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Faery Goth Mother

Do you REALLY want that question answered????

About Me

I am complex in my simplicity...
I could be the hell-cat with her claws in your back...
or the earth-mother that will heal your wounds...
I am the safe haven that you need...
or the danger that you crave...
I am guardian in the ways of old...
and traveler on paths yet undiscovered...
I am warrior and I am priestess...
I am Mistress and I am slave...
shall we explore?
Now... if you REALLY understand this... we have a LOT to talk about!
You're Odin! The Allfather, the wise. You gave up
your eye in the pursuit of wisdom and hung
for days from the world tree to attain even
more. You feel that if you can just gain all
the wisdom in the world you will be able to
prevent Ragnarok.
Which Norse God are You?
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?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
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Which one of the seven deadly sins are you?

You have strong sexual desire.

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Dark, dank and rancid. Also one of my favored. "A house I do not know that knows me very well, visits me at stroke of twelve from the rancid bowels of hell."

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You scored as Very Kinky. You are very Kinky. Yuo are not over the top but you like kinky arousements and you are willing to try something new every time. You will make a very fun sex partner
Very Kinky


A Sicko





How sexual are you
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What kind of Goth are you? (The ultimate Goth test)
True GothCongratulations! You are a True Goth! Very few of you actually exist anymore so that makes you all the more special. You despise what these so-called goths are bringing to your scene and look at yourself as beautiful. You understand what being a Goth is all about and love it. Many look to you for your wisdom and guidance because you are so insightful. You know that change can be good, but not all the time. Be proud and walk with your head in the air, few can proclaim to be what you are. Hail!
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You scored as Bondage. Your turn on is bondage... all out. You don't have a specific part of kinky sex that turns you on more than any other... everything working together turns you on. And why shouldn't it? Sex isn't sex without all the trimmings.











Blind Folds

What's Your Kinky Turn On?
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My Interests

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Family, friends, animals, music, movies, art, reading, cooking [I'm a professional chef], fine wines, music, landscaping, alternative lifestyles of all sorts, philosophy and theology,the intense epiphany of discovering secret layers of yourself through another, music, movies, learning to do new things, I'm currently teaching myself to work with copper tube and wire as a medium for art, did I mention music? lol!

Sun Sign: Sagittarius
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Moon Sign: Leo
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Rising Sign: Pisces
Ascendant 15° Pisces 02' Pisces Horoscope
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Buried at PhotoCasket

I'd like to meet:

hmm... hard question to answer...but I guess the best way to put it is this... the quality that I look for first and foremost is honesty! After that I guess the more out there and extreme and twisted you are the better!


Lol... gods... where to start??!! There are so many, and so many genres that this could end up being a small novella in itself! The only music I'm really NOT into is country and rap. All the rest depends on my mood at the moment. ..............Skinny Puppy, Dimmu Borgir, Devil Driver, Lamb of God, Otep, Terrorfakt, Satanicpornocultshop, mindFluxFuneral, Marazene, Android Lust, Sparklehorse, Radiohead, As I Lay Dying, Kidneythieves, Korn, Machine Head, Marilyn Manson, Soulfly, Spinshank, Hypnoskull, My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult, Scorn, Static-X, Rammstein, KMFDM, Leather Strip, Ministry, Jerk, Disturbed, A Perfect Circle, American Head Charge, Orgy, Dope, Zeromancer, Alice n' Chains, Godsmack, Cradle of Filth, Type O Negative,White Zombie, Rob Zombie, NIN, Seether, Velvet Revolver, Shinedown, Incubus, Iggy Pop, Slipnot, Deftones, Dream Theater, Billy Idol, Rasputina, Hole, Queensryche, Yngwie Malmsteen [sans the vocals!], Lords of Acid, Pearl Jam, Audio Slave, Creed...NOT 'Creed 2'..and so on.. gezzzzz this IS a novella! lol


What Dreams May Come, The Truman Show, The Matrix series, ESPECIALLY the 1st one! Stigmata, Strangeland, Gummo, Groundhog Day, ALL the Hell Raiser flicks, Underworld, Interview with A Vampire, Queen of the Damned, Red Dragon, but more so... Man Hunter [the ORIGINAL of this flick], Kiss the Girls, Seven, Contact, Gattica, Sixth Sense, Bladerunner, Forrest Gump, The Fifth Element, Tatoo, Secret Garden, Zoolander, Dogma, Mall Rats, batteries Not Included, Joes Apartment, Nightmare Before Christmas, The Last Temptation of Christ, Doctor Zhivago, Dr. Strangelove, Jumanji, Instinct, A Beautiful Mind, The Breakfast Club, Apocalypse Now, Practical Magic, Residant Evil, Sleepy Hollow, Last Tango In Paris, City of Angles, Cool World, Heavy Metal, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Little Shop of Horrors, Hairspray, High Fidelity, You've Got Mail, Ghost, 12 Monkeys, Brazil, Labyrinth, Devils Advocate, Shallow Hal, Dangerous Beauty, Great Expectations [Gweneth Paltrow & Ethan Hawke version], Fargo, Gia, Moulin Rouge, Angel Heart, Videodrome, Artificial Intelegence..ummm lol... ya... there's a whole bunch more too!


Don't really have much use or really the time for the tube. If I'm very lucky I'll catch a few snippets of Monk or House. We do record a lot of Adult Swim, mostly for Aqua Teen and Robot Chicken, and the occasional Space Ghost. Sheer genius, those shows! You either have to be completely twisted...or have done yours AND several other souls share of substances to catch some of the double entendre that those folks spark off! If I'm in the mood to bitch it's time for the news. Oh goody.. we get to see the LATEST impeachable act that Emperor of the Divided States of Disfunctional Land has committed.... and is lying about!


lol.. Once again the range here is going to be weird and wide! Theology and philosophy,and the arcane tomes of knowledge. Biographies and political non fiction, poetery, fantasy, fiction and sci-fi, horror all have their places on my shelves. As to specifics... hmmm let's see. Dantes' Inferno of course..Milton, Plato, Socrates. Blake astounds me! Crowley, Isreale Regarde, Edred Thorsson, Freya Aswynn, and Kveldulf Gundarsson. Dion Fortune is wonderful also, IF you can get hold of early printings. Unfortunately ALL of her work got 'christanised' in later printings, and lost a LOT of very valuable information on ritual etc. Jane Roberts 'The Education of Oversoul Number Seven' and 'The Further Education of Oversoul Number Seven' both hold so much valuable information even tho they're written as 'novels'. Then there's always Lovecraft, Huxley, Orwell and Wells. Piers Anthony, Issac Asimov, Clive Barker, Ray Bradbury, A.C. Clarke [take a look at 'Childhoods End'...and THEN talk to me about 'intelegent design' HA!], Stephen King, J.R.R. Tolkein..who HAS written much more than just those books we all know! Harlon Ellison, Robert Heinlein, Frank Herbert, Ursula K. LeGuin [wonderful work! Try 'Left hand of Darkness' and 'The Lathe of Heaven' for starters!], Vonnegut, Whitley Striber. Ann Rice, [sigh]..tho it looks like we've 'lost' the lady for a while here folks. Recently read in interview in which she says that she's 'gone back to the chuch, and has regained her center'. Hopefully this is only a temporary loss of sanity. Not only did this lady have a VERY good grasp of many of the alternative lifestyles that abound, she was also an active participant in many of them. Let's hope we can get her back! Stings' "Broken Music' was wonderful!
I think that a listing for artists should be here also. So since there isn't one, i'm adding some my favs here! Blake, Georgia O'Keef, Bosch, Pollock, Botticelli, Matisse, Escher, Cezanne, Klee, Toulouse-Lautrec, Geiger, Degas, Dali, El Greco, van Gogh, Calder, and a large number of bdsm and fetish artists in a variety of media.


My daughter Dana. Even tho life's thrown a goodly number of obsticals and turmoil into her world, she managed to stay a human 'bean' that's going to achieve all her fondest dreams WITHOUT stepping on people to do it.She's also a wonderful artist, and her talent grows with each piece that she creates.
My son Matt. His compassion, perception, and depth of spirit at his young age astound me daily! The boy is also a guitar prodigy. I fully expect to see him here some day soon with a HUGE group of fans writing about 'His Mattness'..heheh. Lol.. the only problem I'm seeing is that the boy is a real chick magnet to top it all off.. EVEN IF HE DOESN'T SEE IT!..... Yep those are my spawn there in 'my friends' check them out.
My SO and life partner, Gary R. Lingner [He's instructed me to include his full name here so the next time the FBI, CIA or ANY other illegal and unconstitutional 'information gathering' tool of King George does a sweep of these pages they can add YET another crumb of horse shit to his already extensive files. After all, these days 'know thine enemy' has taken on an entire new meaning.. hasn't it now?!] His intellect, wisdom, talent, soul, and humor NEVER cease to amaze me. I cherish each and every 'serendipity' that brought us together. He IS the heart of my soul!
Ralph Nader, Hunter Campbell "Patch" Adams,Hunter S. Thompson. These need NO explanation, all men of principle. Circuit Court James Robertson. He resigned from his position on the FISA in protest of King Georges' abuses of the constitution. I applaud this man for his stance, and hold him and ANY other person that has the balls to take a stand against the lunatics that are running [or should I say RUINING] this country as true heros.

My Blog

The heart and how easily it breaks

We've all at some time or another thought that we've had our hearts broken. We've all also groaned and rolled our eyes over someone else lamenting about having had their heart broken. That place that ...
Posted by Faery Goth Mother on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 06:08:00 PST

Carpe Dei[ty]!

This went around a few years back. I generally hate all the chain letters and surveys that get posted, but this one is just far too amusing! I've updated it a bit just to make it more timely. My own ...
Posted by Faery Goth Mother on Fri, 14 Apr 2006 04:44:00 PST

You were NOT invited into either my head nor my bed! Pt.2

ok so once again we're getting the shaft and being spied on/watched etc. by entities that REALLY have NO business what so ever collecting information on us. Please take a look at this and keep your on...
Posted by Faery Goth Mother on Thu, 13 Apr 2006 07:00:00 PST

You were NOT invited into either my head nor my bed!

Well, I'd finally gotten my page to start looking the way I wanted it to. Was going to start  my blog as a sort of gentle welcome.. AND a 'warning' of  all the rants to come [smile]!  ...
Posted by Faery Goth Mother on Sun, 22 Jan 2006 08:42:00 PST