were to start ? Well i spent most of my life stuck on a small rock in the middle of a large very puddle ( a.k.a. Kauai ,HI ) I like most others had to find other things tooooo doooo (besides running from the ocean to the mountains and back again ,naked, painted in sacraficial blood and mud screaming jibberish) So i started drawing , painting, Building booger sculptures you know normal shit for the abnormal child. Ive been drawing for a long time or at least thats what they tell me,,I dont remember much any more so ill have to take there word for it. i started tattooing when i was about 17 years old i remember that much atleast. Ive recently opened FARSYDE TATTOO in the little town of Hanapepe!!and were here to stay!!! I love tattooing it helps me get from day to day,sometimes we really need something to help us from day to day and for me thats it. Its a permanent reminder that everything is temporary.. and this world is all ILLUSIONS!!!!!!!!!! SSSooooo GET OVER IT, DONT BE A PUSSY, LIVE LIFE TO ITS FULLEST and TRY EVERYTHING TWICE , BECAUSE YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN WRONG THE FIRST TIME
Good people ,Not bad people, people who dont piss me off, likewise minds, smrt people, REAL PEOPLE!!!
I know youve heard it before ................ ALL( exept shittty music) Movies Baron Munchausin,RAD,
Baron Munchausin,RAD, goonies,soprannos, shoulin soccer, aqua teen hunger force, family guy, simpsons, south park futerama, speed racer, johnny quest,scooby doo ,and other good cartoons
The Stranger, The Trial, Green Eggs and Ham, Illusions ,good omens , The Hitchhikers Guide to the galixy,orsen scott card books, david eddings, terry prachet, neil gaimen, harry potter ect ....ect .....