Hepatitis C is a systemic blood borne virus that primarily attacks the liver. It is spread by blood to blood contact 1 in 50 Americans have HCV - 2 out of 3 do not know it. There is no vaccine for Hepatitis CRisk factors! Have you: received blood, blood products, or an organ transplant prior to 1992? ever shared drug paraphernalia? injecting or snorting ever been stuck by a used blood needle? been on kidney dialysis? had a tattoo or body piercing? had sexual activity that involves contact with blood? shared personal cars items(razors, toothbrushes, etc.) with other people? been incarcerated war veteran (especially vietnam)If you answered YES to any of these questions, you may have been exposed to the Hepatitis C virus GET TESTED!
More street team members and musicians who want to help!
This is the myspace page for the coalition I started that raises awareness about hepatitis C through music, postcards and events. Our coalition members perform at our events and sometimes place our postcards (filled with info about hep c) at their merchandise tables when they perform other shows. Some of them even take the time to distribute them in and around their community. We also have comedians helping us. If you want to join please become our friend and ask for postcards! If you are not an entertainer you can still join our street team and help get the cards out to your community. You can see the full postcard and read all about what we're doing at www.HepCAware.org. Either way please be our friend!
"""""A Spoon Full of Music Helps The Awareness Go Down!""""""
Check out our website to see all the great bands that have helped us raise awareness of hepatitis C. www.HepCAware.org
Here's a recent interview I did on Fox in Houston
Kelly Z LIVE!
Please help us raise funding for our materials. Asking for donations when raising awareness of hepatitis C is a way for the cause to be taken more seriously. A person who donates, even $10, is listening more, cares more and takes you more seriously.You can have folks send donations Hepatitis C Awareness, Inc P.O.Bos 3122 North Hollywood, CA 91606.They can also donate online at www.HepCAware.org