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Blues Detour

I am here for Networking

About Me

Current Featured CD

Michael Packer
Blues Band
The Best Of...

"Your services seem to be just what the doctor ordered for indie blues folks, like myself."
Hank Becker
We here at Blues Detour believe in the power of the blues. That is why we want to bring the blues to the forefront of our site. Sure there are other more popular sites to offer your CD's on the web. Sites where your music gets buried behind all the other genres of music. Sites where the blues is just an afterthought. We at Blues Detour are determined to bring your music to the blues fans world wide.
"Why Blues Detour?" you may ask. On Blues Detour, every artist will get their rotation on the featured pages, more opportunity for the fans to hear their clips, and most of all, blues fans looking for great blues music. We are not only talking about online sales either. What other site will take your music to the festivals and shows, using the vendor booths at festivals full of blues fans, and make live sales? What other site will make compilations of their participating artists to get these artists the exposure they deserve? What other site will advertise directly to blues lovers as opposed to the "popular" music fans?
That folks is just the beginning. In the works is a whole blues community with forums for artists to post their shows, fans to post their comments and reviews, and venues to post their own calendars. Also in the works will be digital download capability, possible Blues Detour Festival, and Blues Detour label.
So as a blues artist, are you satisfied with the results from other sites? Do you believe there is more to be had as an independant artist?
Is it time for a NEW DIRECTION?

My Interests

VISIT BLUES DETOUR.COM Some titles available now on Blues Detour!!!

Fredrik Strand Halland

Michael Holt
The Trophy 500's

Anthony Paule

Billy "Harp" Hamilton

Andrea Notti

Bluesman Tom Malafarina

Gary "Alaska" Sloan

The COde Blue Band

Wentus Blues Band

Devils Creek

Spiros Soukis

Reverend Zen

Dave Sadler

Thomas Brotherz

The Human Project

I'd like to meet:


Blues fans - Get your Blues

Artists Coming Soon
To Blues Detour

Chris Canas

Hitman Blues Band

Donny Hartman

Donny Hartman

Hairy Larry

Bullfrog Brown

Marshal Wilkerson
& Smoked Sugar

Gary Farmer
and the Troublemakers

Ainars Pupols & P-Blues

The Plateros

Steve Williams

Full House

Outta d' Blues

Katy Soljak