BOMCHILOM nasce a Padova nel 2004 dall'unione di Alex (Mc rap dal 1998) e Pinecone (Selecta) che cominciano a organizzare le prime serate al C.S.O. Pedro che in breve tempo diventa la yard ufficiale nonchè la più calda della città . Numerose sono le serate organizzate in questa yard che ha visto passare tra gli altri: David Rodigan, Puma - LP International, Stone Love, Freddie Krueger, Sentinel, Supersonic, One Love Hi Pawa, Gramigna, Villada, I-Shence, Bashfire, Northern Lights e il 4th FarEast X-Mas War Clash. BomChilom ha partecipato a tutte le edizioni del Veneto Blaze, convention ideata dal "sound fraterno" Zion Cuts, che vede riunirsi dal 2005 tutti i sound veneti nella spiaggia occupata "Global Beach". Nel 2006 la formazione si allarga ed entrano a far parte del Sound altri tre elementi: Toni (uno dei primi selecta di Padova), Peppo, e Nevo (Sound Engineer, Producer) da anni attivo nel campo musicale nonchè produttore dei DozHenS, prima formazione rap di Padova.
BOMCHILOM was born in Padua in 2004 and originally was formed by Alex (Rap Mc since 1998) and Pinecone (selecta), who started to organise the first reggae nights at CSO Pedro which has become, in a very short time, the official and hottest yard in the city. David Rodigan, Puma - LP International, Stone Love, Freddie Krueger, Sentinel, Supersonic, One Love Hi Pawa, Gramigna, Villada, I-Shence, Bashfire and Northern Lights are just some special guests of this yard and among the events the most important is the 4th FarEast X-Mas War Clash with I-Shence against Godzilla and Villada. BomChilom took part to all Veneto Blaze editions, a convention born from an idea of the breddren sound “Zion Cutsâ€: all sounds from Veneto region reunited in a single evening. In 2006 BomChilom enlarged adding three new elements: Toni (one of the first selecters in Padova), Peppo and Nevo (Sound engineer and producer), who has worked for several years as producer of DozHenS, the first rap group in our hometown.