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Vicky Beeching

About Me

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07-02-08: JOY!
Hey friends!
This is my nephew Owen - isn't he cute!
My family back in England just went on a week long vacation in a really pretty part of the UK. This is one of the holiday snapshots - Owen having a total blast on a swing! When I look at this photo I love how much JOY is in his heart and shining out of his face.
As we grow up, do we lose that child-like joy? The Bible tells us that "the joy of the Lord is our strength". Yet many of us are stressed out by modern day, fast paced life and all the problems and pain it throws at us. I believe God offers us a joy that transcends all the struggles of life - a peaceful lightness that can only come from Him and His supernatural love.
I want to be more like Owen.... I want to "grow down" rather than always trying to "grow up" - children often have much more wisdom! They live in the moment, they wear their hearts on their sleeves, and they know how to jump on a swing and feel the excitment and the adrenaline, celebrating the experience with a huge smile.
May we all find that deep, unshakeable joy that God alone can give, and may we live in the moment, shining with the excitement of walking with Him. He gives a "peace that passes/transcends all understanding" so its not a peace that comes when life logically makes sense and everything is going well. Its a peace that is above and beyond the circumstances of life. Joy is not happiness. Happiness is a feeling, like the foaming waves on the ocean's surface, Joy is like the deep still waters on the oceans floor that remain calm and beautifully still whatever may be happening on the surface above. So whatever you are going through right now, know that He offers that peace and deep joy to you, to me, to all of us.
06-27-08: Sabbath and Making Time To Relax!
Hi friends!
Hows your week been so far? If you are ready for the weekend, then have no fear - it's almost here!
One of my favorite ways to chill out on weekends is to go watch a movie. Because I usually work on weekends leading worship, I often take my days off/'sabbath' during the week. This is how I spent part of a recent day off - hanging out at the movies! I thought all the huge cardboard promo boards were so funny that I got a friend to snap some photos of me for my blog! The hulk was so big I was genuinely a bit scared!
Any good movie recommendations you've seen lately?
My favorite in a long time was Prince Caspian…and I need some more suggestions!
God tells us that it's important for us to take "Sabbath" to rest out hearts and bodies. It's great to find the ways that you best relax, and then make sure you add them into your schedule. For me its movies, being outside, long coffee chats with dear friends... So lets not forget to make time for the things that relax us and re-inspire us. That way, we will be refreshed and able to work hard for God's Kingdom!

06-22-08: A Little Fan of VB and U2!"
Hey there!
This is my bass players son Isaac. He and I were chatting during a recent drive to a show....
Click Here for Video!
Isaac inspires me to want to retain a childlike sense of wonder about music and the world in general... Later at the show he got his little guitar out and was rockin' back stage jumping around with a huge smile on his face...
"How do you think we retain that sense of child like wonder and joy? How can we guard ourselves from becoming jaded about the beauty, fun and wonder of life?"

06-18-08: LIFE ON THE ROAD
I've been away a lot recently, playing at different events in NY, CA, PA.. Ohio next... so i thought for today's Blog I'd show you some pictures of what it all looks like... Hope you enjoy!
Needing large amounts of gear is one of the challenges of traveling.... Here's Road manager Matt taping things together to try and make 2 things count as one piece of checked baggage!.. And a competition to see just HOW much we can fit on one baggage cart! Getting the bags checked is the first part of every trip and once that's done we all let out a sigh of relief and head through security and to the nearest Starbucks!!
Another fun part of travel is landing. I love watching the city beneath get closer and closer, looking at where we will be spending the next day or so. This shot was from last week, landing over San Diego which has to be one of the prettiest landing spots ever as you get the skyscrapers, the bay, the ocean and the city all at once!!
Before the start of every event, we set up the 'merch table'. It all packs up into one big suitcase. This is what it looks like when it's all set up... As you can see I"m proud to be British, hence the large amounts of british flags!! I love meeting people - thats one of my favorite parts about the road, so I love being by the table after we play and getting to meet local peeps!
It always makes my day when great radio folks come to the event and say hello! Recently, Heather Lloyd from station KPRZ popped in for a chat. She's awesome!
Big crowds are great as its wonderful to get to impact lots of people and share Jesus with them.... but some of my favorite times are the small gatherings when it's just a few people in a room with guitars, singing our hearts out to God : )
The picture above was 2 weekends ago in San Diego - we had a worship leaders night where we ate amazing Italian food then took it in turns to each lead songs....A big shout out to Buz, Marian, Beejay, Jung, Gene, Paul, Mary An, Jared and all who hung out that night and came to the weekend services : )
After a lot of busy travels hauling gear, one of my favorite ways to feel relaxed is.....
Yep.. I think every girl loves a good pedicure! So thats usually how I end my travels!! Got to keep my toes in good shape for all this journeying!
Question for y'all....
"Are you someone who loves to travel, or someone who loves to nest at home and be there as much as possible? Does your heart leap at the thought of living out of a suitcase for a year and seeing the world, or would you rather grow deep roots at home?"
I'm a mixture of both I think... looking forward to hearing your thoughts!
Off to Ohio this week.... playing at a Vineyard event, which will bring back great memories of my Vineyard days in the UK, writing songs for the Hungry and Holy albums...good memories indeed!

Hello friends!
Thanks for all your comments about how your weekend went. Fun to hear about it all!
Today I'm writing songs over at EMI Studios. I just took a late lunch break and made a home video in my Jeep. So watch out for that either tonight or tomorrow!
If you are wishing it was Friday and the weekend already, I have something to recommend to help get you through the week with a smile on your face! New music always helps life feels better, so here is my recommendation this week.
Joel and Luke are both great friends of mine and I've known them for about 3 years now. They are brothers and come from the "land down under" - Australia! So they have funny accents, similar to mine : )
Ever since I first met them, they've been writing AMAZING songs and I've been bugging them to finally record and release them on a CD! Well, the brilliant news is - it's here!
If you want some insight into their "sound" it's epic and edgy...some rock, some pop...very hooky, very emotive.. and their harmonies are incredible. They are bound for a great future, and I know they will reach a massive audience. So you heard about them here first ; )
You can buy their EP by clicking here and great news - its only $5.95!
You can also visit their Myspace page, to get a taste of what their songs sound like and see some fun photos and video!
Let me know what you think if you get it!
Question for you....
"What new music have you heard lately, that you could recommend to our community here?"

LOOK UP! Devotional From Vicky
“The people were enraged…and stoned him…but Steven gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God” Acts 7:54, 58
Stephen is one of my heroes! He was a follower of Jesus in the early Church, who preached and healed the sick, leading many new converts to the faith. The Jewish authorities wanted to get rid of him, so they bribed men to make false accusations against Stephen and stoned him to death. As he lived his final moments, rather than looking in terror at his killers, or in pity at himself, he “gazed into heaven” fixing his eyes on God and His glory. In every circumstance we have a choice – where are we fixing out gaze? I find it hard not to get distracted by all that’s going on around me. Choosing to look at Jesus will change the way we face every situation. It brings correct perspective, fresh bravery, an eternal viewpoint and the ability to hear God’s voice amid the noise and chaos. Whatever you are facing today, ask yourself where you are focusing your gaze? “Let us run the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and perfector of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2). Today, look up!

While in the UK for Christmas, Vicky was presented a 2007 award by Christian Broadcasters for “Worship Album of the Year” category honors the Invisible. With Vicky for the presentation was Les Moir, head of UK based Survivor Records, her first label. Initially releasing her first song at age 18, Les encouraged Vicky to record her first solo project as well as introducing her to the Soul Survivor ministry where she worked as a worship leader with Tim Hughes before moving to the U.S. Congratulations Vicky on a stellar album and a well deserved honor!
The pre-Christmas week spotlight is on Vicky this week online at Check out the free sheet music on “Hallelujah, What A Savior,” Vicky at ‘New Song Café,’ and as the feature worship leader of the week –lots of good reasons to zoom over to the site!
After God's Heart
Worship leader Vicky Beeching knows how to praise God. She has been doing it since she was a kid. She also knows that being a godly woman in a seemingly ungodly world can sometimes be a challenge. Signed to Survivor and Sparrow records, Vicky has just released her fourth album, Painting the Invisible, which shares something of her heart for God. In this interview Vicky tells us all about her music and gives young women a few words for consideration.
You were born in Canterbury and now live in the States, why did you move?
I’ve always had the USA on my heart, ever since my early teens. It must have been a ‘God thing’ because my parents had never been there, neither had I. I just felt drawn to the country and culture. When I was 19 I said to the Lord “I need to know if this calling to America is You or just my imagination. If it’s You, please send me an all expenses paid trip to California this year”. Two months later, Vineyard Music, my publisher, called and said they were flying me to California later that year for a songwriters forum. As soon as we touched down in LA, I knew one day God would move me to the States, and it happened a few years after that when EMI Records offered me a record deal in Nashville TN.
Was it hard to make the transition from England to America?
The transition was OK as the Lord had put moving to the USA on my heart for so many years. He gave me a verse out of Genesis 12, where he says to Abraham “leave your country, and your fathers household, and go to the land I’m showing you – I will be with you and I will bless you there”. All God’s words to my heart made the transition easier.
Who did you grow up listening to?
I grew up listening to an interesting mixture of music. Mum would be in the kitchen cooking and listening to worship music; Keith Green, Don Fransisco, Larry Norman, early Hillsong. Then dad was down in the office room listening to loud, pounding 60s rock and roll – the Beatles and others. I inherited a love for both; worship that is passionate and energetic.
What is Worship In Action and how are you involved?
I come from a family with a strong tie to missions. My grandparents have been missionaries in Africa and in Israel, and modeled to us kids that the gospel has to be shown in word and deed. As a worship leader, my passion is for our praise to be far more than just singing songs. It needs to be put into action to touch the world! When God describes the kind of worship He is looking for – in Old Testament prophetic books such as Amos and Isaiah – it’s clear that His heart wants us to reach out to the poor and needy, the widows and orphans. If we sing and do nothing with our hands and feet, we cannot truly call it worship. is an online place for me to share what God is putting on my heart regarding this topic. I’ll be writing Bible studies and articles, and also interviewing others with poignant thoughts on this theme.
Why did you get into music?
Music has always been as natural to me as needing to breathe. My parents are big lovers of music – mum as a worship leader and songwriter, and Dad as a record collector. It’s in my genes, and I’m so grateful for that!
If you weren’t involved with music what would you be doing today?
Other things I love to do are writing and pasturing. So if I wasn’t doing music I’d be writing books, or on the staff of a church. One of my hobbies is juggling – balls, knives and fire torches (yes I’m serious!) so maybe if I wasn’t in music I’d run away with the circus!!
What pressures or challenges do you face as a woman in today's world and what would you say to young girls who may be going through similar?
There are so many pressures on us as girls today; pressure to be beautiful, thin, perfect. The media bombards us with pictures of glamorous Photoshop edited models, pressuring us to match up to those. As a worship leader, I feel like most of society has fallen into self worship, obsessing over appearance and beauty. I believe we need to re-center ourselves on the One who our eyes should be fixed upon! When we are captivated by Jesus rather than ourselves, that’s when we are truly free. So I encourage girls to look to Jesus and fall in love with Him, and refuse to be part of a self obsessive culture. That’s the worship God desires – us fixing our thoughts and attention on Him.

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My Interests


Member Since: 6/30/2005
Band Website:
Band Members:
follow vickybeeching at


Influences: I'm influenced and inspired by those throughout the ages, who have worshipped Jesus with all their hearts - from Abraham, to Noah, Moses, David... Miriam and Mary of Bethany are favorites! I want to be more like them!I love to read (I'm a real geek!) and my most inspiring authors would be A W Tozer, C S Lewis, the lyrics of Wesley's hymns, Rob Bell, Donald Miller...and many more (I always have about 3 books in my laptop bag, so if you see me you can check out what I'm reading that week!)


There’s an axiom that should apply in so many areas where we live our lives, be it classroom or boardroom or family room.

“There’s no such thing as a dumb question.”

But there’s one place where this idea tends not to apply. So many -- young and old, male and female, seeker and believer alike -- run into opposition of asking the tough questions in the one place they should feel most free, the church.

Todd Agnew wants to help put a stop to that. Through his travels as a recording artist and performer, he has seen it start to happen on its own.

“I’m just finding more and more people who aren’t fooled by the ‘everything’s fine’ version of Christianity,” the Texas-bred Memphis resident says. “I’m just trying to just get some of those questions out there, the questions people are afraid to ask in church, but also to get the questions asked sincerely and without anger.”

And for Todd Agnew, an artist willing to stand up and make the music he’s called to make while simultaneously making the points he’s compelled to make, just getting the questions asked in the first place is an encouraging first step.


Sounds Like: Visit to catch new videos from Vicky and read her new biography! Also listen to sound clips from the new album Painting The Invisible! Don’t miss out! Click on the link below!

Vicky is a proud endorser of GHS/Rocktron--worship made beautiful on quality strings and Mono Cases

Record Label: Sparrow Records / EMI CMG
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

07-10-08: Calvinism, Coffee and Contemplation!

Hi there!I've had a great week. Got back from leading worship in San Diego on Monday night, then flew out to Mississippi Wednesday morning. Led worship in Jackson MS last night and just got home to Na...
Posted by Vicky Beeching on Fri, 11 Jul 2008 04:04:00 PST

07-02-08: JOY!

Hey blog friends!This is my nephew Owen - isn't he cute!My family back in England just went on a week long vacation in a really pretty part of the UK. This is one of the holiday snapshots - Owen havin...
Posted by Vicky Beeching on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 01:44:00 PST

06-27-08: Sabbath and Making Time To Relax!

Hi friends!Hows your week been so far? If you are ready for the weekend, then have no fear - it's almost here!One of my favorite ways to chill out on weekends is to go watch a movie. Because I usually...
Posted by Vicky Beeching on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 10:15:00 PST

06-22-08: A Little Fan of VB and U2!

Hey there!This is my bass players son Isaac. He and I were chatting during a recent drive to a show.... Isaac inspires me to want to retain a childlike sense of wonder about music and the wo...
Posted by Vicky Beeching on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 11:53:00 PST

06-18-08: LIFE ON THE ROAD

Greetings!I've been away a lot recently, playing at different events in NY, CA, PA.. Ohio next... so i thought for today's Blog I'd show you some pictures of what it all looks like... Hope you enjoy!N...
Posted by Vicky Beeching on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 01:02:00 PST

06-12-08: An Unexpected Meeting!

Hello Blog-friends!Yesterday I led worship in Philadelphia. It was a great conference, and while I was in that wonderful city I had the pleasure of meeting someone unexpected... check out the video..h...
Posted by Vicky Beeching on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 09:29:00 PST

06-02-08: Check Out How Twitter Helped A Worship Leader&.

Hey Amigos!Sometimes I wonder if Twitter is cool or just taking up lots of my time! I love it, but often ask myself if it's useful or a time-waster?Click on the link below to see how Twitter made a di...
Posted by Vicky Beeching on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 04:28:00 PST

06-02-08: Hey From The Studio!

Greetings! How was your weekend?Hope it rocked! Here are a couple of photos of me singing on a compilation was a great time. It's duet between me and Mark Stuart from Audio Adrenaline. I s...
Posted by Vicky Beeching on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 04:19:00 PST

05-31-08: Where Ill Be This Weeked&

Hey there!Hope you have a great weekend ahead of you : )Tomorrow I hit the road bright and early (owch!) to Chattanooga TN, to play at J-Fest. Should be a great event... Big Daddy Weave are headlining...
Posted by Vicky Beeching on Sat, 31 May 2008 09:57:00 PST

05-27-08: YC CANADA!

Hi friends!I just got home from leading worship at "YC Canada" in Alberta. It was amazing! Thanks especially to Mike Love, Travis, Tiffany and all the YC team for having me there : )Here are some vide...
Posted by Vicky Beeching on Wed, 28 May 2008 05:07:00 PST