'SAMSON AND SEJOUR'This campaign is dedicated to the Everyday Struggle around the world and to the average person that's living paycheck to paycheck. Stayup. SAMSON AND SEJOUR!!This page is also here to provide basic education for children and remedial education and vocational training for adults through strategically located International Peace Training Centers. These centers will also serve as one-stop resource centers for entrepreneurial instruction and lending center for micro-loans designed to help the poor start their own businesses.Hold an annual Global Peace Summit in venues around the world that bring world leaders and concerned citizens together to broaden understanding, create dialogue about how to accomplish peace and how to more adequately meet basic human needs throughout the developing world.Through GPI's Global Peace One and GPI Aviation, to provide direct and immediate disaster relief aid within 24 hours to any part of the world.Hold Peace Rallies in countries around the world to promote peace and understanding across racial, cultural, geo-political and religious boundaries.Through our network of Charity Cities, to facilitate basic health care delivery services and the distribution of medicines.To be part of a clean water network to provide clean drinking water to over one billion people in one million villages. To also partner in bringing positive principles and action of local environmental stewardship to those same one million villages.Recruit and fund 10 million at risk widows to become Little Teresas.To place 10 million street orphans in private homes and children’s homes.Establishment of a pilot program called Children's United Nations that brings the world's orphans and children together to discuss the fundamental issues confronting mankind in hopes of melting hatred and barriers that traditionally plague peace negotiations.Build 120 International Peace Training Centers in 120 of the neediest countries.
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