Hey Baboo...You're a Huge Stud, man! Look at you...lookin' at that myspace man...I said it man! You and those effin blogs man...and those comments and goddamn muthereffin bulletins...Jesus Christ! That Tom is a big stud, huh? I tell ya man. I co-host the Conway and Whitman Show with my partner, Brian David Whitman. Brian is a lunatic who drives me effin nuts with his OCD, takin' that effin welbutrin man...Oh boy. But I have to say he is the best impressionist in town...I tell ya man. He does Tom Leykis better than Tom Leykis. I said it man. The content of our show is awesome. Technically, it is a disaster. I like to compare the content of the show to that of a perfect healthy newborn baby. Technically, the show is a 90 year-old terminally-ill patient, about to bite the big one. That Gerry Wachovsky man...Jesus Christ.