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Jinx Dawsonâ„¢


About Me

T he Goth Queen-NOW Released from the Coven Vault~
A s it was in the beginning in 1969 & soever it shall be,in MMVIII the Goth Queen has emerged from the Coven Vault stripped, whipped & spreading her wings..."Coven - Goth Queen~Out of the Vault" CD,AVAILABLE NOW exclusively at myspace Coven Shoppe below..
It Pleaseth Me To Open The COVEN VAULT & My Other 2 Official Jinx Dawson/Coven MusicMyspace Pages & Website:
I Shall Be SILENT NO MORE...I Reclaim My Throne & I Give To Thee My Screaming Evil Gothic Hoodoo Controversial Heavy Magick Banned Music.I Am The Voice & Heart Of The Coven.The Blood In My Veins Warmeth...And I Thank Thee...Thy Friend...J
The Goth Queen-The Voice That Launched A Thousand Bands Coven © released four albums & seven singles during 1969-1986.A film soundtrack & starring roles in 1990.Toured until 1992,sometimes as EQ.Jinx went on to solo appearances & films through 2001 & again in 2006."Witchcraft MMVII" CD,"Blood on The Snow" CD "Coven II" & "Goth Queen-Out of The Coven Vault" CD releases 2007.Now in the studio & planning 2008 tour. NEVOC © Musick,Internet Services,Jinx Inc. ..


o Witchcraft Destroys Minds and Reaps Souls (Mercury 1969)
o Coven The White Out Album (MGM 1971)
o Billy Jack Sound Track (Warner Bros.1971)
o Blood on the Snow (Buddah 1974)
o Unreleased – Tropic of Capricorn / Black Swan (1976-1986)
o Blood On The Snow CD (NEVOC 2007)
o Goth Queen-Out of The Vault CD (NEVOC 2007)
o Witchcraft 2007 Special Edition CD (NEVOC 2007)


o Wicked Woman / White Witch of Rose Hall - 45" (1969)
o One Tin Soldier (Legend of Billy Jack) / I Guess It's a Beautiful Day Today - 45" (1971)
o I Need A Hundred Of You / One Tin Soldier - 45" (1974)
o Nightingale / Jailhouse Rock - 45" (1974)
o Easy Evil / Lady O - 45" (1975)
o Drivin' Me Crazy - 45" (1977) Jinx
o Out of Control -Film Soundtrack (1990)
o Blood On The Snow (2007)
o Black Swan (2007)
Coven In Chicago...Rick Durrett,Jinx Dawson,Chris Neilsen,Steve Ross,Oz Osborne

My Interests

3 OFFICIAL SITES.There are ONLY 3 Authentic Original COVEN © Sites.Link On Other 2 At Right.I AM the VOICE & HEART of THE COVEN.I AM the KEYSTONE. ©Jinx,The Goth Queen.Profile Views:97,666 since Oct-13-06.All Materials © by NEVOC Musick Worldwide,Jinx,Inc.Not To Be Used Without Permission.COVEN Business Contact:Rune Anger at NEVOC Musick [email protected]

Letter From The Goth Queen: VICTORY IS MINE--"WITCHCRAFT MMVII" Out Now on NEVOC Musick, the ONLY authorized, accurate ever "WITCHCRAFT" CD, includes added track "The Making of Witchcraft".In the 1969 album & all bootlegs CD's taken from this original vinyl version, an evocation was omitted from the Black Mass in the final mix at the producer's request, lest it fall into the wrong hand.This once lost evocation has been inserted back in, making The Black Mass COMPLETE--With Strong Words of Caution.And I Have Drawn Blood From Those Who Drew Blood First.I HAVE BEEN VICTORIOUS.For The 1st Time EVER, Amazon has withdrawn Coven Akarma Counterfeit Albums & CD's.But I still send a JINX HEX out to all other trespassers of my RECORDINGS or my COVEN name."TARDUS EXCESSUM TU EREPTORS".

"Lucifer Rising" Book Excerpt

"Blood On The Snow" Video...All Ye Neophytes Click Thy Blue Eye For Thine Initiation
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MY VAULT hath opened for all to see the BANNED all original COVEN members "REAL VIDEO", one of the 1st MUSIC VIDEOS EVER MADE,BEFORE MTV TYPE VIDEOS WERE THOUGHT OF.Filmed in "Anacam" to the Title Track for the "Blood On The Snow" album produced by England's Shel Talmy, also producer to "The Who" & "The Kinks".(Click Blue Eye, Video Above)Actually, Disney Studios should embrace it NOW, as they were the 1st to exec.produce a MUSIC VIDEO.

But, back then Disney said it was so CONTROVERSIAL,HORRIFIC & SHOCKING, they REFUSED to release it.



Thy Inner Circle Serves "Blood On The Snow"

To See Why Click at Thy Secret Location Marked With ..

We Opened The Coven, Vault...The Once Silent Vault is Silent No More...The Witch is Back & Up to Her Old Tricks.For Years She Hath Championed Many Battles for The Exploration Into The Dark Side of Thy Human Psyche Through Musick, Just as in Horror Films & Gothic Tales.So That Thou Mayest Visit In Thy Fantasies & Dreams...But Beware of the Jinx & This Magick Space.Follow The Left Hand Path & Keep Watching Because My Eyes Are On Thee...Blood In My Veins Once Again Floweth...And I Thank Thee,Thy Friend...J

The COVEN CODE is "IN HOC SIGNO VINCES" = "In This Sign You Shall Conquer" = click SIGN OF THE HORNS

The ancient secret society identification & salutations' "SIGN OF THE HORNS", Coven did 1st introduce into pop culture in 1968 on their 1st "Witchcraft" album & at concerts.(And has been on every Coven album since.)The peace sign was the only hand sign then.When they 1st signed HORNS at concerts, no one knew what The Coven,was doing,then the audience started giving it back.Though this hand sign has been much confused with the "Mano Cornuto", the "Sign of the Horns" is given palm OUT,which is backwards from the mano cornuto's "ward off hexes" hand sign.This sign has NOW become embedded in our culture.Coven has INDEED accomplished their goal,"In this Sign You Shall Conquer" as when giving the "Sign of the Horns",you become a part of The Coven & The Coven lives on...

(Reference,Under Heavy Metal,Click SIGN OF THE HORNS Above)

Ahmet Ertegun 1923-2006
Atlantic Records Founder, Music Mogul
I will forever remember thee, thy laughter, thy wisdom, thy creative genius... Love, From Thy Queen
Jinx & Ahmet, Rolling Stones Tour 1981

"Frank Zappa's 200 Motels" Film Excerpt
Coven mentioned as the ultimate "heavy band",as Zappa's band were great Coven friends...
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I'd like to meet:


We Ring Thy Bell 9 Times & We Burn Thy Names In Thy Flames of Illumination & Speaketh Thy Words...Et cum spiritui maloso.Bagabi laca bachabe,Lamac cahi achebabe.Sicut erat in principio, et nuc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum...WELCOME My Magick Friends...And I Thank Thee,Thy Friend...J

Jinx with Jon Lord & Ian Paice of Deep Purple


Coven's 1969 Song "Black Sabbath" Video
Coven: Black Sabbath [1969/2006] (
Add to My Profile | More Videos

COVEN'S Infamous Black Mass Poster...For the 1st time ever available since 1969
Beautifully restored from the Coven Vault to its original splendor as it 1st appeared in 1969.The Watermark will of course not be on your copy.

Limited Edition Shirts Depicting Rock's 1st Use in 1969, as Seen on Coven's "Witchcraft" Album, of the "Sign of the Horns" & Levi Goat with Added Coven's Circle at COVEN SHOPPE above.



You are now marked on my profile visitor map!


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T he above RAW amateur clip was filmed at the ARENA,L.A. of "The Equalizers,"("EQ")a Coven, offshoot band I put together with original Coven, drummer Steve Ross, as at the time, we were in "suspension of our contracts" & were NOT ALLOWED to play gigs.So we did secretly anyway off & on for awhile, under this name(that's why the HAT to HIDE the HAIR).The lovely lady on the synthesizer is classical pianist, Linda Nardini.Alumni of the NYC EQ, "Equalizers," included Glenn Cornick (Jethro Tull) & Michael Monarch (Steppenwolf)

The Equalizers,EQ:Glenn Cornick, Linda Nardini,Michael Monarch,Jinx Dawson,Steve Ross


(Updated Friday 13th, 7-21-08)
"The Goth Queen"
Book Excerpts
"You shall not permit a female sorcerer to live" (New Revised Standard Version Bible)
She was to be born a platinum haired child of the cold war.One of twins,her sibling lay dead next to her in their mother's womb before birth.'Twas a stormy dark and frigid Friday the 13th, under the sign of the Capricorn horned goat.Her deliverer was a Dr.Jinks. Jinx she was named. So began the tale of the "Goth Queen".
("Witchcraft" Album Lyric..."When good has been twisted, when good has been killed,then love is resisted & blood will be spilled...") .. (Ancient Templar Buckle, Latin for "In This Sign You Shall Conquer" Made to be worn either way, Family Archives)
(The Templar "In Hoc Signo Vinces" with Inverted Cross in Orb)
Jinx came from a privilaged family with a strong,but kept secret left bloodline Templar Illuminati(many were arrested on Friday October 13,1307),Ancient Order of the Druids, Rosicrucian, Freemason, Order of the Eastern Star & Left Hand Path background. According to Geneology books & her great grandfather, who in 1920 filled the "Mayflower Descendants Time Capsule" to be unearthed at Plymouth Rock in 2020, she is a 13th generation issue of John Howland(English),the 13th Signator to the "Mayflower Compact" (which just recently was mysteriously disputed when she tried to join the "Mayflower Descendants") & of Anglo-Saxon,Celtic,Swedish & French descent on her Father's side.From the Celtic Family of Dawnson, meaning the "Son of Dawn" or "Child of the Dawn, the "n" was later removed from the name when ancestors secretly traveled to the New World Colonies..Jinx's Mother was one-eighth Cherokee & a Toombs on her mother's side.Some of her Cherokee ancestors died along the frozen Indiana "Trail of Tears" brought on by the 1830 Indian Removal Act.Her maternal grandfather was an Adams,from the John Quincy Adams line,who strangely enough came from that "infamously most haunted town in America" Adams,Tennesee, named for their founding family,where they settled after fleeing Salem,Massachusetts in 1693 after the 1692 Salem Witch Trials.And Adams' mother was a St.Clair(Sinclair), a descendant issue also of the infamous split Templar line of France.Several months after Jinx's birth, the property line road along the the east of the old family farm and mansion was named Keystone Avenue by her builder father in her honor as the family had blessed her as "The Keystone" ...Jinx was mostly raised by a Haitian Obeah Hoodoo woman named Eliza who lived in the family house.Eliza had grown up with the family as she was a descendant of Jinx's great grandfather's head house slave from New Orleans ...Alas, born of many warrior bloods, she would be constantly tested...So Jinx's fate was sealed from the beginning....A True American Born Witch... As a child, Jinx researched every occult & magick book she could get her hands on & later some very old manuscripts handwritten in blood that she discovered in the attic.From the Magus,Golden Bough,Keys of Solomon & Goetia to Druid & Illuminati texts.She read them all.She spent most of her childhood with her two spinster great aunts at the old haunted Dawson Mansion which had a cavernous underground railroad and secret passage ways throughout.To cover for her Father's ongoing side of things,her Mother suggested Jinx go to the almost Catholic,Episcopal Church just to be able to sing in a choir.She was made lead soprano in the choir at 7, began lessons for piano at 8, Sitar & drums at 13, opera by the age of 9, receiving a scholarship to the Butler University School of Music at 13.Having a natural born 6 octave range,Jinx found she could vibrate her vocal chords a certain way to harmonize a single note into two at the same time, which the professors found truly amazing.They often made her show their "older" university students how to properly execute an Italian aria...But hanging over Jinx still, were the constant nightmares, reliving those unthinkable events as a young child during her horrific years at nightly choir practice at the church.Those nightmares led her to conceive of the Coven.She experienced a strange & overwhelming epiphany.Through the pain and tears,her eyes saw the gold ornate cross on the church altar invert & turn black.Never to return to the choir, several months later she was "baptised" into the Left Hand Path and made "The Keeper of the Flame".In just three short years from that High Honour her family, even "the old ones", would never forgive her recklessness at revealing secret family traditions as the "sign of the horns hand salute". She became a rebel & a renegade. Jinx was "not of age" when she recruited "The Coven",just beginning high school in 1966.And still "not of age" in early 1968 when she signed her 1st recording contract in blood & started to record her 1st album "Witchcraft" in Chicago.Her pubescent speaking voice can be heard on the 1st written & recorded Black Mass playing the part of the Neophyte.Looking at its back cover now,she remembers she had always wondered why her right thumb had disappeared on the photo. Counting all the fingers showing, of course, there are 13, her favored "Jinx" number...Some incantations, learned through her voracious childhood reading,were included in Coven's songs & live perfomances,which unfortunately caused COVEN to hold the "world's record" for "MOST BANNED & CENSORED ARTIST of ALL TIME",as their early recordings were BANNED from most music stores & live performances were BANNED in many cities as BOSTON, DETROIT,PHILLY,CINCI,SAN FRAN,MIAMI,actually MOST OF THE U.S.And they were CENSORED when officials did allow the concerts to go on.Jinx was told so many times to speak only in LATIN onstage that she got fairly fluent,"Deus maledictus est Gloria Tibi".City officials would BAN her props from the stage,the PULPIT,the CROSS,the SKULLS,the ALTAR even the candles.All way before Jinx was even close to "legal" age.A young girl causing so much havoc.She felt it empowering...She started a search for beauty,order & peace in her horror,insanity & chaos...And her music became a force of nature...
Many feared what Jinx and her band of witches were doing.Instead of letting audiences decide,someone else decided.To her, ignorance was fear.But the "authorities" at least let Jinx give the "SIGN OF THE HORNS" on stage,only because they didn't know what the HELL it was. Which of course that ancient secret magick hand sign has now become a CONCERT & EVENT STAPLE, that Jinx is proud to say she was the 1st to introduce on a rock stage.And many more ROCK FIRSTS began with Coven.Looking back,she admits she was a hard to the core Rock Music PIONEER...But THE "COVEN CONNECTION" seemed to spread much FURTHER than Jinx wanted.Had her life been just "sex, drugs & rock & roll",it would have been a quiet walk in the park.
But like a Goetic Demon from Hades,it quickly went from Mafia introductions to unwanted Charles Manson connections, due to a magazine cover of Manson pictured carrying Coven's 1st album.From blamed for the "Chicago Riots" to FBI spying & tapping her phone.From fighting off Hollywood casting couch creeps to a failed kidnapping by Mid East royal slave traders.From "The Illuminatus! Trilogy" to hauntings & bannings.From detained for speaking English on stage in Detroit & jailed for wearing a miniskirt in Hollywood to losing millions in corporate music rip offs.From holding court at the infamous Hollywood Rainbow Bar every night then going back with her prey to the Hollywood Hills "Coven House", with its underground "Secret Room" where very famous celebs and all the rock bands of the early 70's packed in at midnight in droves for nightly belladonna fueled Goetic sex rituals to hiring 357 packing bodyguards to collect record royalties.From some thinking Jinx was a male transvestite in drag to extremely dangerous but exciting liasons with some of the world's most famous men as Roger Taylor of Queen, Jon Lord of Deep Purple, Rod Stewart, Frank Zappa, Jim Morrison, Robert Plant, Jimmy Page, Alvin Lee, Stevie Winwood, Graham Nash, Al Kooper, Charles Bukowski, Mick Jagger, actors Jack Nicholson & Charlie Chaplin, record mogul Amet Ertegun, then Crown Prince Fahad Abdul Aziz and legions more.AND being wantonly sexually attacked & nearly murdered several times.Jinx didn't really WANT to pave this "HARD rock" trail.She was one TICKED OFF girl,but she still had to laugh at it all.WHAT could she do? She usually just got dangerously depraved on henbane in champagne & wrote hellfire songs about these strange happenings...Some now refer to Jinx as "she who hath come before" in forging this untrodden path.Which she now calls,"seemingly orchestrated chaos"...
A truly shocking & lascivious life Jinx has led.So very much stranger than any fiction...Jinx did sneak her way into many films over the years as a cameo or walk on. Her first big cameo was in "Cool World" starring Brad Pitt.And it's true,she did share a makeup trailer with Brad.And she did star in one film TYPE CAST as a WITCH who turns into a rock star (see above trailer).A wary Frank Zappa put animated Coven members with "pitchforks" in a couple of his films after they shared his rehearsal hall with their skulls & witchy stage trappings.As an avid researcher, magick became a way of life for Jinx for many years & continued to the 2nd "Coven House", the infamous "Castle" at 1313 Miller Drive.Over & over the number 13 still haunted her life.Trying the complicated incantations and rituals written in old magick texts spilled over to the music.Sometimes Jinx was even surprised at the overwhelming power from these incantations & this knowledge.((*I Needed Help Orchestrating Coven So I Gave No Opposing Views In Nurturing Coven's Evil Slant*(CODE LOCATION,1stletters=In Hoc Signo Vinces)).And MAGICK, the SUPERNATURAL,OCCULT & CHAOS seemed to RULE her world.
Because of the European Gothick themes to Coven's early recordings, many could not understand the juxtaposition in why Jinx released what became the Viet Nam War Anthem "ONE TIN SOLDIER". That recording ultimately became "one of the ALL time BIGGEST movie title songs" & is now named "THE biggest War Protest song of all time".But it was clear to her.The film that that bore this title song was indeed about an oppressed mystic American Indian, and being herself part Cherokee, the film struck a chord.The lyrics tell the story about the Knights Templar battle to conquer their protagonists(they split the bloodline & later many became Illuminati).The lyrics can be taken several ways with a twist("Go ahead & cheat a friend...Do it in the name of Heaven, you can justify it in the end").So she felt it a nod to her Templar ancestors & her Cherokee tribe.The cruel removal of Cherokee Indians from Indiana in 1830 was called "The Trail of Tears" & this death trail went directly through her Dawson Lake grounds where many bone artifacts were found when the grounds were developed ...There have been many amateur Iraq war protest videos made to that recording posted on YouTube.Even though sometimes the lyrics seem not to be taken the way Jinx sang them.As she thought it a jab at the so-called righteous moral majority, who she thinks seems to be behind more Evil in the world than her Left Hand Pathers... She thought the song was very challenging vocally & wanted to do a movie title song.And because music is her main obsession, at that point she just wanted to sing, as it became harder to hold onto the heavier music through the disco laden 1970's.But again,more CHAOS...Unfortunately, the outcome on this recording also fell to the same fate as others,as it too was banned,but this time by the Billy Jack movie producers who did not want to see Jinx's recording overpower their film.Made obvious by the Untitled 2nd Coven album cover, which she fondly calls The "White-Out" Album, that contains "One Tin Soldier".The front cover faces of the Coven were painted out for greed & vanity,not for "cover art" reasons as some have mistakenly reported.So those recordings too were stopped from radio & sales.Only the public groundswell kept it alive.The correct accounting of charting & sales was never revealed.Jinx was given an RIAA gold record award on "Dick Clark's Touch of Gold Special"which was quickly taken from her as she walked off stage,never to see it again.So BANNED AGAIN & AGAIN & AGAIN.
I AM URBAN MYTH NO MORE & The WITCH IS BACK...So I now send out a little hex to ALL those who BANNED US,CENSORED US,BOOTLEGGED US,COPIED OUR NAME for their Bands or Tried to Inflict Us Harm..."Oscularum Infame"="KISS THE GOAT".
(References,The Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy,First Families of America Pgs.365 & 314) (Black Mass Info... http://www.angelfire.com/az3/synagogasatanae/annosatanae.htm l
AnnoSatanae 1968 – Rosemary’s Baby movie made by Roman Polanski. 1968 – Coven creates and records the first Black Mass. 1969 – Coven releases “Witchcraft” album, containing a recording and the full text of the first Black Mass, the Satanic Mass)
Added Book Excerpts
Jinx was honored to be asked to perform at the Sammy Davis Memorial Concert filmed in Las Vegas in 1990, which also starred many of Sammy's closest friends including Liza Minelli.She spent an intimate evening at Sammy's lush Beverly Hills home in 1989 which would be his last New Year's Eve.Recent secret recordings have now been discovered & are written about at the All That Jazz internet site.Sammy recorded the old standard "Witchcraft" among other black arts inspired tunes.He had accepted an Honorary Warlock Degree from the Church of Satan in 1973.
"Goth Queen"Copyright 2006 Jinx,Inc.


"HEAVEN CAN HELP" 1990 Film Trailer Starring Jinx,Ted Pryor,Myron Natwick & Coven
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The following is the order in which the musical members of "The Coven" joined...Jinx,High Priestess & Goth Queen Magus,vocals,keys & lots of etc...Steve Ross,High Priest,drums...Oz Osborne,High Priest,bass...Chris Neilsen,Practici,guitar...Rick Durrett,Magister Templii,Ming the organ...John Hobbs,Practici...Keys,Wayne Millstein,practici...Percussion & many other Alumni Including Equalizers members Glenn Cornick & Michael Monarch
adopt your own virtual pet! CURRENT MOON .. .. .. .. <msprm name="quality"

My Blog


No comment by me necessary...But would very much like thy comments...Thy Friend...Jclickhereclickhere ...
Posted by Jinx Dawson" on Sun, 05 Oct 2008 05:24:00 PST

911 Grim Reaper Calling Jinx

911 Grim Reaper Calling JinxMy Dear Cherished Friends,A few days ago I received a copy of my 911 call of last July 9th...I have only listened to it once...Tis most strange to hear thy own 'death rattl...
Posted by Jinx Dawson" on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 11:35:00 PST

COVEN INTERVIEW Archived at http://wnyu.org/~BACK from the DEAD~Jinx Beat the Grim Reaper.

UPDATE AUG.19th:Coven would like to thank Host Baron Saturday for the merriment had by all at the WNYU Plastic Tales Show Aug. 18...Archived at http://wnyu.org/  under Aug. 18,2008 Plastic Tales ...
Posted by Jinx Dawson" on Sun, 13 Jul 2008 09:49:00 PST

Ye Can Be in COVEN Book...

To All My Lieges and Liegesses~The many personal letters from ye, My Very Cherished Friends, have been so enlightening and wickedly entertaining that I have decided to do another book called "The Witc...
Posted by Jinx Dawson" on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 07:17:00 PST

Zappa, Morrison,Jagger in Jinx Book

An intimate, dark look inside the wild days of early classic rock of the late 60's through the 1970's in Chicago, Hollywood and New York...Along with many rock musicians as John Lord, Roger Taylor, Ge...
Posted by Jinx Dawson" on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 08:55:00 PST

Charles Henry Bukowski in Jinx Book

Charles Henry Bukowski in Jinx Book My Dear Cherished Friends~Many have asked who is going to be in my book "The Goth Que...
Posted by Jinx Dawson" on Fri, 30 May 2008 06:23:00 PST

CENSORED For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge~F.U.C.K~Goth Queen CD AVAILABLE

(((UPDATE  5-06-08 I have checked the Goth Queen CD & it is now the way it should be ...It is available May 6, 2008....)))4-12-08 Release of "Goth Queen~Out of the Vault" CD &  "Bloo...
Posted by Jinx Dawson" on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 08:53:00 PST

May 2008 GOTH QUEEN CD Released

COVEN 1968-2008 ~In Honour of 40 Years of Raising Hell Under the Sign of the Horns~NEVOC Musick Co. Is Proud to Announce the Release of "Goth Queen ~Out of the Vault" ..( Due to Thy Requests, it is av...
Posted by Jinx Dawson" on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 06:03:00 PST


Jinx of The Coven reveals 1st time shocking rock history information in her Feb.11th interview with Baron Saturday at WNYU ~New York area’s finest underground station & Simulcast to Paris......
Posted by Jinx Dawson" on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 10:53:00 PST

NEVOC Musick Press Release

NEVOC Musick Press Release Nov.5, 2007...NEVOC Musick & the Goth Queen are most proud to announce that at this time, 3 of the ORIGINAL COVEN members are planning to go into the studio to record a...
Posted by Jinx Dawson" on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 04:23:00 PST