Hey there! My name is Lennie Appelquist. I live in Topanga California. Really, just about the best place one could possibly live if you have to live in Los Angeles. . .
I am an Assistant Director in the Film Biz. You can see my credits at the Internet Movie Database .
I am a web designer. Here is my design page if you want to take a look: Topanga Surf Company , FreeMarket Design
I am also an entrepreneur. I own and operate (and built) the film industry website Assistantdirectors.com
Check out Film School by Phone .
Film School by Phone - Back in Session!
Sign up NOW for this compelling teleclass series featuring top working film pros
"Making your own Film - the interview series "
I will be hosting interviews and talks with indy filmmakers, Directors, DP's, Art Directors, any of my friends (read as industry pros) who will get on these calls.
Click the link below to be notified about the next call of my ongoing tele-class series titled: "Film School by Phone".
Film School by Phone Did I mention that this class is free.
You can also check out my personal site: LennieAppelquist.com
Seems sometimes like my feet never stop moving. . . But they do. there is always time in the day for contemplation. . . Spiritual renewal, if you will. One reason I stay busy and work hard to create new income streams is I believe that the poor (or the "broke") don't fund the charities and foster real change in this world, the rich do. If you want to save a forest you have 2 choices: Lie down in front of a tractor or make a lot of money and buy the forest. Me, I'm opting for choice ..2!
But wait there's more.