LOOK! IT'S SYD MONSTER! I'm super into sixties pop culture and clothing especially. I'm a big geek (Lord Of The Rings, Harry Potter, the original Star Trek [Spock is my secret lover], Twilight Zone, etc). I'm really into music and movies and all that sort of cool junk. I'm an aspiring sideshow freak, I love glitter and all thinks sparkley. Halloween is my favorite holiday, I can't throw anything away, I love art deco and mid century modern design and surrealist paintings (Dali). Green is my favorite color, I own way too many books for a room the size of mine (small), I'm obsessed with (good) chocolate. What else? I'm fascinated by Vaudeville and turn of the century New York. The Museum of Natural History, The Tenement Museum and the museum at Ellis Island are my three favorite museums in the City. I also love the Barnum Museum. I wish I could eat fire. I love monkeys. I love bright colors and PVC. I think that fashion and design wise, the 70's and the 80's were the ugly decades. I'm considering industrial design as a potential job. I won Best Littlest Mermaid at the Mermaid Parade in 1989. I'm a master procrastinator. I love how old books smell, and pine trees, limes, hot apple cider, oatmeal, coffee. I have recently become addicted to caffeine. I have lots of faith in fortune cookies. I've been a nonconformist since birth. I love my mom and think that she is one of the greatest people ever born. My dad's pretty kick ass, too. I wish I was less lazy. I love vintage cocktail glasses. I love vintage cocktails. I wish I had more opportunities to dress up. I love finding weird Japanese candy. I really want to go to India and France and many many other places. I have an incredibly juvenile sense of humor. I'm intrigued by Buddhism. Catholicism frightens me a little. I want to be remembered after I'm long dead and gone. I wish I had more money. I love meeting people, but I think I may frighten people off sometimes. I'm loud. I make up words without realizing it. I have an almost museum worthy collection of vintage 60s clothing, mostly dresses. I'm a writer and am super sissy and smart, but that makes me just so much more awesome.
adopt your own virtual pet!LOOK! NOW I HAVE A FISH! Groovy, huh?
Anyone cool. Lame people...not so much. (And your mom)
MUSIC! Love that stuff. I'm not very musically inclined, but it would be cool to be in a band. But anyway, I have super eclectic tastes in music. I'm into most punk, jazz, rock n roll, soul, funk, 50's and 60's pop, exotica, hawaiian, swing, doo wop, old school rap, garage rock, rockabilly, psychobilly, psychedelic, and then lots of random weird shit. I'm too lazy to list all of the (i must say) super cool bands in my ipod, so if you for some reason want to know what I'm into specifically, you can ask.ALSO: Notice that no where on here does it say acoustic, folk, alternative, down-tempo, or 'indie'. I hate that shit.
I love movies! I would love to have a job somewhat related to their making, I don't know, maybe Screenwriting. Watching movies, though, is for sure one of my favorite things to do. I have alot of favorite movies but the all time best movie ever would have to be... The Big Lebowski... width="425" height="350" ..
The Twilight Zone, the original Star Trek, Montey Pythons Flying Circus, The Office (BBC), Lost, The Simpsons, Sesame Street, That 70's Show, Bewitched, I Dream Of Genie, The Avengers, The Mod Squad, The Jetsons, The Munsters, Carnival, The Adams Family. I love Gomez Adams, that guy is so cool.
I love reading. There are so many different books that I love, but here are a few. Lord Of The Rings by J.R.R. Tolkein, Dreamland by Kevin Baker, His Dark Materials by Phillup Pullman, Harry Potter, 1984, anything by Phiip K. Dick, A Clockwork Orange, the Abhorsen trilogy by Garth Nix,The Mad Bathroom Reader (Don't know if that counts...), We Who Are Not As Others by Daniel P. Mannix, Shocked and Amazed On And Off The Midway by James Taylor, those stupid vampire books by Amelia Atwater Rhodes, Maus by Art Spiegelman, Flowers For Algernon by Daniel Keyes, Harold And Maude by Colin Higgins, X-Ray by Ray Davis
Violet and Daisy Hinton, P.T. Barnum, Rob Tyner, SHAG, Harry Houdini, Pierre Cardin, my mom, Mary Quant, Twiggy, Ray Davis, Libby Miller, Fred "Sonic" Smith, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, my dad, Lesley Gore, Susan B. Anthony, Elvis, my bubbie, Audrey Hepburn, who ever designed the Chrisler Building, Salvidor Dali, Alfred E. Neuman, and many more!