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About Tiki Road Trip 2:
Tiki Road Trip by James Teitelbaum was released in 2003 to universal acclaim among the Tiki, roadside attraction, mid century modern, Exotica, vintage/retro, and Polynesian Pop communities. This guidebook to the whens and wheres of all things Tiki sent thousands of people on six continents to hundreds of destinations, where they all gleefully imbibed exotic rum drinks, chowed down on sumptuous feasts, reveled in (pop) cultural history, worshiped at the altar of Tiki, and attempted contact with the opposite sex (sometimes all of these things at once).
Inevitably, the information contained in the book fell a bit out of date over the next four years, and a great sadness was heard around the globe.
But there is hope!
Yes, every four years we have an olympics, a presidential election, and a Tiki Road Trip.
May of 2007, four years (and one month) after the debut of Tiki Road Trip, Santa Monica Press will bring you Tiki Road Trip: revised and expanded.
What's new in Tiki Road Trip II:
Your world-wide guide to Polynesian Pop!
Full update to the entire text, that moves recently closed places to the closed section, adds newly opened places, and offers more historical information on classic places. Almost every entry has been revised; most have been completely re-written.
The 2003 version of Tiki Road Trip paid homage to the classic Tiki bars. The new version still includes these locations, of course, but spotlights the new places, particularly the several dozen that have opened in the past four years. Where the 2003 edition was about the history of Tiki, the 2007 edition will lean towards the future of Tiki.
A few pesky factual errors and typos from the prior edition have been corrected.
More photos than before, with high quality room shots of new and classic locations, as well as graphics such as menus, postcards, matchbooks, and artifacts such as Tiki mugs and carvings.
Expanded drink recipes section, Hawaiian vocabulary, and glossary.
New design that makes it easier to find what you're looking for, and makes the division between existing places and closed places more clearly defined.
Larger International section, particularly spotlighting the booming Spain, England, and Germany Tiki scenes. Much larger Hawai’i section as well.
Shag has modified his cover art: play "spot-the-difference"!
The book is eighty (80) pages longer, but the cover price is the same - whatta bargain!