Learning. Reading. Comedy. Writing. Food. Art. Apparel Design. Film editing. Driving. Watching movies on airplanes. Coffee. Investing in my future. Family.
Makers of History. Those who rewrite history so I can kick them in the shins, and then apologize and ask them to rewrite it so that I hugged them instead.
Rock, Rap, Classical, Jazz, NPR, Heavy Metal and there is a possibility I have tuned in to a Pop song.
I go to movies for the overpriced popcorn and soda...it really adds to the overpriced tickets and overall movie experience which overall is underachieving in its entertainment value. I also watch movies on airplanes, actually I listen to mine and watch whatever the person next to me is watching. Listening to Nic Cage whine in "The Weatherman" while watching "King Kong" makes up for the lack of overpriced popcorn and soda as well as the overpriced airline tickets while adding to my overall miles.
Studio 60 was my West Wing methodone, Keith Olberman, Seinfeld...then I turn it off. Then I turn it back on again and watch Rescue Me, Family Guy and Conan and then I fall asleep.
The Bookseller of Kabul. The Faith of the American Soldier. The New Testament as lived by Jesus.