My daughter. Anything that evolves me. I've found a lot of that stuff in the metaphysical realm. I'm into occult philosophy and ritual magick, I dig on mathematics and philosophy in an academic sense. I really get a hard-on for education and higher learning. If it doesn't stimulate me mentally, I'm not interested. I have a passion for music that doesn't get expressed as much as it needs to. I like to write., evolve. Did i mention that?
Fellow gods and goddesses, those who'd like to go spiral swinging with me, creative folk, intelligent folk, magickians, mathematicians, philosophers, writers, poets, artists, waterbearers (not many get it ;) ) stars, children, nymphs, demigods, the Secret Chiefs (I have some concerns...), myself ten years ago, myself ten years from now, and most likely the you inside your I Kalika has ambivalent Friends.
If it's got a beat, I can usually find something to like about it. I used to be really into all kinds of music and liked keeping up with that scene, but life kinda pushes other priorities on me. Some old favorites however are: REM, U2, TooL, Perfect Circle, Vast, Radiohead, Nirvana, Live, Bowie, Cowboy Junkies, The Doors, Pink Floyd, the White Stripes, Negativland, Cellos, Breathing, Windchimes, Heartbeats, Roars, Laughter, Silence.
What Dreams May Come, The Princess Bride, The Neverending Story, The World According to Garp, Excaliber (old school Arthur), Labrynth, What the *%$& Do We Know?, I Heart Huckabees, The Secretary, Preaching to the Perverted, The Devil's Advocate, Pi, Beautiful Mind, Proof, Dead Poet's Society, American Beauty, Batman, Batman Begins, All Indiana Jones movies (but the first and the last are the best),To Kill a Mockingbird (mmm, gregory peck), The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, yeah, the Harry Potter flicks rock my sox and I dont' care what you say!!! I dont' get to watch a lot of movies because i haven't eaten my young yet, but if I do, I'll let you know what else is good!
I don't get to watch a lot of TV, and I mostly think it's stupid, but I do enjoy: The Daily Show, Futurama, Family Guy, American Dad, That 70's Show, and the Simpsons, THE STATE!!(if ANYbody remember this, or has the hook ups, get ahold of me!!) Sifl&Ollie, Hercules: TLJ! If I get a moment and there's something good on, you might see me surfing the Science Channel, the History Channel, or the Food Network. We mostly watch a lot of cartoons over here.
I read a lot of books. These days, they've been confined to school texts in statistics and its applications to biomedical research. It used to be focused on mathematics, philosophy, psychology, and education while I was in undergrad. My studies turn me on and teach me a lot about myself and the realm around me, but every once in a while I get to put my hands on something a little more direct. I have tons of books on all kinds of metaphysics, spiritualities, religions, mythologies, occult sciences, whatever. Nietzsche. William Blake. Crowley. The Sacred Prostitute. Tao te Ching. I like books that push me and ask me to think, especially if it propels me to a new understanding or awareness. Tom Robbins. And...yeah, even sometimes I let myself relax with something mind numbing stuff, I like Hitchhiker's Guide, Wheel of Time, The Princess Bride, Harry Potter, The Phantom Tollbooth (Norton Juster), Narnia has its moments, or Sheckley/Zelazny (the millenium series). Where the Wild Things Are! Old Turtle. Goodnight Moon.
Laylah Devi!!! Herakles and Iolaos are a fav from mythology. Lucifer. The Great Beast. The Scarlet Woman. Ouroboros. Hermes. Batman. Zorro. Atreyu. Bastian. Atticus. Alex Grey. Kick ass teachers, including: Mr. Davison, Mr. Hartom, Mr. Dull, Prof Strowe. Single moms and dads that figure it out.
The people that help them on the way to figuring it out ;) (thanx guys) Uh........Underdog?