Dystera was founded in the year 2006 by Dominik Geneto. The music direction was to be symphonic power metal with an emphasis of melodic and harmonic elements in which a female voice in combination with a flute played an important role. With this goal in his mind, Dominik started to find the appropriate musicians to form Dystera. After a while, Daniel Bosshard joined the band. The two began to compose new songs and tried to integrate Daniel’s flute tunes into existed songs.Simon Infanger got interested in the band when he saw an ad. He told the band that he was impressed by their music, and became the third member. With a keyboarder in its ranks the band came closer to the sound they were trying to achieve. The interaction of these two melodic instruments created a middle age atmosphere. The basic structure for new and more complex songs was created.After a long time search, Dystera finally found a drummer. Martin Roth was the perfect man for the job his drums gave the songs a backbone. The new Drummer suggested Melanie Schweizer as a singer for the band. She obtained a CD and the lyrics. She was really enthused and decided to perform the vocals. Her strong voice impressed all in the band.The band had the intention to publish a song on the new edition of the Heavy Metal Nation. Dystera recorded in May 2007 their first song at Mindstorm Production’s studio. At this point, Dystera would like to thank Michael Herkenrath for recording the bass guitar.Although the band was still searching for two musicians. This problem got solved when Nino Plozza answered to their ad. He immediately took over the part of the bassist. After a while, he brought Adrian Spycher as second guitarist to the band.The band is now complete, we keep going advancing the songs to record our first album.CODE FOR MYSPACE PAGES
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