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I am here for Networking

About Me

We are a group dedicated to promoting peace and humanitarian works here and abroad. With nearly 3.5 million Americans becoming homeless each year and the wars we are fighting in the Middle East, we need to come together to make a change... width="425" height="350" ..
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Nearly 50 percent of the world's hungry live in India … Around 35 percent of India's population -- 350 million -- are considered food-insecure … Nearly nine out of 10 pregnant women aged between 15 and 49 years suffer from malnutrition and anemia … More than half of the children under five are moderately or severely malnourished, or suffer from stunting.
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By 2003 15 million children under 18 had been orphaned by HIV/AIDS worldwide. About 12 million of these live in sub-Saharan Africa, and it is expected that this number will have risen to more than 18 million by 2010. Most of the AIDS orphans who live outside of Africa live in Asia, where the total number of orphans - orphaned for all reasons - exceeds 87 million. There is however insufficient information in Asia to provide figures for the number of AIDS orphans in individual countries.
In sub-Saharan Africa, the number of orphans in some countries exceeds half a million, and, in some countries, children who have been orphaned by AIDS comprise half or more of all orphans nationally.
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Total number of orphans due to AIDS, 2003
Nigeria 1,800,000
South Africa 1,100,000
Tanzania 980,000
Zimbabwe 980,000
Uganda 940,000
DR Congo 770,000
Ethiopia 720,000
Zambia 630,000
Orphans due to AIDS as a percentage of all orphans, 2003
Zimbabwe 78%
Botswana 77%
Swaziland 63%
Zambia 60%
Lesotho 56%
Malawi 48%
Namibia 48%
Uganda 48%
AIDS is responsible for leaving vast numbers of children across Africa without one or both parents. The first table shows the countries with the largest numbers of AIDS orphans.
In some countries, a larger proportion of orphans have lost their parents to AIDS than to any other cause of death - meaning that, were it not for the AIDS epidemic, these children would not have been orphaned. The second table shows the countries in which the children who lost their parents to AIDS make up the highest proportion of the total national number of orphans.

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Anyone with the passion to help!

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