Angel Tree Ministry profile picture

Angel Tree Ministry


About Me

Angel Tree is an organization under the Prison Fellowship Ministry.
Celebrating 25 years of Angel Tree since 1982!
It Starts with a Gift… It Leads to Lives Transformed by Christ
Right now, an estimated 2.3 million children have a mom or dad in prison. The number is huge – but so is the opportunity. Angel Tree is a ministry that reaches out to the children of inmates and their families with the love of Christ. It seeks to transform the lives of these families and to reconcile them to their Heavenly Father and each other.
Jesus said in Matthew 18:5, “Whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me.”
There are children right in your community who are among the most at-risk children in the nation. Angel Tree provides an opportunity to connect with those families and begin ministering to them at Christmas and then continue through a variety of year-round ministry opportunities.
Angel Tree Christmas
At Christmastime, volunteers from local area churches purchase and deliver gifts to the children of inmates in their parent’s name. Each gift delivery also presents an opportunity to share the love and hope of Christ with each family. Through Angel Tree, these children feel a parent’s love, despite their absence.
Year 'Round Ministry - Going Beyond Christmas
Angel Tree doesn’t end with Christmas. For you and your church, that first Christmas connection can be the beginning of a rewarding ongoing relationship with these children and their families. As you continue your ministry to these families throughout the year, God will use your church to foster transformation in their lives and reconciliation within their family.
For more information, or to get your church involved, contact the websites and links over in the "General" section, (over to the left side).
Statistics on Children of Prisoners
-- There are 2.3 million children of prisoners
-- 7.3 million children have a parent under correctional supervision
-- 22% of children with a parent in prison are under 5 years old
The majority of children are under 10
The average age is 8 -- One in five children is present at their mother's arrest
-- These children are 6 times more likely to be prisoned than their peers
-- And 7 times more likely to be in the criminal justice system

My Interests

Angel Tree website

Prison Fellowship Ministry website

Other important links
Local Offices
History of Angel Tree
Year 'Round Ministry
About Prison Fellowship Ministry
Order Angel Tree gifts online (via Amazon)

Donate With Confidence

Or, to donate by phone, please call:
1-800-206-9764 (toll free)
M-F 8:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. EST

I'd like to meet:

People that offer themselves to minister to "the least of these".

The King will reply, "I tell you the truth,
whatever you did for one of the least of
these brothers of mine, you did for me.”

Read Matthew 25:31-40

Please share briefly, about your own Angel Tree stories in the "Comments" section.


"If We Are the Body" by Casting Crowns


His heart grew 3 times on the day that he gave Christmas presents to others.

How much more will yours?


Rogue Angel: The Mary Kay Beard Story
by Jodi Werhanowicz
forward by Charles Colson
published by Encourager Ministries

As a young woman, Mary Kay Beard let the pain and anger from an abusive childhood drive her into a life of crime and danger. By the time she was 27, she was wanted by both federal and state authorities and was the target of a mafia contract. Finally captured, convicted of armed robbery, sentenced to 21 years, and thrown into solitary confinement in an Alabama prison, Mary Kay took stock of her life. And she started reading the Bible. Thus began God's amazing transformation of a broken, bitter criminal into a mighty woman of faith and service.

Rogue Angel products
order book

Article on Mary Kay Beard
read online

Mary Kay Beard's website