I like shopping duhhh and I love spending money. Also going to the hottest parties around L.A.
oo thats tough I no so many people. But one of the greatest most Beautiful women to live was Marilyn Monroe
I love my new album it comes out August 22nd you all got to get a copy and also for your friends. Its a mix of pop,rock. The type of music I like and listen to.
Get this video and more at MySpace.com
I love lots of movies especially my new hott movie house of wax I have the hottest dying scene. You got to see it. (if u haven't all ready)
I love my show the simple life ,but then me and Nicole got in a fight so the next season me and my other best friend Kimberly Stewart will do it. And you can't forget about my moms new show "How to be a Hilton" its awsome so hott. Make sure you watch that. Then you can learn how to be part of our family.
My new book:Confessions of an heiress. You can buy it at ur local book store.
Probley my parnets and my sis Nicky I love them to death.