Playing and listening to musick (drone, harsh ambient, dark ambient, noise, experimental, apocalyptic-neo-psych-dark-folk, traditional folk of all places [which some people inappropriately call 'world music'], lowercase sound, industrial), experiencing art and thinking about art, shamanism, paganism/heathenism, Buddhism, Daoism, occultism (especially alchemy and metaprogramming/chaos magick/TOPY), spirituality and religion in general, esoterrorism, memetic engineering, culture jamming, psychonauticism, chemognosis, parapsychology, quantum physics, 23, ancient civilizations, futuristic cultures, nature, technology, wuwei aesthetics and efficiency, camouflage, survivalism, hiking and backpacking, self-sustainable living, zombies, burning flipside/burning man/burning community.
The people that in the future will be met by me.
artists of particular interest: Death in June, Current 93, Sol Invictus, Fire+Ice, Changes, Blood Axis, :Of The Wand and The Moon, Sonne Hagal, Forseti, Darkwood, In Gowan Ring, Belborn, Lux Interna, Angels of Light, (Smog), Espers,Phill Niblock, Double Leopards, Pelt, Birchville Cat Motel, Bruce Russell, Dead C, Thuja, Tony Conrad, Stars of The Lid, The Dead Texan, Keith Rowe, Oren Ambarchi, Dead Voices on Air, Zoviet France, Troum, Charalambides, Anvil Salute, Bernhard Guenter, Francisco Lopez, Keith Fullerton Whitman, Nurse With Wound, Throbbing Gristle, Psychic TV, Coil, The Legendary Pink Dots, Lab Report, Toshimaru Nakamura, Earth, SunnO))), Keiji Haino, PBK, Merzbow, The Gray Field Recordings, Techix, Bully Pulpit, Doug Ferguson, Numbers on The Mast, Book of Shadows, Photon Ghoul, Aunt's Analog, Scissortail/Ferveur Noire, Chance Anatomie, Ctephin, Ghoul Detail, Venison Whirled, etc.
David Lynch, Zombie movies, Dario Argento, Hardware
Survivorman and Man vs. Wild are the only TV shows actually worth watching.
William S. Burroughs, H.P. Lovecraft, James Joyce, Robert Anton Wilson, and Phillip K. Dick are really the only fiction I like (and I hardly consider them fiction writers really). I usually read non-fiction books about things I'm interested in (see 'interests' section of my profile).
Joseph Beuys, Uncle Bill Burroughs, Shakyamuni and Zhuangzi and Laozi, Zone Trippers, Aghoris, Daoist and Tibetan and Zen monks, esoterrorists, people who build things rather than just make more shit, people who turn shit into gold against all odds like STF and Aedria of Ctephin who are also my heroes for being so sonically prolific despite being so spawningly prolific, and definitely Lisa Cameron of Venison Whirled who does stuff like this: