesla, Einstein. Other notables, The Heritage Trilogy, The Dark Knight Returns, Conan, King Kull, Mission Earth series, Samurai Warlords, A Brief History of Time, and even The Biggest Secret by David Icke, also Rule By Secrecy.