Music, Music, Music, It comes in all shapes and sizes, the odd bit of nonsense and trivia, developing Tuckshop Community Flapjack (come to one of our gigs and ask for a sample) and eventually finishing the Website (Yeah Right!!)
Pretty much anyone, as to be honest we have a pretty open mind and an even bigger heart!!!!. We're always keen to hear some new music, so anyone who fancies getting played by us or doing a session should drop us a line. We're also after handy tip offs, so if anyone has a recommendation??? Remember Tuckshop Community Radio needs you......
Should someone want to get in contact the best bet is through this very page or by emailing [email protected].
Click here to get your own player.
Although this is only a small drop in the ocean, we would recommend you have a listen to these people.......Melodica, Melody and Me, The Zetland Players, Boy 8-bit, Bugga (RIP), O Titus, The Welcome committee, Gabriel Burne, Knots we Tie, Mohanski, The good guys at Ugly Nephew Records, We're not cool, Eddie Halliday, Gilded Lilly, Gin drinker, The ape drape escape, Envelopes, The Wave pictures, The thindies, The genuine Imitations, the show is the rainbow, The annoying Lobsters, Old man Pie, Tongue and Groove, Prime Skandal, Red Spector,Flipron, the hornblower brothers, dead dead dead, the toy band,J-PAN and the list goes on and on.....
Mickey Smith the surf photographer has made some pretty wicked surf films (go check them out)
Watch out for the forthcoming "Tuckshop Community Television" Though this is certainly very much a work in progress..
Trout by Colin Bacon, have a read, it's very good, plus my Dad actually wrote it!
Our Heroes are you guys.......