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Here are some excellent lectures about anient art. Click on 'POSTS' at the bottom of the player to change lectures.
Here are some fascinating video podcasts from SCARABsolutions about ancient art.You will need the Apple QuickTime Player to view the show.
AAP Ep 1: The Scarab in Ancient Egypt
In this episode we examine the role of the scarab beetle in Ancient Egyptian religion and funerary art as both the Egyptian god Khepri and an iconographic motif of resurrection. We also touch on the possible roots of his religious association and take a look at the use of the scarabs in amulets , the ' heart scarab .'
AAP Ep 2: The Mummy Case of Paankhenamun
Check out iconography and symbolism throughout the decoration of the Mummy Case of Paankhenamun at the Art Institute of Chicago. See how the ornamentation works together to express a unifying theme paramount in Ancient Egyptian funerary belief.
AAP Ep 4: Statue of Osiris
Everything you didn't know you wanted to know about Osiris and didn't think to ask! In this episode, we check out a real Egyptian Mystery, a relatively recent acquisition at the Art Institute of Chicago, the Statue of Osiris , complete with trap doors, hollow cavities, fake mummies, and false doorways. But it's not just fun and games. We also look the ancient stylistic tradition of funerary architecture and explore its evolving context over millennia of Egyptian history, including a close peek at the Coffin of Khnum-nakht at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and more!
AAP Ep 5: A Corinthian Pyxis
In this episode we take a look at some Archaic Greek vase painting in a pyxis from the Orientalizing Period at the Art Institute of Chicago. We explore the Ancient Near Eastern influence on developing Greek civilization along with Greece's own interest in their own mythic, heroic past. We also discuss the strategic importance of Corinth in the cultural and commercial climate of the Orientalizing Period, while comparing the newly emerging, but short-lived Corinthian ware of this day and age to the traditional Geometric Period ware of earlier centuries and contemporary neighbors. We check out the emergence of Classical Doric Greek temple architecture in the Temple of Artemis at Corfu and see how its sculptural decor relates to the cultural milieu of Archaic Greece and the arts of the Orientalizing Period. The Art Institute Orientalizing Period pyxis further demonstrates a quintessential synthesis of imported Near Eastern mythology, symbolism, and iconography with the Greece's newfound passion for the iconography and symbolism of their own native, ancient, Bronze Age Mycenaean heroic and mythic ancestry. And on top of all of that, we even manage to tie in the famed Lion's Gate of Ancient Mycenae.
AAP Ep 6: A Classical Lekythos
One could easily pass by this muted, diminutive, unassuming lekythos at the Art Institute of Chicago, but in this episode we’ll closely examine it’s significant message and place it in the grander scheme of the newly refined aesthetic in late Archaic and Classical Athens. In exploring the narrative strategies of Attic vase painting, we’ll also take a hard look at a particularly exemplary black-figure amphora by the renown vase painter Exekias.