ZAN profile picture


he offered 2 million camels for 1 night

About Me

I disappear, I love to be in love, I have the enthusiasm of a child, I'm sensitive, and I'm the best friend you'll have.I carry 3 kinds of hot sauce in my purse. I'm not kidding, I'm training to become the habanero eating champion of the world.Do you ever find yourself laughing hysterically, totally sober, belly aches, cheecks hurt, with tears streaming down your face. Hhm.....My favorite times

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My Interests

The ocean is my home. I've been traveling the world and never intend to stop. I love to cook for friends. Making people happy makes my soul sing. Great writing, good stories, fresh snow, sunrises, climbing trees, swimming with fishys, eating cheese, You will never tear me away from my books and informercials are GREAT!

I'd like to meet:

Magical Creatures who are passionate, intelligent and have the motivation to manifest. AND . . . Anyone who can eat more hot peppers than I can. I'm training to be the habanero eating champion of the WORLD! And...I'm not kidding


TIM BOOTH, The Killers, Coldplay, Dead Kennedys, Jack Johnson, Al Green, Bob Marley, Pink Floyd, Manu Chao, Nirvana, Thievery Corp, Talking Heads, Radiohead, Jimi Hendrix, Peter Tosh, Tupac, Janes Addiction, Tool, Marvin Gaye, Smashing Pumpkins, Steve Miller Band, Nina Simone, Sade, Santana, G-Love & Special Sauce, The Kings of Conveince, Buena Vista Social Club, Lenny Kravitz, The Doors, Zero 7, Tracy Chapman, Frou Frou, Damein Rice, Portishaed, Ani DiFranco, Tosca, Morcheeba, Dinah Washington, Mick Jagger, Cesaria Evora, Korn, Astrud Giberto, Oscar Brown Jr, Montley Crew, Noir desir, Stone Temple Pilots, Timo Maas, Rolling Stones, Slusnik Luna, Air, John Coltrane, Steely Dan.........


As a kid, obsessed: The Goonies, Weird Science, Wonderwoman, Lost Boys, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Beetlejuice, Nightmare on Elm Street (all of them), The Princess Bride, Indiana Jones (i wanted to be the little asain kid) and Dirty Dancing. "Nobody puts baby in the corner" - I'm a dork Hero, My Life as a Dog, City of God, Blade Runner, A Street Car Named Desire, The Heiress, Sullivan's Travels, Letter From An Unknown Woman, All About Eve, Bringing Up Baby, Gone With The Wind, Sunset Boulevard, The Apartment, Some Like It Hot, Casablanca, Sex and Lucia, Closer, Notebook, BladeRunner, Meet Joe Black, House of flying daggers, Hero, Trainspotting, Braveheart, Last of the Mohicans, Gladiator, Hurly Burly, Natural Born Killers, Taxi Driver, Kill Bill 2, Scarface, Twelve Monkeys, American Beauty, Papillon, Interview with a Vampire, True Romance, Almost Famous, Butch Cassidy &; the Sundance Kid, American History X, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Eyes Wide Shut, Cockwork Orange, The Good the Bad and the Ugly, Thank you for smoking, The Inconvienent Truth. I'll keep updating, there's soooooooo many


Current TV and I still have affection for The Smurfs and ThunderCats. ANyone? ANyone? And recently Discovery channel launched their sunrise show. Its brilliant. Set your tv on an alarm and wakeup to a different tropical sunrise every morning. its BRILLIANT!


My favorite thing to do is read: Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead, The Alchemist, The Virtue of Selfishness,


Momma Pia, who is the most beautiful, inspiring, generous person I know

My Blog

letters from Trey, part one

I was on the yard last month and watched my friend get stabbed to death. I wasn't but 20 feet away and though I wished I could have gone to help as he bleed out on the concrete. I knew they would have...
Posted by ZAN on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 10:26:00 PST

A letter from Her

SheShe wore skinny black tights and flip flops. Walked quickly, head high&coolly aware of the effect she had on everyone. Eyes couldn't help but stare. Mine never left her. Intrigued. Irritated. Afrai...
Posted by ZAN on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 07:02:00 PST

Red Queen Phenomenon

The "Red Queen Phenomenon" named from Alice in Wonderland. The example is Acacia trees. To battle herbivors from eating their blossoms, the trees started to evolve and grow thorns. Animals like the gi...
Posted by ZAN on Fri, 07 Oct 2005 05:23:00 PST

a field trip through the mind

Men roam like beast, never knowing that what imprisions them is their own minds. Trapped within the confines of the limits they have set for themselves. Most never get past their most basic needs...
Posted by ZAN on Fri, 07 Oct 2005 05:04:00 PST