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Steve Simeone


About Me

I'm really nice and stuff.

My Interests

Making out with girls that have a bone structure and genetic code superior to mine...umm Spending time with my family, hanging out with my buddies, thinking about life, ummm, let's see, basically anything a four year old would do if they didn't have a Mommy telling not to do Building Forts, putting people into the figure four leg lock, making water ballons, naps, I'm a big fan of naps...cookies..staying sober, oh yeah writing, performing, reading, making faces in mirrors, fireworks.....girls with big boobs and mediocre dreams...japanese rocker episodes of tv shows...watching people beer goggle on themselves...people watching in general...growing mustaches just for tea, im big into that these days...old school video games, oh yeah one day I want to be so funny the entire audience will want to take me out to TGIFridays and we can pretend it's my birthday and I'll get a giant Birthday Boy sundae with sparklers in it.

I'd like to meet:

Anybody that likes to laugh, especially anybody that NEEDS to laugh. As far as like famous people or you know cool kids either alive or dead, I'd love to meet Bill Murray, Doug Kenney, Peter Farrelly, Woody Allen, Harold Ramis, Sam Kinison, Tom Shadyack, of course Chris Farely, St. Francis of Asissi, John Hughes, Richard Pryor, all of the three stooges including Curly Joe, Abott and Costello, Jim Carrey....I sound like some sort of comedy nerd...did I say Lindsay Lohan, back when she had globes...oh yeah Bon Scott, he would have been cool to hang wow...much like my life, i should have planned this better...who else? Michael Anthony of Van Halen, did I say Paul Orndorff you know? Mr. Wonderful, how about Rakim, Al Pacino, MC Serch, Mike Damone, Slyvester Stallone, Robert DeNiro, Hulk Hogan, Cameron Crowe, Martin Scorsese...duh, Jesus...John Belushi, Ozzy again, John Candy...and how about Charles Bukowski AND Tony Robbins to complete the list....


I love music, love it. Anything that makes me feel stuff...Especially anything that Rocks, AC-DC, Black Sabbath, Van Halen....I thank God everyday for power ballads...I truely believe every rose does indeed have a thorn...ummm Time Machine Music, you know stuff that is linked with a cool memory like when I hear Loverboy I think of Chris Farely, or more importantly the stuff that is the soundtrack of my life, like that one song by The Outfield, I think of a summer night driving with my family, sleeping in the back seat of my parents car with my that I sound like a woman how about singer songwriters...Jim Croce anyone? I love when bands cover other people's stuff and make it their own because you know they were feeling it...Metallica's cover of Sabbra Cadabra are you kidding me? Or how about Johnny Cash's yeah I love Old School hip hop, If my wife objects to the name Slyvester, I will name my first son Rakim...anything by Mr. Francis Albert Sinatara, when you've loved and lost like Frank has, then you know what life is far as newer stuff I've been listening to Artemus Plyedriver when I work out and Snow Patrol when I write... Oh yeah I gotta support my Philly homeboys Silvertide those kids are Rock and Roll...


Anything that makes me laugh....The complete works of Bill Murray, especially Meatballs, Caddyshack, and Rushmore. Anything by Scorsese, if I had to pick three? How about Raging Bull, The King of Comedy, and Goodfellas. Woody Allen's Annie Hall might be a flawless film, however Broadway Danny Rose is my favorite. I'm taking this way too seriously, just relax and breath you're not getting graded on this...okay, I once fell in love with a girl who said she wanted kids one day, so they could grow up and go on adventures like the Goonies. It's a Wonderful Life is probably my favorite movie ever...but then theres always the Rockys. It's not my fault, I'm Italian from Philly, Rocky has served as a blueprint for my life. I love all of them, even V in a mystery science theatre 2000 way, only in america? that's hilarious...umm Cameron Crowe is an inspiration, one of my new years resolutions is to be able to watch Jerry McGuire and not cry at the end, it's not like it's Rudy you know? I seriously hate myself for that... Fast Times is flawless, Mike Damone is so great he makes up for Lloyd Dobbler...Almost Famous? How about Almost Frightening...that movie is too damn good...Phillip Seymour Hoffman, you a pimp dawg! aghh let's see, if you can't quote The Godfather you can't be my friend...umm Easy Money and Trading Places, as funny as it gets....Tarantino...John Hughes, you my friend are an American Instituion, may God Bless you and your family always...let's see Vinnie Vaughn has saved cinematic comedy and will get a special spot in heaven for that...ummm Sandler, Farley, Spade...the Farrelley Brothers, Jim Carrey, Will Ferrell, Does Chris Rock's Bring the Pain count as a movie?? What about My Bodyguard, Chris Makepeace where have you gone? umm whenever I see Flash Gordon I still have to act out the Hawkmen part, umm oh yeah and The Last Dragon should be embraced by America as a society...when i say whose the master.....


The Wonder Years, The Simpsons, The Sopranos and old Scorpions videos are the only thing I consistently watch...grew up on the classics, you know, It's Your Move...Family Ties...Growing Pains.


I read all the time, mostly non fiction....favorite works of fiction...ummm The Comedy Writer by Peter Farrelley, The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis, and The Catcher In The Rye, by J.D. Salinger.


My Brothers, and anyone who cares enough to care... Andre The Giant goes without saying.

My Blog


Okay Dudes, So I'm pathetic because I'm once again rockin' at the computer in the lobby, you know like my last update on the piano guy. So NOW, some old lady is singing, like she was a group...
Posted by Steve Simeone on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 07:49:00 PST

Suddenly you find yourself out there...

Hey Dudes, I'm gonna totally write more later, but I had to share this immediately. So I'm in the hotel well motel lobby in Jacksonville, FL and some old guy is playing the piano. You know, like that ...
Posted by Steve Simeone on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 04:41:00 PST

See ya later Alligator....

Dudes, So yeah I watched Rocky III again today...hahhaa atleast I'm consistent. Umm oh yeah, I was in Florida last week. Jet skied through the everglades...yeah, I'm pretty cool and stuff. This guy Ca...
Posted by Steve Simeone on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 11:31:00 PST

In the burning heart...

hey dudes, It's been really hot here in the City of east coast bash somebody in the head with a baseball bat "Do The Right Thing" kinda hot.  I feel like a jerk,  because my b...
Posted by Steve Simeone on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 01:04:00 PST

Hot Summer Nights and my radio...

Hey Dudes,So I'm happy to have some time to write a blog, I've been really kinda busy. By busy, I mean, smashing nerds, making out with hot chicks, and watching Rocky III. It's just like I said at the...
Posted by Steve Simeone on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 12:02:00 PST

Des Moines...

Dudes, So it's I guess about one in the am, here in the beautiful city of Des Moines, IA...things are good. I like working, well if you can consider what I do work, it's the coolest. This morning I wa...
Posted by Steve Simeone on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 11:18:00 PST


Hey Dudes, So I just wrote a bunch of stuff, then deleted it. It was good to get it out, but not necessarily for you guys to read it. I write for me! I write for me! Ivan Drago? Rocky IV? That movie i...
Posted by Steve Simeone on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 01:45:00 PST

Where have all the goodtimes gone?

Hey Dudes, So I'm suppossed to be working on my book. Yes, my book..holee crap there's lots of stuff running around my head. So much time and so little to do...scratch that and reverse it. There's act...
Posted by Steve Simeone on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 12:15:00 PST

Might Be....

Pauly Walnuts, sitting by himself, laughing like an asshole, watching "Three's Company" might be the greatest thing I've ever seen.........
Posted by Steve Simeone on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 09:35:00 PST