COPYRIOT COMMUNITY profile picture



About Me

CopyriotCafe is an autonomous space self-managed by students, researchers and precarious people. For years, we have been promoting network culture and political initiatives against copyright and patents, intellectual property, digital divides and whatever is meant to limit culture access rights, in order to defend the free flux of informations, share skills and knowledge. You can then think about Copyriot as a political lab, which gathers experiences and takes part in the struggle around the production of knowledge in the new technologies era.Our systems are obviously based on the open source and the free sofware. The phyilosophy of the open system and the free system are animating the Copyriot Network. Open source codes and the possibility to use software also managed by users puts freedom as main the approach to the new tecnologies. Copyriot Cafe’ is the physical occupied space in which different projects are taking place:- A free internet point of 12 workstations Linux based, equipped with voIP services, cd-dvd burning and printing facilities.- The Copyriot Wireless Community, a WirelessLocalAreaNetork, that includes the University Institutes and the popular neighborhood called "Portello". Joining the Copyriot Community by wi-fi connection means being into and crossing the field of condivision where filesharing and exchange knowledges live and grow every day.Multimedia share archive : this is the product of the labour of many who strongly believe that the sharing practice is the very core of any human, "mind-factured", creation. In this perspective, we state that no written text, song or movie can possibly be attributed to just a single owner: each of these creations IS the product of a collective work made of information gathering, external inputs, third parties’ knowledge and skills.Therefore, we claim the right to share any kind of knowledge as a "common-good": the possibility itself of sharing, conveying, spreading, combining informations is the necessary premise to boost any kind of knowledge.One of our main slogans is: pirate/copy/shareThe archive of shared files is based on a huge storage of university books, class notes, manuals, a section dedicated to the *antiprohibitionism* of drugs and many books coming from the history of the movement of Autonomy . The Library project includes also a huge consulting archive of old books and magazine from the 70’s movements, freely available for any thesis and research. Books are in italian and in english. This *common good* is growing a lot and it is the result of a cooperative work of students and working groups who are living and organizing needs and dreams as forms of self-reappropriation of the income.A lot of the shared books in the Copyriot Wireless Community are also the result of a generous and hard job of hand-made scanning in order to make digital copy of specific text book used in the programmes of the University of Padua. Therefore at the Copyriot Cafe is available a public scanner workstation with free software in order to digitalize university books in a interactive and cooperative way. The free softwares to manage, adapt and manipulate book digitalization are developed by the hacklab collective. Also the constant downloading, sharing, networking and the physical exchange of materials made by all the students who live and cross the Copyriot Community is enlarging the common share space showing a possible way to practice the right to culture and network access.We believe knowledges, all of them, are always the result of many intelligentia and it’s their freedom of movement is making them living knowledges as stimoli and inputs for others.“Oh, heavens, no. Stealing imples ownership. You can’t steal from the censor; I merely reclaimed them. “ abstract from V per Vendetta (2006)

My Interests






Libreria Copyriot-2.0,ogni martedi' e venerdi' nei locali di Radio Sherwood,vicolo Pontecorvo 1,Padova

My Blog

Progetto wireless

ProgettoWireless Il progetto wireless nasce dall'esigenza di un gruppo di studenti universitari di poter usufruire di una connessione internet a banda larga libera e gratuita (ch...
Posted by COPYRIOT COMMUNITY on Wed, 02 May 2007 07:14:00 PST

Giovedi 17 Copyriot Community@CsoPedro

GIOVEDI' 17 APRILE - ore 21.00 @ C.S.O. PEDRO"Noi facciamo uso di un servizio gia esistente, che non costerebbe nulla se non fosse controllato da approfittatori ingordi, e voi ci chiamate criminali.No...
Posted by COPYRIOT COMMUNITY on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 10:05:00 PST