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Friends of the NSS

Fighting religious privilege since 1866

About Me

We are Friends and Supporters of the National Secular Society. We think that this life is all there is and we'd like to make it as good as possible for as many people as possible.
The NSS was founded in 1866. It campaigns for a society in which everyone is free to practise their faith, change it or not have one at all. Belief or lack of it shouldn't be an advantage or a disadvantage. Religion should be a matter of private conscience, for the home and place of worship; it must not have privileged influence on politics, education or science.
We support the aims and objectives of the NSS and we want to talk about religion, secularism, ethics and politics with other people - both those who have the same world view and those who don't.
We will publicize NSS events and campaigns so that you can keep track of them, as well as adding our own thoughts - and yours.
And yes, atheists do have a sense of humour. We want to promote the positive side of non-belief as well as fighting religious influence.
To become a fully paid up member of the National Secular Society, check out what's in the shop or to generally find out more, please visit the NSS website

My Interests

Ethics, politics, secularism. Shoes.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who thinks that rational thinking matters.


The God Who Wasn't There and Why Atheism. Both available on DVD from the NSS shop. The Life of Brian (of course), Elmer Gantry.


Jonathon Miller's Rough Guide to Atheism, Richard Dawkins' Root of all Evil?. Anything by David Attenborough.


How Mumbo Jumbo Conquered the World (Francis Wheen), The Secular Bible (Jaques Berlinerbran), Letter to a Christian Nation (Sam Harris), Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast (Louis Wolpert), Double Cross: The Code of the Catholic Church (David Ranan), Breaking the Spell (Daniel Dennett), Against All Gods (AC Grayling), A Devil's Chaplain (Richard Dawkins). God is not Great (Hitchens)


Anyone who stands up for a fairer world - for everyone.

My Blog

Dawkins to present secular prize

Best-selling author and leading biologist Richard Dawkins will present this year's NSS Irwin Prize for Secularist of the Year. Tickets for the lunchtime presentation are going fast, so if you want to ...
Posted by Friends of the NSS on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 01:52:00 PST

Religious paedophile goes free

Outrage as serial abuser escapes jail because he is "a man of faith"A predatory paedophile walked free from court yesterday after admitting a string of sex attacks on children, including an 18-month-o...
Posted by Friends of the NSS on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 01:47:00 PST

Petition Against Faith Schools

There is an important petition on the Prime Minister's website calling for the abolition of faith schools. Please sign it and spread the word about it. It is very safe and also easy do, simp...
Posted by Friends of the NSS on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 04:15:00 PST

Gays to blame for all the rain

According to the Rt Rev Graham Dow, Bishop of Carlisle, God was provoked into sending the storms that have trashed Britain. What provoked him? On God's hate list are recent laws that have undermined m...
Posted by Friends of the NSS on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 09:23:00 PST

The Root of All Evil?

Is religion the root of all evil? Or is it just one expression of evolved human behaviour? The impulse to fight over territory and resources is as old as humans themselves - and even ol...
Posted by Friends of the NSS on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 07:01:00 PST

Have sex, get punished

From the NSS website:Sexually active unmarried women? Let them die in agony, say Christian activistsFundamentalists Christians from the Christian Institute and Christian Voice organisations have spoke...
Posted by Friends of the NSS on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 05:22:00 PST

Atheism or Apathy?

From Newsline, the weekly free email newsletter of the NSS: An article by Gregory Paul & Phil Zuckerman in The Edge challenges the widely-held belief that there is some kind of worldwide religious...
Posted by Friends of the NSS on Thu, 24 May 2007 03:39:00 PST

Getting started

These are some of the things we believe in:This life is the only one for which we have any evidence-based knowledge and human effort should be directed towards its improvement. Secularism seeks to spr...
Posted by Friends of the NSS on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 04:08:00 PST