*Paranormal, music of all genres, artwork, practical jokes, ghosts, hauntings, fashion, animations, research, archaeology, movies, genealogy, mysteries, forensic archaeology and metalurgy, history, medieval era and everything it incorporates, colonial history, colonial convicts, ghost tours,writing, networking, dogs,The Labyrinth, Arthurian Legends,Cirque du Soleil, Lord of the Dance, Riverdance, Feet of Flames, Renaissance era, Celtica, mystics (NOT psychics) and loads more~!
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.. Magazine editors for international publicity. .. Event organisers .. Fashion & costume designers. .. People in the entertainment industry. .. Finance companies
All genres really but my favourites at the moment are Bay City Rollers,Smokie, Racey, Blind Verdict,Ricky Martin, Within Temptation,Gerry Quigley,The Shinkickers, Andy Wickett, Pink and Mika. Plus many of the bands added on My Space as friends.
Paranormal, Comedy, Documentaries, Animated, Fantasy, Medieval, Renaissance, Archaeology, UK Movies from 1920s-2007.
Anything British, Irish & Scottish, Australian is the best in my books! But I like a few American shows as well.
All books are great if they inspire your life and make a change for the better.
* Jesus first and foremost. Anyone who can put up with multi billions of people complaining in one hit for well over 2000 years, on a constant basis really needs a medal!!!
Our Castle Divas
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