i am the interest in disinterest,
creative, artistic, positive, gifted, musical, poetical, esoteric, outgoing and spiritual dimensional beings. Also i constantly seek She who is clothed in the sun and has the stars as her mantle.
She who is as wise as the salmon and more beautifull than the sweet briar rose.
She who is the essence of the passion fruit, and is a flower amongst the weeds.
She who's scent is so sweet it would shame the flowers of the jasmine
She who's body is more sensual than the slender lilly amongst the reeds,
She who,s lips are as delicate as rose petals,
She who's eyes are more radiant than the brightest star,
She who is strong and sturdy like the mighty oak but is as soft as the peach to the touch.
thunder and lightning and the call of the winged beasts
life is but a film that we watch backwards ..
the voice of the evil ones but otherwise, ..
clouds and the midnight starshref="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vczU2LnBob3RvY nVja2V0LmNvbS9hbGJ1bXMvZzE3OS9kalRhMC8/YWN0aW9uPXZpZXcmY3Vyc mVudD1lbm9jaGlhbi5qcGc=" target="_blank" ..href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vczUwLnBob3RvYnVj a2V0LmNvbS9hbGJ1bXMvZjM0NC9pbGx1bWluYXRpMjAyNS8/YWN0aW9uPXZp ZXcmY3VycmVudD1SYWRoYV9LcmlzaG5hLmpwZw==" target="_blank"
where... oh i know were, there in my influences album but you have to be a friend to seem them if you really
ZjdXJyZW50PURpZ2lQaWNzMDA2LmpwZw==" target="_blank"