To the myspace masses don't be under the delusion that the Brotherhood of Satan is just some online group like so many others we find here. We first and foremost are an offline organization with real Satanists who live their Craft. Our purpose here is simple..To network with other Satanists who are so even after they get up from behind the keyboard and monitor. If you can't distinguish the difference between cyber fantasy and reality move along we aren't for you. Throughout the Ages the Brotherhood has existed in the Shadows(yes long before 1966) and it is now that a select few have been chosen to step forward and make ourselves known to the public and the world.
We have come together to Unite Satanists from around the world and present to them a community and an organization that they can be proud to be a part of as individual Satanists and as an organized Satanic Movement based upon Brotherhood Satanic principles and traditional Satanic Values.
Hail Satan!! 06-06-06
An introduction about the Brotherhood of Satan..
The Brotherhood of Satan has existed from the earliest of times under many different names. Originally, we have been called the Brotherhood of the Black Snake or Serpent. We are the very first known Secret Society.
The lineage of the Brotherhood in its present incarnation comes from a highly secretive Satanic movement that was called among the higher ups, the Brotherhood of the Black Snake or the Black Brotherhood or more simply The Brotherhood. We owe allegiance to no one, nor do we seek acceptance from any other existing Satanist Organization or persons that claim to be Satanists. We believe in Satan as a very real entity and we are in the mainstream Generational, Traditional, and Theistic, by nature.
Many of the past as well as our present hierarchy are also members of other known Secret Societies and we are in no way wanting to be public about our identities or our private and secretive activities. We demand respect only of ourselves, other Brotherhood members, and the Satanic Illuminati Council which oversees the activities of the Black Brotherhood as it always has since the beginning of time.
The Brotherhood of Satan is made up of those most dedicated to Satanas and those that truly hold the Wisdom of Satanas within their Souls. We are those that know how to keep Secrets entrusted to us. We are also those who know to use the concepts and ideals and the principles of Brotherhood between one another. If a Brotherhood of Satan member ever disagrees with a statement made by another Brotherhood member, it should always be with respect and with mutual understanding to accept that everyone has the Satanic given Right to express themselves. This mutual understanding and respect is what shall bind us eternally as The Brotherhood formed in Wisdom and in Strength.
Knowledge used with Wisdom is the Way of the Brotherhood, and it is the Way to Power! Our Brotherhood Way to Power is expressed in the 13 Laws of the Brotherhood of Satan.
We have been throughout our history presented secretly by the Film and Entertainment Industries by Brotherhood members in movies such as Rosemary’s Baby, Race with the Devil, The Brotherhood of Satan, and The Devils Rain, to name a few of them from our past. In the Music Industry we have been represented by many world renowned bands who you would know by their music...
The Brotherhood of Satan understands fully that all of the Esoteric and Occult Mysteries are under the direct rule of Satanas no matter which way that are presented for public relations. Real Satanists operate quietly and secretly and we do not have the need nor the desire to tell the whole world who we are. We get more done by remaining in the Shadows of Darkness and Secrecy and operating behind the scenes.
We are quite simply Hell on Earth.
If you would like to learn more about Generational and Traditional Satanism and want to be part of a real organized Satanic Movement visit our main website at
See Our New Store:
The Brotherhood Supports Jinx Dawson and Coven!
Please check out our friend Jinx Dawson's store by clicking here!
Friends of the Brotherhood of Satan.
Friends of the Brotherhood of Satan, we invite you to show your support by copying the following code to add your own Friend of the Brotherhood of Satan Banner to your myspace.