Vanna Bonta profile picture

Vanna Bonta

official and ♥ real ♥

About Me

About me:

What I love tells about me. It’s not about me, I’m about it! The core of my life is Love and poetry in all its forms...books, movies, music, Nature, the Cosmos and people. Since I was a child, I’ve been avidly fascinated by physics and consciousness; contemplation of their interrelation, of dichotomy and human existence, is the crux of my work (hence, quantum fiction).I revere and celebrate Life, and some call me a humanitarian but I consider it just being human. I love to fathom Nature and the Cosmos. I’m passionately interested in etymology and language of all kinds. I’m a world traveler, and venerate the unique diversities and universality within humankind.
My readers and fans are dearly important, it’s great connecting. I try to respond to all messages. Sometimes time, schedule or focus make it impossible but please know I get and greatly appreciate your messages and comments.Thanks for the friend requests, your kind words and company. I hope you’ll enjoy my new forthcoming adventures, entertainment and novels.

Vanna Bonta’s blurbs
My life feels justified when I create, hone experience into soul elixirs, and that’s what stories, film, music, and the arts are. Growing up, I was always agog at life, keenly aware of existing, thirstily observant, and driven to convey what I saw. Poetry and writing were my first loves. It wasn’t about business to me. I’m grateful for wonderful colleagues, fantastic people with whom I’m blessed to work, and I’m also friends with myself in the solitude where I face the sometimes turbulent transfusion that is the honest creative process.
I think that, to artists, the task of distillation of experience into stories or performance in whatever medium is vital second to breathing. For me, it all begins with writing. I love film because it incorporates almost every medium, and the talents of many people. There are some things best said through words, some best said in music, or color. Creating acting roles is the ultimate in exploring and defining the consciousness/matter interface. The axioms of Poetry are applicable to every art. When these axioms are known, working in any given medium enhances fluency of the others.
Genuine art and business are the ultimate partnership toward catalyzing social evolution and well-being. I want to celebrate my time here, create wonderful things that resonate the consistency of beauty in all life, witness and immortalize the blood and breath of humanity in all our joys and sufferings. I am excised by excruciating sensitivity with no anesthesia. I think living cognizant of our place in the Cosmos should be a basis for perspective on life. The letters from my readers sharing how I’ve moved them, inspired ideas, tears or laughter is the real pay. My greatest treasures are people who know and love me. No Thing is my god.
See you around the metaverse! ~Vanna Bonta

Thanks for visiting! The fastest way Vanna sees a message is by leaving a comment. Comments that are generic "Thanks for the add" or huge html message may not get posted, or might’ve been up a brief time then removed. They sometimes push out other comments so are managed to give priority to personal comments.

My Interests


Member Since: 9/25/2006
Influences: Love; Nature; the Cosmos; People who've been kind; People who've been mean; Hubble Space Telescope; zero gravity! every poet, musician, painter, writer, actor, dancer, inventor, athlete, explorer, scientist, teacher, creator, soldier, human being who has given us companionship that affirms all our best is not just a dream and creativity is our quintessence.

Vanna Bonta's Details

General Interests: Books, Film, Literature, Music, Art, Philosophy, the Universe(s), the natures of Reality(ies), quantum theory, Creativity, Discovery, Invention, humanitarian work.

Status: Married
Here for: Friends
Orientation: true Love
Genetics: Italian / Dutch American
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Children: love them, none biological
Occupation: Writer - Actor

Some of Vanna's work


November 2007 FLIGHT in audiobook

ebook editions:
FLIGHT a Quantum Fiction novel

Coming soon...
Continuing adventures and new novels.

what is Quantum Fiction ?


On TV this Week


Sounds Like:

Vanna Bonta-- quotes

The Cosmos Review

Type of Label: None

My Blog

The moon took part of the night off

Dear Friends,That was our shadow, our shadow on the moon tonight.  I watched the eclipse sporadically all the way through.The star Regulus was about 11:30 position relative to the moon, and Satur...
Posted by Vanna Bonta on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 11:46:00 PST

from Vanna: Happy Valentines Day

Love vibes to my Valentines. ...
Posted by Vanna Bonta on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 02:15:00 PST

from Vanna: * SpaceShipTwo *

This is ineffably sublime!  Do you feel the very pulse of CREATION!?Words are inadequate to convey the profound joy of this day! My emotions are  elevated and visceral at once, and I can onl...
Posted by Vanna Bonta on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 10:39:00 PST

from VB: Happy New Solar Orbit

Dear Friends,Thank you for your company, love and support. I want to thank everybody for the outpouring of sentiment, and thanks to all of you who are revisiting and buying the audiobook version of Fl...
Posted by Vanna Bonta on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 01:19:00 PST

FLIGHT audiobook - OUT NOW!

Vanna Bonta personally narrates her quantum fiction novel in the brand new unabridged new release that's 17+ hours, and also has an original piano composition.If downloading is more your thing, you c...
Posted by Vanna Bonta on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 10:27:00 PST

Santa! How did you know!?

Haven't we all wished for one of these? Looky here what's --> on CNN today! (be sure to click see it in action)Milk and cookies under the hologram tree!...
Posted by Vanna Bonta on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 08:55:00 PST

"The birth of a dream..." more from the X Prize Cup

 Hey my friends, I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get online to get this to you. I've had a super weekend of airplanes and rockets and being among friends. I would be lying or jaded or both if ...
Posted by Vanna Bonta on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 06:04:00 PST

happy Perseids

Perseid meteor shower Add to My Profile |  a shower of meteors that appears to originate in the vicinity of the constellation Perseus during the second week of August. ...
Posted by Vanna Bonta on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 02:20:00 PST