Muslim And Not Guiltyâ„¢ profile picture

Muslim And Not Guiltyâ„¢

Shattering The Misconceptions

About Me

Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim
How to Perform the Muslim Prayer + Other Quranic Surahs
Being a Muslim does not mean I am a terrorist
Being a Muslim does not mean I'm oppressed
Being a Muslim does not mean I hit women
Being a Muslim does not mean I'm suicidal
Being a Muslim does not mean I'm uneducated
Being a Muslim does not mean I can't listen to music
Being a Muslim does not mean I am violent
Being a Muslim does not mean I don't live my life
Being a Muslim does not mean I have no freedom
Being a Muslim does not mean I have no say
Being a Muslim does not mean I am an extremist
Being a Muslim does not mean I am a slave to men
Being a Muslim does not mean I'm guilty of these misconceptions
Feel free to submit the common misconceptions about Muslims and we'll add them on to the list.
Why Did We Start This?
We started this because there are a lot of misconceptions about Muslims and Islam, especially these days. We are ALL effected by what's going on today and we are all being targetted one way or another.
The Purpose of M.A.N.G is NOT to put down other religions, but more so to promote tolerance and understanding about Islam. Religion should not divide people. As Muslims, we can all live in peace and harmony with other religions.
We think educating people is the way to go, and this is why this account exists. We know it's in it's early stages but we hope to put enough information here so people can read it and understand the true manner of Muslims and the beautiful and peaceful religion of Islam.
It's easy for people to make assumptions about Muslims, (especially people with little or no knowledge about Islam) because that's what they hear most of the time in the media.
But Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is ignorance. Allah gave you a mind to think for yourselves, not for someone else to think for you. So please seek the truth, and gain knowledge.
Islam is a peaceful religion. Islam did NOT spread by sword. Islam was spread by peaceful communication and word of mouth, that's the power of Islam. Let's educate ourselves.
Let's shatter the misconceptions about Islam and Muslims and show the world what we are really about.
Love for faith, passion for humanity, thirst for knowledge and hope for peace.
On our friends list, you will find people of different races, different backgrounds, different nationalities, but we all pray the same way, we all read the same Quran. We all believe in the final word of Allah: The beautiful religion of ISLAM.
You will also find Non-Muslims who support the cause of spreading awareness about Islam, people who wish to educate themselves on Islam, people who support Muslims in their time of struggle.
May Allah bestow his blessings upon us all, Ameen.
Respect is the most valuable lesson you can learn in life. It's easy to disrespect when you are being disrespected, however, two wrongs do not make a right. There is a lot of discrimination towards Muslims and Islam these days, but to disrespect someone else in return is not the way to show people that we are peaceful. One of the main teachings of Islam is to be kind and patient. If some people are attacking you out of misconceptions that exists in their minds, being violent with them will only confirm their misconceptions, so the best way to deal with such a situation is to be patient and use peaceful communication in order to reach out to them and shatter the misconceptions. Each person has the right to their own opinion. Each person also has the right to defend their religion, but the key is to stand up for one's religion in a peaceful way. Respect to earn respect.
"The ink of the scholar is more precious than the blood of the martyr."- Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
01) lslam – Submission (i.e. to the will of Allah)
* Though Islam is a religion of peace and offers peace by practicing it, literally, the word 'Islam' means submission, while the word 'salaam' means peace. Both words are derived from the same root word but have different meanings.
02) Salaam–Peace
03) Alhamdulillah-“Praise be to Allah”
04) Subhan'allah-“Glory be to Allah”.
05) Masha’Allah-“That which Allah wills” or “Whatever Allah wills”
06) Insha'Allah-"If Allah wills"
07) Ya Allah-"Oh Allah!"
08) Bismi-llah–“In the name of Allah”
09) Allahu Akbar-"Allah is the Greatest."
10) Astaghfirullah-"I seek forgiveness from Allah."
11) La ilaha illallah–"There is no one worthy of worship except Allah"
12) Allahu A..alam-"Allah knows best"
13) Jazaka llahu khayran-"May Allah reward you for your deeds"
14) Sadaqa Allah ul-..Azheem-"Allah Says the Truth (sometimes said at the end of recitation of the Quran)"
15) Yar-Hamok Allah-"May Allah have Mercy on you"
*(if anything seems incorrect, please let us know)*
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The True Islam
(2:177) - It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces to the East and the West; but righteous is he who believeth in Allah and the Last Day and the angels and the Scripture and the Prophets; and giveth his wealth, for love of Him, to kinsfolk and to orphans and the needy and the wayfarer and to those who ask, and to set slaves free; and observeth proper worship and payeth the poor-due (charity). And those who keep their treaty when they make one, and the patient in tribulation and time of stress. Such are who are sincere. Such are the Godfearing.
(Surah 114) - To be used after reading the Holy Quran
O Allah! change my fear in my grave into love! O Allah! have mercy on me in the name of the Great Quran; and make it for me a Guide and Light and Guidance and Mercy; O Allah! Make me remember what of it I have forgotten; make me know of it that which I have become ignorant of; and make me recide it in the hours of the night and the day; and make it an argument for me O Thou Sustainer of (all) the worlds! Ameen!
From our fam new to Islam =)
Dear MANG,
Asalamoalaikum! I have to express my deep gratitude to you. You have helped me come to Islam and realize what Islam truly is. The blog you have on your website about how to preform prayer is very helpful and i am indeed greatful for you posting it up. And Sarah thank you for your patience to go over it with me and help me with everything. You took the time out of your busy days to help me become a better Muslim. The myspace you both have put together is very informational and I believe and feel that it will do many justice in learning about our wonderful religion. I think its really wonderful how you have the list of words up on your site to help anyone that is new to learning about Islam understand better. I also know that Allah and Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) must be very proud of you in taking this wonderful step in helping fellow muslims and giving them a place where they can come together and feel that they have someone to come to with questions, problems and seek more information and learn more. As well as taking steps into crushing prejudice and misconceptions that non Muslims may have about Islam. MANG Is a wonderful support group for all muslims, I know that I feel if I have any problems or questions or I just need some extra guidance from someone I feel I can just log on to here and come to the both of you with any questions or thoughts. You are headed in the right direction and I have a lot of faith that MANG will go far. Thank you for all of your time and hard work, you may not realize it but youre making a huge difference in this world as we speak.
As Ever,
MANG,I just wanted to thank the both of you for opening up my eyes to Islam. It truly is a blessing to have such an amazing and educational site right at my finger tips! I'm glad there is a place to go to gain knowledge AND crush all the misconceptions there are about Islam. I've seen MANG grow right before my eyes, and I have faith that it WILL go much much further. I applaud the both of you for dedicating so much of your time and effort into doing such an AMAZING thing!!Much Love,
-Debora :D
Thank you SO much for your kind words. Welcome to the beautiful religion of Islam, Alhumdulillah =) -MANG
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My Interests


Member Since: 11/2/2006
Band Website:
Influences: The QURAN
The Qur'an is the last revealed Word of God. It is a record of the exact words revealed by God to the Prophet Muhammad through the Angel Gabriel. It was then dictated to his Companions who memorized it, and it was written down by scribes. The Qur'an is in every detail the unique and miraculous text which was revealed to Muhammad fourteen centuries ago. Not one word of its 114 chapters has been changed over the centuries.The Qur'an deals with all subjects which concern us as human beings: wisdom, doctrine, worship, and law, but its basic theme is the relationship between God and His creatures. There are also many verses in the Qur'an concerned with natural phenomena that are astounding. It is impossible to explain their presence in humans terms, given the state of knowledge at the time the Qur'an was revealed. In the West, such statements had never before formed the subject of a scientific communication until recent times.

"PROPHET MOHAMMED (peace be upon him) personally controlled every detail of organization, judged every case and was accessible to every suppliant. In those ten years he destroyed idolatry in Arabia; raised woman from the status of a chattel to complete legal equality with man; effectually stopped the drunkenness and immorality which had till then disgraced the Arabs; made men to live with faith, sincerity and honest dealing; transformed tribes who had been centuries content with ignorance into a people with the greatest thirst for knowledge; and for the first time in history made universal human brotherhood a fact and principle of common law. And his support and guide in all that work was the Quran." Mashallah.
-Muhammed M. Pickthall

Muslims believe in one God, in the finality of the divine message through Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), in the Day of Judgment and individual accountability for actions. Muslims believe in a chain of prophet (pbuh) beginning with Adam and including Noah, Abraham, ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Moses, David, Solomon and Jesus. Gods message was reaffirmed and finalized by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Islam is a religion of peace, mercy and forgiveness.
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Contact Info:
[email protected]

The Five Pillars of Islam
They are the framework for Muslim life:
The declaration of faith: There is no deity but God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God.
Prayer: Muslims perform five obligatory prayers each day. Islamic prayers are direct link between the worshipper and God. Islam has no hierarchical authority or priesthood.
Zakat: One of the most important principles of Islam is that all things belong to God and that wealth is held in trust by human beings. Zakat, or craritable giving, purifies wealth by setting aside a portion for those in need.
Fasting: Every year in the Islamic lunar month of Ramadan, Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset. The fast is another method of self purification.
Pilgrimage: A pilgrimage to Kaba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, or Hajj as it is is called in Arabic, is an obligation for those who are physically and financially able to make the journey.

Material used for M.A.N.G is ours therefore PLEASE obtain this information for your own personal use with permission. Secondly, if we have used others material, it has been done with permission as the work is copyrighted. So PLEASE ask us before using anything from M.A.N.G.
If somehow for some reason you feel we have infrindged on your copyright, it has not been intentional and we apologize. Please send us an e-mail to our contact e-mail address and the appropriate action will be taken immediately.

Admins - Sarah
Material - Sarah, Zinadine Zidani,,,,
Song-Meditation-Sami Yusuf

M.A.N.G Blog Archive
Myspace Impact Award Nomination
fajr-Beautiful Story

Useful Links
Quran Explorer
Transliteration of the Quran
*More coming soon*

PLEASE let us know what you want out of M.A.N.G. What do you want to see on here? What are we lacking? Let us know, we won't be TOO TOO offended, we promise!


Type of Label: None

My Blog

Muslims open first prayer site in Athens

Muslims open first prayer site in Athens By DEREK GATOPOULOS, Associated Press Writer Fri Jun 22, 4:38 PM ET ATHENS, Greece - Immigrant groups on Friday opened the first formal Islamic prayer site t...
Posted by Muslim And Not Guilty" on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 06:18:00 PST

What's in a name? Problem with 'Nation of Islam'

"Nation of Islam" members in their trademark bow ties and suits What's in a name? - The Problem with the "Nation of Islam" A court ruling overturning a fifteen year British ban on its leader, Louis Fa...
Posted by Muslim And Not Guilty" on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 01:24:00 PST

Display Pic "challenge"

Asalamoalaikum, This was forwarded to us by a sister in our MANG Fam. Spread the word, keep it as your display pic for a day or two =). A few simple words can be more powerful than you think. Love&...
Posted by Muslim And Not Guilty" on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 06:18:00 PST

Eid Mubarak to you and your loved ones!

Asalamoalaikum,First and foremost, EID MUBARAK everyone!!! Hope it's a good one! Spend lots of time with your families and make some good new year resolutions!Pray for the ones who are going through a...
Posted by Muslim And Not Guilty" on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 11:48:00 PST