Decadent Designs is a Toronto based clothing company specializing in custom made alternative clothing for women. To visit our website go to:
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Art, fashion, culture, history, travel, music
Diary of Dreams, In Strict confidence, E-Nomine, Behind the Scenes, Wumpscut, Interlace, The Retrosic, BlutEngel, Saraphim Shock, Umbra Et Imago, Solitary Experiments, Diorama, APB, Razed in Black, Angels and Agony, L'Ame Immortelle, Hocico, Icon of Coil, Skinny Puppy, God Module, Sisters of Mercy, Depeche Mode, Nine Inch Nails, anything melodic with some dark beats, good lyrics helps too..
The Master and Margarita is my favorite of all time, Marten Eden...
Larry David