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Daniel J. Gansle

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About Me


Welcome and thanks for visiting the official Daniel J. Gansle MySpace. Daniel is a freelance writer and author whose non-fiction works span such issues as religion, technology, energy, and the environment. Please check out Daniel's articles on Helium.com.
If you wish to contact Daniel for an interview or author call-in, please direct your query to [email protected] or click here. Or, if you are a MySpace member, just click Send Message in the Contacting Daniel J. Gansle box just to the left of this section.
If it’s one thing I’ve learned thus far, it’s that life can (and often does) take sudden, unexpected detours on a road you never thought you’d be traveling on. As a youth, I often dreamed of becoming an author. Writing came naturally to me; and I loved it. In grade school, I won awards for short stories and an Audubon Society essay I wrote regarding stream bank erosion in Washington, D.C.'s Rock Creek.
As I document in my book, Your World, Your Future, & Bible Prophecy, I rode the great tech wave in the mid-to-late 1990s as a technical writer, courseware developer, and trainer. After the infamous Dot-com bubble popped, I found myself in a tough position; yet God had other plans for my life. So after two books and now a third currently in development, I am truly thankful.
Now imagine a world where everyone and everything is tagged with a tiny RFID/GPS dot on their hand or forehead. Imagine a world where thoughts are controlled and people's senses are stimulated directly via ultrasound brain stimulation. Imagine a world where a giant collective of nano-wired human brains comprise a new generation of the internet where people could share thoughts and experiences without verbal communication; where they could upload and download information directly with their mind. Imagine a post-oil world where global warming is wreaking havoc on every nation on earth; where numerous wars are fought for dwindling resources; where energy prices have become too high for everyone to sustain. This is Your World, Your Future.
In the spring of 2007, I began to consider how technology is fulfilling ancient biblical prophecies at an alarming rate. During that time, two books came to my attention that truly made me consider what the future of technology and energy might look like: Spychips by Katherine Albrecht and Liz McIntyre and The Long Emergency by James Howard Kunstler. Moreover, I began to see how our world is being shaped in precise accordance with ancient biblical prophecies of a new world of total surveillance and high-tech wonders that would have made George Orwell’s jaw sink to the floor in disbelief. So in November 2007, Your World, Your Future, & Bible Prophecy (Infinity Publishing) released to a public so eager for answers in today’s world of growing volatility and insecurity.
The most exciting aspect to Your World, Your Future, & Bible Prophecy is its interactivity. Realizing these days how important it is not simply to read a book but to actually participate in it, I placed numerous interactive multimedia sidenotes within the text with links directing the reader to various multimedia-oriented websites. The result was an immediate success, with numerous readers commenting on how much they learned and how fun the experience was for them. But moreover, readers were treated to a glimpse of the future that highlights RFID/GPS, robotics, nanotechnology, ultrasound brain stimulation, artificial intelligence, total surveillance, brain downloads, the future of work, a next-gen internet consisting of interconnected minds via the “world wide mind,” the future of renewable-fueled transportation, the emerging global spirituality, climate change, and the coming energy crisis. If you want to know what the future holds according to ancient biblical predictions, then you need this book.
My first book, Rapture Redux (Infinity Publishing, August 2007), deconstructs the Christian belief in a pre-Tribulation bodily resurrection in simple, easy to understand terms. It explains what it means to watch and wait while continuing our lives as normal; the perils and pitfalls of these last days; and how the life-changing Rapture paradigm the early Christians promulgated is available for believers today. Wide-ranging discussion including an entire chapter devoted to deconstructing the modern-day UFO phenomenon and how it is directly related to the spirituality, technology, and science of the last days.
Like any aspiring artist, my worst fear is to become typecast into one particular genre. Though the Christian non-fiction genre is very important to me, I have decided to go out on a limb and begin work on a third book that describes top trends in today’s green movement. In case you haven’t noticed, everywhere you look it’s “green” this and “green” that, and I wanted to encapsulate what it means and how it will impact every one of us in the very near future.
Today, the evangelical world is beginning to recognize energy and environmental issues as important while maintaining the balance between environmental stewardship and worship of the Creator rather than the creation. Thus, I believe we are witnessing the very beginnings of the nascent creation care movement.
As I continue to develop my third book on top green trends, I grow more excited about the potential for a post-oil world in which communities obtain the power needed for cars and homes from clean, renewable sources of energy. At the same time, this transitional period we are just now entering into will likely not be a smooth one, particularly for the United States whose energy mix is comprised largely of finite fossil fuels.
Former Vice President Al Gore openly refers to man-made global warming as a "crisis" and a "planetary emergency." While science and simple observation both tell us that Gore is justified in his remarks, an equally critical issue is clearly emerging: a nascent worldwide energy crisis. How do the two issues play off each other, and what will be the outcome of a warming world that is fast running out of the finite energy resources that have fueled the global economy for over one hundred years and counting? The book will likely release in Fall/Winter '08, so stay tuned!
If you have any questions or comments about my books or anything else that's on your mind, feel free to leave a comment or E-mail me with your thoughts.
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My Interests



What is becoming increasingly clear today is that world oil production has peaked and is now entering into a marked period of decline. One day it will run out altogether. That is exactly why, as we discussed earlier, President George W. Bush resonated the phrase, “addicted to oil” in 2006 and thereafter. It was no mere allegory – it was a clear warning that we have a big problem on our hands. Indeed, Bible prophecy seems to point directly toward a bitter imbroglio amongst the industrialized [and industrializing] nations on the plain of Megiddo for that last remaining drop of the black gold.

Today, we don’t yet have a viable, cheap alternative to oil. That’s not to say we won’t in the near future, but the gap between the end of the oil age and the beginning of the renewable fuel age will see some very difficult times. Strained by the increasingly high price of petroleum and near total dependence on Middle Eastern oil, in conjunction with terrorism around the word threatening world stability and international oil interests, entire economies will come to the point of near collapse. Combined with global warming and crushing debt, the unintended consequences will be severe – starvation, disease, violent protests over skyrocketing gas prices, home foreclosures, increasing skirmishes over precious resources, skyrocketing food prices, poverty, and environmental chaos on a scale never witnessed before.

So where is all of this leading? Clearly it’s leading to a new paradigm, one of responsible stewardship of our environment, of new forms of clean, renewable energy, and a new way of thinking about ourselves and our place in this grand universe.

But fascinating is the fact that these issues (particularly global warming and the coming energy crisis) have the potential to wreak serious havoc on our economy and our sociopolitical structures.

© 2007 Daniel J. Gansle
Your World, Your Future, & Bible Prophecy


“Ah great, late again,” sighs Maria as she hurriedly glances at her cell phone time display. Breathing in the warm, late summer air with increasing rapidity, her feet pick up speed as she dashes toward the subway station. As usual, a car horn honks in her ear as she darts out into the busy crosswalk in front.

Glancing over to her right, a mysterious-looking middle-aged man donning an up-collared all-black trenchcoat, a black hat, and a poorly concealed communication earpiece loiters near the escalator entrance under a shady tree. For a brief moment she makes eye contact with the stranger and begins to feel a certain uneasiness. She can’t put her finger on it – but something just doesn’t feel right.

As her foot lands on the escalator step, memories of palm-strewn, sun-drenched beaches and turquoise waters flow into her consciousness like so many Caribbean dreams. “Why does it always have to end so quickly!” she ponders.

The cool breeze of the subway tunnel hits her like a ton of bricks as she slowly descends, teasing her hair that she worked so hard to keep in place. As the daylight fades behind her, she feels the damp subterranean air moistening her skin.

Wind from bodies rushing down the steps next to her on the left wash over her face. She considers leaping over to the left and doing the same, but her stubborn feet remain planted firmly on that one step.

“Ouch!” she cries out as a hurried rider rushing down the escalator at breakneck speed accidentally elbows her in her rib cage and continues on, not looking back. Behind her, she hears another woman blabbing away on her cell phone – something about Jesus, or perhaps the Bible.

“Ah great, another one of those right-wing religious nuts,” she thinks. She lowers her head and gently rests her eyes, tuning out the insane world around her.

Her mind drifts back to that mysterious man standing by the escalator entrance. Who was he? Secret Service? CIA? Why was he just standing there watching everyone? Why was he dressed like that?

Suddenly, a horrific scream pierces the dank air. She lifts up her head to see what is the matter. As if she had been transported to another dimension, she feels a certain electricity in the air. Things are somehow different, but she just can’t put a finger on it.

As she peers down the escalator into the tunnel, she notices something odd: suddenly, it looks like a weekend rather than a weekday. “Where’d everybody go?” she thinks. She looks behind her. That crazy religious woman who was talking on her cell phone? Gone.

Another scream, and another. People frantically begin to look around – confused, dazed. The voices of bewilderment rise as each one begins to ask the other, “What’s going on? What just happened?”

A panicked young lady on the other side of the escalator, face contorted as if she had seen a ghost, screams out, “Steve? Steve? What happ…Steve?”

Then just as quickly, a bone-chilling burst of angst-ridden wailing emanates from deep within the tunnels. The sound is inhuman; almost hellish. At the same time, chaos and commotion can be heard at the street level above. Sirens begin to wail; people frozen in sheer terror; jaws aghast and eyes aglaze.

A frail, elderly woman carefully makes her way down the escalator and grabs Maria’s arm. Voice trembling, the woman inquires, “Have…have you seen my husband? He’s got Alzheimer’s and I somehow lost him. He was standing right next to me, where…have you seen him? Where could he have gone?”

“Sorry ma’am, I haven’t seen him, Maria replies, “what…what’s going on? Why is everyone screaming?”

“I don’t know, I don’t…all I know is that my husband…what happened? Where is Bob, where is my husband?”

Maria’s cell phone begins to ring as she steps off the escalator. As she walks closer to the turnstyles to go down into the platform area, she notices something she’s never seen before: the guard station is unoccupied, yet wallets and purses are carelessly strewn about on the deep red tile floor all around her.

Her thoughts are quickly drowned out by the agony that envelops her. Panicked; scared out of their wits; running around dazed, as if something terribly tragic just happened. She quickly reaches for her cell phone. “Hey babe are you alright?” her husband inquires, voice trembling, breath quickened.

“Yeah, but things are going crazy down here, everybody’s panicked and screaming. What happened, what’s going on? Did we get another 9/11 or…”

“Oh it’s worse, much worse…uh man, oh no, jeez! Holy gosh! Another plane just dropped in a neighborhood just a few miles outside the city, Maria, you gotta get back home! Please, please – get back home now!”

“What is…”

“Just listen to me Maria, turn around now and come back home…it’s going crazy out there, on the news…on the news…uh – on the news they’re saying it’s another 9/11 but worse, planes are crashing into cities, lots of them, not just two or three…the news says that…” (static temporarily drowns out conversation)

“That what? What’s going on? Okay, I’m on my way back home, I’ve just gotta…”

“It says now the uh, the Beltway is shut down in all directions because of major accidents on both sides, all traffic at a standstill – umm…they’re shutting down air traffic…oh man!” Suddenly, Maria hears a loud explosion through her cell phone. “Honey, calm down…I’m coming home, it’ll just be a few minutes…”

As she exits the tunnel back out onto the street level, it’s like a scene out of some futuristic movie. Sirens wailing, smashed-up cars smoking, a building in flames. The stench of burning something in the air…she can’t put a finger on it, but it smells like death. A loud “boom!” and a thunderous release.

People are running everywhere, but where? Where are they running to? What are they running from? The faces of terror – eyes glazed over, jaws aghast, faces blackened and dirty, hair tossed about as if in a raging windstorm. It’s all happening in slow motion it seems, and yet so quickly. Smoke everywhere, and thick, fast-moving clouds of dust. Screams penetrating the air like bullets, but it’s all so surreal.

“What happened?” Maria inquires, “another 9/11? Who’s attacking us this time, and why? I thought we were safer…”

© 2007 Daniel J. Gansle
Rapture Redux

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My Blog

Is Jesus Christ the Only Way to Heaven? Americans Say "No Way" In Latest Study...

Buzzing in the mainstream news yesterday was a startling report from the PEW Forum on Religion and Public Life. Its U.S. Religious Landscape Survey concluded that "most Americans have a non-dogmatic a...
Posted by Daniel J. Gansle on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 10:01:00 PST

Whats Your Idea of the American Dream?

I found this Barna Group survey very intriguing, and I thought I'd pass it along. -------------(Ventura, California) - When Americans dream of their ideal life, they have a lot on their mind. In a rec...
Posted by Daniel J. Gansle on Mon, 23 Jun 2008 07:01:00 PST

SURVEY: Would You Like Your Utility to Control Your Home Thermostat REMOTELY? It’s Happening...

While this may sound fantastic, consider the following news clip and add your thoughts as to whether you'd like your electric utility to have total control over your thermostat remotely, at any time o...
Posted by Daniel J. Gansle on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 10:42:00 PST

Daniel J. Gansle MySpace Live Author Chat, Sat July 12 @ 12:00 PM Central

Please join me for a Live Online Author Chat on my MySpace profile page, Saturday, July 12 @12:00 PM Central Time. Event invitations will be sent out tomorrow. Meanwhile, feel free to use my chat box ...
Posted by Daniel J. Gansle on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 03:09:00 PST

New Video! Your World, Your Future, & Bible Prophecy Promo

Posted by Daniel J. Gansle on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 06:54:00 PST

BREAKING NEWS: Tim Russert, Moderator of Meet the Press, Dead at Age 58

This was so unbelievable to me I initially thought it was a joke. Sadly, it is true. Tim Russert, political commentator, Washington stalwart, and long-time host of Meet the Press, collapsed and died t...
Posted by Daniel J. Gansle on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 01:32:00 PST

Your World, Your Future, & Bible Prophecy Now a Bestseller!

I'm pleased to announce that my books, Your World, Your Future, & Bible Prophecy and Rapture Redux have become bestsellers on Amazon.com in several categories including:Books > Religion & Spirituality...
Posted by Daniel J. Gansle on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 07:29:00 PST

Announcing the Winners of the 2008 Free Autographed Book Contest!

I trust everybody had a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day holiday. And now for the winners of the Spring 2008 Your World, Your Future free autographed book contest:Michael Pelletier of IXOYE Prison Mini...
Posted by Daniel J. Gansle on Tue, 27 May 2008 07:24:00 PST

LAST CALL for Free Autographed Book Contest! Email me, [email protected]

Tomorrow I'll toss all names I've received into a hat and select 2 winners. One winner will receive a free autographed copy of Your World, Your Future, & Bible Prophecy. The other winner will receive ...
Posted by Daniel J. Gansle on Fri, 23 May 2008 08:00:00 PST

Indiana Jones: The Truth Behind the Crystal Skulls

Tomorrow (May 22), Indiana Jones and the Legend of the Crystal Skulls opens in theaters across the nation. But is the story really true? Read all about it from the May/June 2008 issue of Archaeology M...
Posted by Daniel J. Gansle on Wed, 21 May 2008 07:39:00 PST