MYTH-- Global warming is just part of a natural cycle. The Arctic has warmed up in the past.
FACT-- The global warming we are experiencing is not natural. People are causing it.MYTH-- We can adapt to climate change — civilization has survived droughts and temperature shifts before.
FACT-- Although humans as a whole have survived the vagaries of drought, stretches of warmth and cold and more, entire societies have collapsed from dramatic climatic shifts.MYTH-- Recent cold winters and cool summers don’t feel like global warming to me.
FACT-- While different pockets of the country have experienced some cold winters here and there, the overall trend is warmer winters.There are many ways that you can help stop global warming and put an end to this crisis, here are a couple:Buy fluorescent lightbulbs.Try to use less energy at home, unplug your appliences when you are not using them, take shorter showers, turn off unnecessary lights, and turn your heat down 1 degree, dont worry, you'll live.RECYCLE!!! Recycle everything you can, stryrofoam, paper, cardboard, glass, tin cans, metals, plastic bottles and containers, old motor oil, used batteries, cereal boxes, and anything else your local recycle center will take!!
Avoid buying bottled water and other beverages. Is it really that hard to get a drink at the fountain or to fill your own bottle up???
Be smart on the road. Shut your car off when your not driving, dont let it idle for no reason. Walk short distances or ride a bike, this wiil also save you money. And at if all possible, buy a more environmental friendly car, such as a hybrid.
Plant trees!!! They provide shade and are good for the environment!
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Did You Know?Average Temperatures have climbed 1.4 degrees F. around the world since 1980? Montana's Glacier National Park now has only 27 glaciers, compared to the 150 in 1910.....The global fleet of motorized vehicles in 2006 was estimated at 830,000,000, which account for 80% of land energy.