Porn, dance, porn, guitar, porn, singing, porn, songwriting, and porn.
Perverts, prostitutes, drug addicts, ventriloquists, hermaphrodites, vampires, and maybe an amputee.
The sound of nails on a chalkboard.
Oh god, let's see...A Clockwork Orgy, A Few Hard Men, A Tale of Two Titties, Angela's Asses, Bi-Curious George, Black Cock Down, Booty and the Beast, Cool Bummings, Diddle-Her on the Roof, Emission Possible, ET: The Extra Testicle, Field of Reams, Final Penetration, Foreskin Gump, Free Your Willy, Honey I Fucked the Kids, How Stella Got Her Tube Packed, Inspect-Her-Gadget, Jurassic Pork, King Dong, Legally Blown, Mutiny on the Booty, Night of the Giving Head, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Breast, Phallus in Wonderland, Rear and Pleasant Danger, Saturday Night Beaver, Snatch Me If You Can, Titty Slickers, White Men Can't Hump, Womb Raider, and other such classics.
Everything except the weather channel can eat shit.
The Beach, To Kill a Mockingbird, Top Secret/Majic, and Wasted to name a few.
Stanton T. Friedman, Jim Garrison, John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King Jr. all float my boat.