Welcome to The Orphan's page. Relax, listen to some tunes and have a read. Please feel free to post any of the HCV items on your page. It's free and you just may save a life!
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GREEN DAY - Time Of Your Life
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I am hoping to meet anyone who has an interest in this dreadful disease. Be it personally for friend support, or be it in any professional way that can help spread the word.
Please feel free to take any banner, icon or whatever and post it on you page. Most I have created myself. If you are a band, please DO take a banner and post it. It is free and you just could save a fans life.
It truly is a silent epidemic... and it is hitting harder and harder every minute ... We Boomers are the target at this point and I feel we hold a responsibility to inform the young that they are not invinceable... we thought we were too.
COLD PLAY - Clocks
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