Astronomy, Telescopes, Stars, Planets, Asteroids, Minor Planets, Nebulae, Supernovae, Black Holes, Comets, Moons, The Universe, The Cosmos, The Sky, Light, Physics, Photons, Relativity (General and Special), Galileo, Hubble, Compton, Chandra, Spitzer, Cassini, Huygens, Voyager, Spirit, Opportunity, Einstein
If you are a stargazer, a wish maker, a clear sky locater
Be our friend
If you are a blogger, a data logger, a midnight jogger
Be our friend
If you love to look up, come hookup and get shook up
Come kick off a lens cover,
Come with us star lover
Come 2009, the Universe: It's yours to discover
Rocket Man (Elton John), Space Oddity (David Bowie), Fly Away (Lenny Kravitz), Planet X (Christine Lavin)
Red Mars (Kim Stanley Robinson), Dragon's Egg (Robert Forward), The Planets (Dava Sobel), Roving Mars (Steve Squyres), Postcards from Mars (Jim Bell), Saturn: A New View (Lovett et al), A Traveler's Gude to Mars (William Hartmann)
Stephen Hawking, Steven Squyres, Rosaly Lopes, David Grinspoon, John Spencer, Alan Stern