CURRENT MOON moon phasesI warn thee, whosoever thou art, Oh, thou who wishest
to probe the arcanes of nature, if thou dost not find
within thyself that which thou seekest, neither shalt
thou be able to find it without. If thou ignorest the
excellencies of thine own house, how dost thou intend
to find other excellencies? Within thee is hidden the
treasure of treasures. Oh, man, know thyself, thus thou
shalt know the Universe and the Gods!
Inscribed upon the Temple of Delphi
Qelhma , aiwass, alchemy, ancient egypt, anthropology, artificial life, australia, belarion, blake, body art, boleskine, buckminster fuller, cats, cefalu, chaos math, coiled splendour, connexions, ddo, dali, dynamism, enochiana, ethnobotony, existential acts, ganesha, geometry, germany, gnosticism, hecate, holographic paradigm, holy of holies, imagination, industrial, initiatrix, intelligence, intentional communities, j.f.c. fuller, jack parsons' greater feast, kali, kaliyuga, karezza, karl germer, kteis, labyrinth, lam, laughing, lemuria, lesbos, liber 231 r&d, marcelo ramos motta, mark of the beast, mr. alister meowley, microcosmic orbit, mu, my-son-set, n.o.x., o.'.t.'., ordeal x, orgone, ov, p.v.n., paganism, "pan is nuit", parzival XI°, per os, phantasy, phase states, pluto, poetry, post-modern primatives, proverbs of hell, quaoar, reading, renewable energy, revaluation of all values, rota, rumi, sappho, scarification, scarlet woman, science, sensuality, set, seth, sexton, sexual alchemy, sexuality, sigils, slack, solar energy, star goddess, strange attractors, string theory, tantra, the 15th kala, the 93 current, the central secret, the lamp, the pantacle, theatre, thelema, therion, thunder perfect mind, tiamat, tomes, trance, trapezoids, trees, typhonia, unpop, usf, vama marg tantra, will, william s. burroughs, writing, xaos, zarathustrian english qabalah, zen, zos kia cultus, 156, 15th aethyr, 23, 3.14..., 93, 939.'.,"Every man and every woman is a star.",
"The word of the Law is Qelhma ",
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law." and
"Love is the law, love under will."
Concept of Thelema
Sirius People.Until then, Earthlings will do...
"Pan is Nuit!"
cf. Camille Paglia, Sexual Personae
isbn 0 679 73579 8
Current Favorite Titles:
The Art of Expressing the Human Body (Bruce Lee)
Synergetics (B. Fuller)
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Screenwriter's Workbook
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A Beginners Guide to Constructing the Universe
Equinox vol.1
Ray Eales 939.'.
"9. 0 Thou Eternal river of chaotic law, in whose depths lie locked the secrets of Creation; I swear to Thee by the primal waters of the Deep, to suck up the Firmament of Thy Chaos, and as a volcano to belch forth a Cosmos of coruscating suns."Liber QESAURWU ' EIDWLWN, Gemini Chapter
All Alchemical Agents who've sought the Stone of the Wise... all my pupils who actually strive... my Mentor, Ray Eales.