We support independent work, from film to music to DIY businesses
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We've worked with some of the most talented & exciting indie artists, bands, and organizations. Some of them are listed in our Friends Space; be sure to check them out.
Brothers and sisters, I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 ! Oh yeah!
"Don't give me any money, don't give me any people, but give me freedom, and I'll give you a movie that looks gigantic."
- Robert Rodriguez
"I don't want to go down fighting. I want to win."
- Salt of the Earth, 1954
The Turds!
Tyson Kennington, of Kenn-Layne Distribution, introduces the Turds, a new line of poo-inspired figurines
shot, cut, & directed by
your friendly neighborhood indie filmmaker at
Digital Villain Studios
Black Betty! After Dark Films!
Black Betty, Miss Horrorfest 2006, discusses
the upcoming films and plans presented by After Dark Films
shot, cut, & directed by
your friendly neighborhood indie filmmaker at
Digital Villain Studios
David Quiles!
Click To Play in New Window David Quiles - Artist, Creator, Publisher - talks about his titles and plans
shot, cut, & directed by
your friendly neighborhood indie filmmaker at
Digital Villain Studios