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Timing is Everything!

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90% of Astrology only takes a small percent of the truth. Discover amazing Astrological compatabilty reports. Best Results Guaranteed!

"Hi, I am Aura, also known as AstrologyChick. I've been using astrology since I was just a wee little girl of 9 years old. Yeah, I know it's kind of weird, but I was hooked then, and it took me many years to sift out the good from the bad from the just plain ugly in the world of mysticism and alternative thought. I invite you to learn from my many experiences. I post a lot of stuff here, and on my website blog Real Accurate Astrology from AstrologyChick. I also offer Guaranteed Astrology Reports Because, I believe in what I have to say!"
Use better Astrology to get better results. Easy to understand and concise romance compatability gives easy to underst and advice for all your romance and dating needs. Make the most of a new relationship and learn if it's the right peson to make a committment to, this wisdom is priceless and can save you endless difficulties.

Get my Astrological Compatability Report
Jan 5-11: Harsh words over the weekend could hurt someone's reputation, try not to participate. It's a good week for fashion and design though, and creativity is in high gear and adds to charisma and personal appeal. Attention and publicity is a very mixed bag now, some exposure is better than others, and what makes headlines might not actually be the full story, so don't take things on face value, dig a little deeper for the truth.

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Twinkle On Superstar!

(known as 'the Auracle' to my friends). I am professional Astrologer, psychic clairvoyant living in Topanga California. And Aura is my given name - not something I made up. I guess my Mom must have known that this is the sort of work I was meant to do! For many years I wished for a name that was a little bit more normal, so that I could fit in better with my peers (oh yeah, I was an outsider), but now I have accepted and am grateful for my uniqueness, it's what makes me - me!

I have been doing this work professionally for many years (dare I reveal my age?), and privately nearly all my life. I worked at the popular bookstore, 'The Psychic Eye' in Venice CA. for about 7 years before going into my own private practice. Now I write Horoscopes with an international circulation, have published a book, "The Golden Path - A guide to Deeper Fulfillment." and am working on a second book about Astrology.

My column can be found in the international fashion magzine, 'Z!NK', The Yogi Times (California circulation) and .. at . My most extensive columns are available on my site at where you can get the skinny on whatever is really going on right now!

People like Thomas Jefferson, Ronald Reagan and JP Morgan all used Astrology or Astrologers to give them the edge. It worked for them! In fact JP Morgan the famous businessman and industrialist was quoted as saying, "Millionaires don't use Astrologers, Billionaire's do." He should know - he is one of the most wildly successful men in American history.
OK to all of you out in radioland - I know what you really want! Soulmates? Yes! I can tell you if this is the ONE. When to get your Freak on? I can tell you that too - there are just some days that are good hot chemistry and others are, well, more fizzle than sizzle. Check my Blog, I'll let you know when the stars say its HOT out! Marriage or Getting Serious? You seriously want to talk with me BEFORE you do this! I don't want your love life to go down like the Titanic. I've been there, and I swear there is a better way. Think of me like 'Love Insurance' and this is one policy that is built to last! Career? Yep, I can help you there too - TIMING IS EVERYTHING - this is called electional Astrology and the date you start a job, a company, or hang a shingle on the door has a chart - and that chart has a destiny. It can be success or it can be failure - it is written in the Stars. Astrology is always working - either for you or not. But you can only take the bull by the horns an make it work FOR you if you PAY ATTENTION! The worst failure of all is the failure to plan properly. Don't be that girl/guy!
I do have a list of celebrity clients, but I take privacy very seriously and will not reveal anything that they haven't expressly asked me to. I can share a quote from my dear friend and client, Laila Nabulsi. Laila produced 'Saturday Night Live.' in the early years - when it was the best it's ever been. She gave people like Tom Hanks their first big break on TV. We all know how that worked out! Laila also produced the movie, "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas." among others. What she has to say is this, "Aura is my production psychic, she always knows what's really going on, and best of all, she's always up for a romance question or two!"

I also have a background in the fashion and entertainment industries, with a list of performing credits, movie and TV appearances. A lot of people have told me over the years that I look like Madonna, and I take that as a compliment! I have even been asked to impersonate her, which is fun, but I like my own identity. I think I am a little bit more shy about 'revealing myself' than she is, but I do love Yoga too. We even share the same gap between our two front teeth - called a diastema. I am from a different generation though, and it feels like I have grown up with her always around. I am also very tall - which should eliminate any real confusion between the two of us!

Stay tuned, and subscribe to my Blog , because I will be posting updates, Celebrity Astrology and lots of other fun and useful stuff.

Twinkle ON!

My Interests

Astrology, people, fashion, art, movies, travel, the beach.

I'd like to meet:

People on their spiritual path, creative people, people who want to create a better life for themselves and the world at large. People who are not afraid to 'make it happen'!


Norah Jones, Pink, M&M, Yo Yo Ma, Dawn Upshaw KROQ and KCRW - especially Morning becomes Eclectic.


Harry Potter, The Incredibles, Shrek, Cinderell Man, Jean de Florette, Moll Flanders, anything by Akira Kurisawa, Lost in Translation, Brokeback Mountain, Brazil, Bus Stop, Casablanca, Dr. Caligari.


The Ghost Whisperer (of course - but it's a lot better than Medium), House - what a great character! Survivor, Desperate Housewives, Boston Legal - hilarious!


The DaVinci Code, The Robert Kiyosaki series, Harry Potter, The Color Purple, The Grapes of Wrath, As I Lay Dying, The Bonfire of the Vanities, Trapped in the Mirror.


Oprah Winfrey, Thomas Jefferson, George Sand, Leonardo De Caprio (with his own environmental fund - he's not just a pretty face).

My Blog

Reminder - Astrology Mistake?! - Call TONIGHT

Hey, I'd like to ask you a question. Do you get frustrated with the information in your Horoscope? If you're like most people you know that Astrology has some validity, but you don't really know how...
Posted by Aura on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 10:50:00 PST

Do you make this common mistake when reading your Horoscope?

Hey, I'd like to ask you a question. Do you get frustrated with the information in your Horoscope? If you're like most people you know that Astrology has some validity, but you don't really know how t...
Posted by Aura on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 01:58:00 PST

Discover Novembers Secrets

Join the call to find out how to make the most of it and aviod the pitfalls.Who: AstrologyChick ~ International Published AstrologerWhat: Free Conference CallWhen: WEDS. NOVEMBER 1st 7PM (Pacific Time...
Posted by Aura on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 06:15:00 PST

Studio 60; Saturn, the Devil and Divine Comedy

Aura Galadriel WrightThe TV Gods have smiled upon us finally and handed over a moment in TV history that NBC can truly be proud of. To say that this new TV show: Studio 60, Live from the Sunset Strip ...
Posted by Aura on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 03:24:00 PST

Can Astrology be Proven

OK, Here are two videos that we created to prove that at least ONE aspect of Astrology is irrefutuable. This is concrete, hard core, videotaped evidence. Astrology Evidence VideoAstrology Evidence Vid...
Posted by Aura on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 11:04:00 PST

At last the Truth Revealed! Check out this video: The Egg and the Equinox

Discover the Secret of the Egg! - A challenge to everyone who has an inquisitive MindPosted By:AuraGet this video and more at
Posted by Aura on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 02:13:00 PST

24 Hour Astrological Report Special

Discover the best Astrological Romance Report get a 57% discount for the next 24 hours.Visit for details....
Posted by Aura on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 05:35:00 PST

Astrology - September Eclipses - Saturn+Neptune opposition; what's going on?

FREE Conference Call Aug 16 - Find out what's going on - Sign up NOW! Q&A on every call. Sign me UP for FREE Conference Calls and stuff!First Name:Last Name:Email:Sign:Astrology Experience:New...
Posted by Aura on Sat, 12 Aug 2006 02:08:00 PST

Happy Birthday Leo - It's Deja Vu - All Over Again

Happy Birthday Leo - It's Deja Vu - All Over AgainWell of course there is always something disturbingly familiar about getting older every year, but that's not quite the Deja Vu that I am talking abou...
Posted by Aura on Sun, 23 Jul 2006 08:36:00 PST

Is Mercury Retrograde Really THAT BAD?

It's that most talked about of Astrological phenomenon - that Horoscopic experience that defies intelligence.Mercury Retrograde -- It happens again starting July 4th (Happy Birthday USA). But to hear ...
Posted by Aura on Tue, 04 Jul 2006 12:19:00 PST