biking, bike mechanics, reading, music, teas and coffee, ecology, feminism, gardening, cooking, efficiency, philosophy, theology, ethnobotany, self-sustaining lifestyles,2-D, the origin of personal morale and a whole lotta other bullshit.
the fishies I love to eatandSalman Rushdieandlots and lots of others.I would also LOVE to visit my brother sometime.
I'm well rounded. Lately I've been stuck on Nick Cave, Leonard Cohen, Calla, Angels of Light, Priestbird/Tarantula A.D., Beck, Garbage, and always... Smashing Pumpkins.
I'm a sucker for live visions of a painted heaven, shattered beer-filled prosthetics, blistered and feathered chicken dinners that ooze, ridiculous fantastic imagery, and the essence of perfect timing.
Mythbusters, MST3K, Discovery, History, Comedy... Animal Planet.
Currently reading: The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana, Master and Margarita, Step Across This Line and The Dancing Wu Li Masters.
"Our heroes have killed themselves, or are killing themselves. The hero, then, is not Time, but Timelessness." -Henry Miller