Peggie Suicyde I ($700 billion KISS OFF!) profile picture

Peggie Suicyde I ($700 billion KISS OFF!)

About Me

Peggie Suicyde I is the noise of Ambridge, Pennsylvania.
The United States of Amerika, 2008 AD.
MATT FLASH SAYS: I see "rebellion" everywhere these days: tattoos . . . piercings . . . irreverent humor. . . . And yet, I'm still left yawning. These are dull times, the trendy distractions notwithstanding. Where is the true rebel? . . . Where is the true anti-hero? Our nation's "entertainment" reflects the blind obedience that predominates in this land of the "free". . . . It's kind of like "Leave it the Beaver" with a nose ring. Give me a break . . .
If any of you have the guts, get pissed off and do the unexpected. Say "no" to your boss more. Stop paying your taxes. Get creative and write songs that express the angst of the working class who are getting screwed everyday. Stop drooling over the lifestyles of celebrities, thinking that stuff is actually within your reach. For nearly all of you, it's not. So get over it and rebel.
The time has come indeed. How long will you let these scumbags control you? Turn off your TV and open your mind. Engage in real dialog with your friends.
Dark times are ahead. And if you don't think so, you're an idiot.
The Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP) is Bullsh*t!
Previously, I used the term "Corporatist/Socialist state" to describe Amerika circa 2008, but that's incorrect. Socialist policies serve the people. This bailout serves only the banking elite. I should have described what's happening as the PRIVATIZATION of the U.S. Treasury. . . . However, some of my peers think that that's putting it too mildly. To my peers, grand larceny or theft is more to the point.
If you are a member of the Republican party in the U.S., you can receive perks . . . just like the members of the Communist Party in the former Soviet Union. CLICK HERE to see Frank Zappa explain this in a rare interview.
I have nothing but contempt for both political parties. F*ck these assholes. They allowed the raiding of our U.S. Treasury.
Consider the AIG executives who spent nearly $500 thousand dollars at a posh California resort only days after receiving an $85 billion loan in September. Lawmakers grill these bastards in the following video clip:
AIG Update . . . Monday, November 10th, 2008!
Now they're getting even more "help". CLICK HERE to read about the new record "bailout" of AIG. Party on guys . . . it's on our dime!
Basically, the sell-out politicians -- with the obvious approval of big business lobbies -- decided to socialize the risk and privatize the profits (When times are booming, most taxpayers don't share the immense wealth. . . . However, when those fat cat assholes get into trouble, it's up to the taxpayer to bail these jerks out).
And here's the "dirty little secret" of this freaking bailout: CLICK HERE to read an article that sums it all up.
And how about this: bonuses anyone? What they're doing with some of that bailout money. CLICK HERE to read what the U.S. news media refuses to say much about.
A recent Chris Hedges article I've read mentions what author John Ralston Saul has to say about the current situation. Saul has talked to several Supreme Court justices from many nations. He asked them -- in their rulings -- if they could differentiate between the social contract and the commercial contract. Their answer was they can no longer differentiate. CLICK HERE to read the Hedges article .
Meanwhile, the foreclosure situation continues to claim casualties . . . REAL casualties. Back in 1929, the Wall Street players were the ones jumping to their deaths. However, in 2008, we're witnessing the outsourcing of suicide from Wall Street to Main Street as more and more folks -- pushed to the breaking point -- try and stand their ground and challenge being thrown to the street . . . often killing themselves in desperation. CLICK HERE and read this article for the straight dope .
The basic needs of human beings must be met to sustain our society. The following link will take you to a well written article that examines how Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs relates to the current economic meltdown. . . . CLICK HERE to read it .
Matt Flash Says: The Working Poor Deserve Better!
These are grim times indeed. And the horrors of it all fill me with a rage that frightens me. I'm desperate and capable of . . . well . . . anything! But while you're contemplating that CLICK HERE and read this .
Former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan is copping out. . . . CLICK HERE to read an article wherein Mr. Greenspan still refuses to take any responsibility whatsoever for contributing to this current crisis with his free market philosophy.
Friday, October 24th 2008
Black Friday? No . . . . Nevertheless, "if the Dow dropped more than 1100 points before 2 p.m. the New York Stock Exchange would be forced to use 'circuit breakers' that could lead to temporarily shutting the market, something it hasn’t done since 1997." CLICK HERE to read the entire article .
Tuesday, October 28th 2008
Well, today, there was a party on Wall Street as investors sought "bargains". Hmmm, that's nice. My oh my, what a disconnect Wall street has with the rest of us! CLICK HERE to read what happened. The following link, however, will take you to an article that isn't sympathetic to gratuitous "partying" on Wall Street: CLICK HERE to read the article. "To rebuild economic health in the United States, you need a serious recession that will last several years,'' investor Marc Fabor said. "The patient that got drunk on credit growth needs to go into rehabilitation. To give him more alcohol, the way the Fed and the Treasury propose to do, is the wrong medicine.''
Wednesday, November 12th 2008
The Bush administration abandons its original bailout plan to buy toxic mortgage assets. Instead, it will use the $700 billion bailout plan to "make direct investments in financial institutions and shoring up consumer credit markets." CLICK HERE to read more . . .
Monday, November 24th, 2008
Citigroup gets a piece of the $700 billion bailout. "Critics worry the actions could put billions of taxpayers' dollars in jeopardy and encourage financial companies to take excessive risk on the belief that the government will bail them out of their messes." CLICK HERE to read the rest of the article.
Monday, December 22nd, 2008
While you work your freaking ass off (unless you're unemployed), your tax money is going to banks who rewarded their top executives $1.6 billion "in salaries, bonuses and other benefits last year." CLICK HERE to read an article by the Associated Press that makes my blood boil.
This MySpace page is dedicated to all those who work for lousy pay because they have no other choice. It is dedicated to the individual who will fight for his/her survival -- no matter what. This page is dedicated to those who condemn most of our politicians as greedy whores. This page is dedicated to those who are ready to fight.
This is the beginning of my fight . . . not the end. Survival of the weirdest!
Amendment 48: Here Comes the Religious Right Again!
This article is alarming. Now, the radical religious right want to try and outlaw birth control? These assholes value a fertilized egg more than just about anything. Why is it that some folks cringe over abortion and birth control but don't give two sh*ts about the baby after it's born? No more free school lunches! CLICK HERE and read this article .
(UPDATE: Amendment 48 was DEFEATED!)
Peggie Suicyde wants to hear what you have to say about the situation.
And oh yeah . . . I hate Sarah Palin. Watch the following Keith Olbermann video:
Other Thoughts
This page represents one perspective of the Peggie Suicyde . . . It is suggested to everyone who views this page for the first time to join in on this sound conspiracy by submitting a friend request . . . And read and comment on the blogs posted here. The blogs are written by Matt Flash and don't necessarily reflect the views of any other Peggie Suicyde member . . . Thank you.

My Interests


Member Since: 14/01/2008
Band Members:
Nick: vocals, guitars, bass, keyboards, percussion, electronics, technology, sound fx, preaching, etc.
Matt Flash: bass, vocals, guitars, keyboards, politics, etc.
Kirk: Drums, vocals, metaphysics, etc.
The three songs "Uncle Jones Chicken", "FrankenChicken", and "Noah's Ark" were from a music group project called CrackPot . . . This project featured Nick, Flash, and Jeff Fiddler.

"NWO" Chuck: guitars, metal, beer, revolution, etc.

Influences: Ron Paul (he said "no" to the $700 billion kiss off):

Dennis Kucinich (he said "no" to the $700 billion kiss off):

Bertrand Russell:

Howard Zinn:

Noam Chomsky:

Gore Vidal:

Frank Zappa:

Allen Ginsberg:

Friends of the band . . .

Above pic: Congo Joe and Jerry.

It's time to get the party into high gear . . . "river" style.

Never mind that, you just pay attention to what you're doin'!

Sounds Like:

Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Unsigned

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