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I come from an Island How freakin cool is that :) Gloucester, Mass!! You have never been here? Well

About Me

I figure if you can't show human kindness all the time, yes I said ALL the time,even when life has its suckie moments, and people get you down,remember you are a direct decendant of God. People need people to grow to learn how to love unconditionally. If there is one condition of LOVE it IS that there is NONE at all.PLEASE CHECK OUT MY NEW SONG FRIEND AT WWW.DUSTBUNNYRECORDS.COM ALL UPDATES ARE ON THIS SITE I HOPE YOU SUPPORT MY MUSIC LORD KNOWS I HAVE SUPPORTED YOURS !SO short of begging PLEASE buy a CD.I am an orphan and was placed in an orphanage then foster care, My original given name was Jaqueline, no last name LOL I am a very positive and patient person. Something that God gave me along time ago. I have had a hard life and still do but I have NEVER EVER have a bad attitude. I wwas actually found near a dumpster :(Foster care was strange and I have always been a quiet kid taking every thing in around me. However Stevie Nicks and Sharon Celani I have clung to since I was five years old DO THEY KNOW THIS ? NO they do not I also named them my daughters Godmothers they dont know that eitherALL I CAN SAY IS THAT THEY KEPT ME SAFE stevie did that through her music I guess. Nice that she was there for me really more than words can ever say This lady will never ever know but God does so that s a good thing. Don't let it make you sad THAT I was a foster kid that is not why i put it in here I put it in here cause it is a part of me ya know like my eye color. Chances are you won't even read this or can't due the coloring, but some people muttle through it and really care about me and I graciously thank them from the bottom of my heart and soul. My files are in a court house somewhere in Salem Mass and they say they are impounded and they can never be opened, which kinda ticks me off because HOW many people looked through them and I can not and there is suppose to be some kind of rule now where you can HOWEVER I can not so I am going to live in my dream that Stevie Nicks is my mom and One of her lovers( I only know the answer too) is my birthdfather. My daughter Ironically is born on Don Henelys birthdayI come from an cool is that (Gloucester).Well, I started singing at a very young age and then I joined the church choir. I sang there until I was in 7th grade. I continued to do school shows and plays, always in the background to shy and wounded to be a front liner. At the age of 15, I met my best friend Jim Burgess at Bishop Fenwick High School. He was a dead ringer for Lindsey Buckingham and I for ________ _______.( We didn't know this then we were unconscience to it) His curls were amazing!! Jim's whole family graduated from BERKLEY in Boston. I dated Jim's brother Dan for a while, which now that I look back on it Jim must not have been to happy about that. Jim and I had a band and our drummer mysterious died in a plane crash that Jim was suppose to go on with DAve for a plane ride that day. Instead Jim and I were in a boat, just off the Beverly Bridge, getting a McDonalds Happy Meal via the sea. Jim was devasted, as was I about David. I never showed it I needed to be there for Jim. I always think about him he had great blonde hair and marvelous blue eyes!! He could play the drums better than anyone I ever knew. A year later I met Paul Brown, a year younger than me, at Fenwick,an amazing musician and drummer,& with that I met, what would be the future, lead guitar player of my band, Mr. Mark Nelson. met George Ney, who would later joining the band too, being the best bass guitarist ever. So, we formed this band called MIRAGE. MY BAND!! hehe :) We played at school dances and did a mean Tom Petty & _______ _______...together we sounded great and at the time Mark and I were a dead ringer for _______ _____and Tom Petty.( No we too were unconsicence to it very shy ) People from GE would come out on there breaks from there union job and ask us when were going to be famous. I went back to the old neighborhood just recently, we use to practice in Lynn, Mass. Found the neighborhood to my amazement!!! We practiced at Paul Brown's house he was a gifted drummer. Well, while I was driving,around despratly looking for my past. I ask a few people if they new of Paul Brown, and at the last stop,ready to give up I saw some children sitting on a stairway, this the 3rd time asking I came upon some children that said hang on, a Man came out of the house I told him of my quest to find my old band members and before I could ask he said, " Hey weren't you the lead singer in Mark Nelson's band Mirage" blew my mind :) I felt love....anyway I redirected him and said " You mean my band Mirage?; Yes that was me" he replied, " I remember you, you guys were so good." He told me of Marks where abouts and that Paul had married and moved to Califoria. I am looking for help in finding my old band Members. Praying George is happy,heathly and still around. Any HELP would be greatly apprecitaed. Then my Jr. year of high school I would met Ed Robinson, now founder of Dust Bunny Records in Salem Mass. Where we collaborate on music and sing together often still, we even have an album together!! AND I PRACTICED THAT SONG FOR SIX MONTHS GOT EVERY WORD AND INTONATION OF STEVIE'S VOICE AND SO LEATHER AND LACE BECAME OUR PROM SONG ( it was 1982 after all) ~~@ Later on after high school I formed another band called CHILDREN OF THE MOON. This time David Contardo was my drummer, his brother,Rickie Contardo on guitar as well my then brother in law Nick Davis, who was the bomb on the twelve string and even better on the six string. Me on guitar and the lead singer.( With my tamborine of course) I had a daughter in 1989 and she plays in a band called Michael Fights the Dragon!!! PROUD PARENT!!!Anyway, I love Music and I Love to RIDE !!! I have a YAMAHA VIRAGO 1995 WITH A SHAFT 1500 cc (535) Black so nice ..Music and Riding fills the soul when it is depleted!!! or you just want to be alone ya know the feeling hehe !freedom !My dream bike like Janis Joplin had or I'll take the Harley that Stevie Nicks owned a pink Harely OMG sweet looking bike hehe or her purple Porsche...________ IS STRONG SHE GRABBED ME AND PULLED ME TOWARDS HER (I'll never forget it EVER) 07-01-05. She along with her mates gave me a free room at the BORGOTA...So when she sings..." i make accomidations for you" I can testify that it is so true THANK YOU MS.NICKS!!!!! FOR THAT I LOVE YOU EVEN MORE NOW...fallfrom grace; I swear she did fight this long and this hard just to make sure I survived along I am sure with many others!!!! Thanks _______! :^ ) and Sharon!! I need to met someone soon before I die from lack of lovin THE EARLIER The better!!! I miss the touch ya know....the kiss and the cuddles. Writting, I love and often I mis-spell words Obviously I am working on a Novel and I am a lyricist dancing with sexy women ONLY and YES sexy well rounded intelligent MEN!!! Going to concerts,_____ ________ USUALLY I love many artist ________ well she s just my favorite!! I love the picture I have of her and Cindy Lauper that is another favorite of mine. John Lennon Art My Favorite Artist Helen B--- Theater I LOVE I love sports all kinds !!! Meeting really nice people,intelligence would be a plus, good conversation, spiritual people,really good-looking People Favorite Pub: Captain Carlos' in Gloucester, Mass( this is my friend Roses' Place)& The Rhumeline Anything creative Favorite singer: _______ ______ Favorite male singer: Tom Petty Favorite Group: J.Geils I love TINA TURNER,CHER,DAVID BOWIE, MICK JAGGER,BOB SEGAR, probally a million more we grew up with. Ahhhhhh teh days of STRAWBERRY PAPERS AND BOONSFARM APPLE WINE he he BUT my all time favorite IS STEPHANIE she s the greatest!!!!! I have 3 Degrees who cares???... Well I do !!!~~put myself through school ya know
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My Interests

Beaches..Music I play the guitar and the bongos. I AM A LYRICIST,A SONG WRITTER :) ALL AROUND SWEET HEART3 Volley ball, Baseball (avid red sox fan). Many live right here Coco Crisp just bought a house down the street from me. Mike Andrews is my friend Michele's dad he played for the sox while we where growing up :)2 base actually MY FRIEND HELEN SAYS I WENT OFF TRACK HERE but that is ME :) I love _____ ______ has been my fav since I was 7,so hot so sexy for 58 she amazes me!! The energy it takes to create what she has created and the songs this women has accomplished is just amazing to me and she has been a true inspiration to my work!!! has also saved my life telepathically we have a connection i don't care what anyone says It is true!! I have a studio with my friend Ed in Salem Mass called check it out!! We inspire new bands and old ITS NEVER TOO LATE!!! never so if your out there and you don't think it can happen then I am here to tell you dreams do come true!! I enjoy stimulating conversation! I AM A LOVE BUGG !!! A BIG BALL OF LOVE people say. Why I never get picked up?; is boggleing so I think there is something wrong with me. LOL

I'd like to meet:

I have already met them( and am grateful I have) the rest of the trip of life or journey should be a blast!! Meeting my soul mate would be nice Nice people really good people that match my soul and heart. Sharon Celani your voice wraps around me like a blanket and I feel safe!! Thank youMY SOUL MATE if at all possible gee been wating a long,long,long,long time. I think I'm worth it to be someones someone...My philosophy in life ...treat everyone the way you would treat yourself and SLEEP IS FOR THE DEAD!!!! ...AND EXPERIENCE EVERYTHING ! AND EVERYONE YOU CAN!!!


Rock and Roll,Blues everything..Stevie has my heart I LOVE HER and I wished she'd met ___________ really I do.


Favorite movie: Practical Magic,Corina,Cornia Favorite actress' : Sandra Bullock, Susan Saranden, Goldie Hawn, Nicole Kidman,Julia Styles,Whoopi Goldberg I like comedy mostly and drama I guess but not more than Green Mountain Hazelnut cream coffee :)


G.H., MTV or VH1 are the only things on here in this house Favorite Radio Stations 105.7FM with my friend Julie Devereaux every week day go on give her a call and say I like to request _or out FREIND summer 1 617 931 1057 is the number she will get a kick out of it!!! IF NOT FOR ME THEN DO IT FOR THE WORLD AND TELL JULIE I SAID HELLO .... hehe


Are You There God, It's me Margret hehe I am just kidding I write too much to read. How Stevie Nicks read The Wheel of Fortune is beyond me I couldn't stay that focused for almost a thousand freaking pages and a book that looks like something out of a Harry Potter Movie KUDOS TO YOU !!!


~~~Tammy Reed~~~ for trying to fight off her attacker...She lost the fight and my very good friend DIED (April 12) ten days before my birthday. She would have been 40 this year. We talked always about teh big celebration we would have, but never go tthe chance to celebrate those two things mine and her 40th. The man that killed her only served 22 months.I MISS HER TERRIBILLY and dailey I feel the pain sink into my chest and I wonder How I get on with out her. She is my hero my love and i miss her so much .... Jesus, God,Agnes, Helen,Andrew, Brain, Shawna... then ________ ____________ and Sharon Celani,Christopher Reeves and His wife; The people from the baptist church down south that helped me clean out everything after the flood here in boston on Mother's Day !!! They we wonderful.Morgan, Bradley for being there for me with out even knowing it you have no idea Thank you for be friending me at a time when I really need it!!!! ~~~LOVE YOU Rose...::rose!!!!!~~~ I Love Christine McVie also her voice is the only other persons beside Lindseys and Sharon's that I really really enjoy with Stevie Christine has Magick fingers ... I really really like Chritine McVie... Any women going through Breast Cancer Treatments Meissa Etheridge Your one of my hero's.SherylCrow,Cindy and Lucky...Jo Jo Love the whole Nicks Family...In Memory of Jess Nicks for having ____________!!... May sound funny to you but I wanted to met her and her family however I guess that will neer come true and I have alot of patience so I am hoping someday she'll even want to met me and we will have tea ...Stevie Lost her dad last Year and he even made some kind of outdoor music venue in Glennsdale AZ. Stevies Mom owns a Shope called the Silver Springs Eporum,Barb closed it 4 a while but is hoping to open back up soon. Fleetwood Mac and Stevie are going on tour this winter 2007 Lindsey Buckingham is putting out his New Album UNDER MY SKIN. He will be playing at Foxwoods so I will be there to support him in October!! I am hoping this JOLTZ________, into Doing another album. !!! Yes Please God !!!and go on tour BY HERSELF...:) If you don't have her most recent works called TROUBLE IN SHANGIR LA then I feel it imperative that you purchase it YOU CAN THANK ME LATER....ALWAYS SPREADING THE _______ LOVE..______ Nicks, Sharon Clelani, Jana Anderson, Lori Perry-Nicks, Chirstopher Nicks, Jessica, Barbara, Jess, Laurie Cabot!!!!!!,Taku,Waddy,Al.the red headed drummer love the hair, man...LISA LYNCH 3 3 3~~STEVIE MAKE A NEW ALBUM & STAY HEALTHY SO MOTE IT BE3 3 3~~~......3 SUMMER DID I MENTION THAT ______ ______ WAS MY FAVORITE!!! A GOD SEND A TRUE AMERICAN GIRL......YOU ARE THE BEST STEVIE AND DON'T LET ALL THOSE GUYS IN THE ROCK AND ROLL BUSSINESS MAKE YOU FEEL DIFFERENT ...IF ANYTHING YOU SHOULD MAKE THEM NERVOUS NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND. Silly,silly STEVIE tee hee

My Blog


tammy August 26 `1965 -April 12 2002 I miss you  
Posted by Summer on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 10:07:00 PST

My New Car

Posted by Summer on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 03:32:00 PST


WOW I am so sick saw ed today though at dustbunny studio of course he is on my space LOL i didnt know that anyway I have never been so sick ever in my whole entire life
Posted by Summer on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 05:35:00 PST

Jimmy and Sharon and Stevie Nicks

Well  I had such a great time at the shows I love Sharon Celani she always welcomes me and I am always so shocked that she looks at me with such warmth I am still in my awe of jimmy and i cant t...
Posted by Summer on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 10:02:00 PST

yesterday and today

I thank God for the people I have met over these last few months. You have all been a pleasure to know!!! Makes life alot easier when you find people that really know the meaning of Life! Music=Life M...
Posted by Summer on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 11:06:00 PST

upcoming concerts february

Guess who is touring in february go on GUESS ..
Posted by Summer on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 05:14:00 PST

Round young virgins mother and child holy infant so tender and mild sleep in heavenly peace.

Posted by Summer on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 04:40:00 PST


Hey I was thinking last week man whaT is with the gas prices anyone else notice that it is back up?   I mean I don't get it .. and great we  are loosing the war and NOW the politicians and P...
Posted by Summer on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 09:46:00 PST

Stevie doing the Angel thing :)

Here ya go!!!
Posted by Summer on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 05:09:00 PST

Well I met......

    Ocotber 31st What a month it has been for me.  I went to the Hulaween, Bette midler's 60th Birthday Party,:)  I stayed at the Waldorf Astoria in New York City MY FRIEND MARY L...
Posted by Summer on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 02:46:00 PST