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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am just a single person out of millions that has been diagnosed with Hepatitis C. I have started this page to hopefully spread the word and raise awareness to those who may have not encountered knowledge of this silent epidemic or maybe they have and have ignored or dismissed the notion that this will ever affect their lives.
The truth is, an estimated 5 MILLION people in the USA have been infected with Hepatitis C (HCV). It is said that 2 out of 3 people are totally unaware that they have the virus. Unfortanately, there are no signs or symptoms until advanced liver damage has developed. For this reason, people need to made aware of this disease. They need to honestly evaluate their lives and life styles and if they have EVER, even just ONE time, been put at risk, they need to get tested! Early detection can save the liver, early detection can save your life. Early detection can only detour the spread of this silent killer.
At this time, there is not a vaccine against HCV. People who have this disease may not get any symptoms until the damage is done. This could take up to 20-30 years. HCV is a very treatable disease if detected early, when NO symptoms are present, long before complications set in. Reiterating the need to GET TESTED. It is a stealth dragon. It hides and WILL come roaring into your reality with a vengance. GET TESTED.
HCV is the most common cause of chronic liver disease in the United States. Accounting for 40 - 60% of all cases. HCV is the leading indication of people needing liver transplants in the USA. And another sad truth is, chronic liver disease is in the top 10 causes of deaths of people from the young age of 25 and up. It is projected that in the next 10 years, the complications that are associated with HCV - related Cirrosis will increase to the astounding numbers of: LIVER FAILURE by 106%, LIVER CANCER by 81% and other LIVER RELATED DEATHS by 180%.
If this silent epidemic goes unchecked, the projected dollar costs are said to rise to over $85 BILLION in the next 10 years. As it stands, our Government has not granted the funding to coordinate any Local, State and National agencies for any consistant detection and/or prevention programs.
As I said, I am just a single person. A person who is sick from this disease. My blogs will be my sharing any and all info in all aspects as I encounter them as I walk this journeys path. I most probably will relay some old info and I do appologize in advance for any redundance. Some blogs may be very "matter-of-fact" facts and others will be just from my heart. I will strive to make them entertaining either to read or to look at as you read the nasty truths.
Again, I have started this little page to hopefully raise awareness of this silent epidemic. I hope in the long run, this page may be helpful to all the wonderful organizations and people out there that have taken this cause to heart. I send my love and thanks to them all and extend a helping hand to any and all that I can possibly help in my small ways.
If you leave this page with a little more knowledge and understanding, then I have done a good job. If it encourages just one person to tell another person about it, then I have done a great job. If it encourages just one person to get tested then it has been a success.

My Interests

Welcome to The Orphan's page. Relax, listen to some tunes and have a read. Please feel free to post any of the HCV items on your page. It's free and you just may save a life!

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GREEN DAY - Time Of Your Life

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I'd like to meet:

I am hoping to meet anyone who has an interest in this dreadful disease. Be it personally for friend support, or be it in any professional way that can help spread the word.
Please feel free to take any banner, icon or whatever and post it on you page. Most I have created myself. If you are a band, please DO take a banner and post it. It is free and you just could save a fans life.
It truly is a silent epidemic... and it is hitting harder and harder every minute ... We Boomers are the target at this point and I feel we hold a responsibility to inform the young that they are not invinceable... we thought we were too.



COLD PLAY - Clocks

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My Blog

AWARENESS ART ... Banners etc.

I have created some awareness art that anyone is welcome to take and post, just help yourself. If anyone can tell me how to set these up with the code included underneath, I surely would appreciate it...
Posted by Prismystic on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 09:25:00 PST


Posted by Prismystic on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 05:44:00 PST

Its Not A Good Night&

It is like going on 5 am. I have slept maybe 3 hrs. The pain is eating at me like a relentless pit bull hangs on a tire. The nausea waves through me oozing beads of sweat out of every pore and at the...
Posted by Prismystic on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 01:55:00 PST


LOW COST TESTING SIGHTS; I started compiling this mainly as a personal curiosity to get an idea of how each state is treating this epidemic. It astounds me at the lack of low cost tes...
Posted by Prismystic on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 06:43:00 PST

Are You Infected ???

Posted by Prismystic on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:48:00 PST

Everyone asks ...How Did YOU Get It????

I do feel to much focus on the "where did I get it" questions imposes so many limitations to a victims acceptance and willingness to be tested, hence the embarrassment factors. I say damn the to...
Posted by Prismystic on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 06:14:00 PST

Hepatitis C Transmission

Hepatitis C Transmission     *Occurs when blood or body fluids from an infected person enters the body of a   person who is not infected. *HCV is spread throu...
Posted by Prismystic on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 03:09:00 PST