About Me
BAST KOLEKTIV music is a journey to the urban-pagan trance that overrides the boundaries of genres in its content and form. It is a melting pot that destroys the artificial borders between cultures and returns to the music as a ritual act. It is not ethno, rock, jazz, techno, hip-hop, avant-garde or pop, but a continuous search for the balance between chaos and order.
BAST KOLEKTIV integrates the work, joy and creativity of slovenian all-stars musicians team, members of which have been significantly shaping the identity of various segments of Slovenian music scene for the last two decades as members of the most referential bands of specific scenes: Aldo Ivancic- Borghesia,The Stroj, Boštjan Gombac-Katalena, Terra Folk – awarded with BBC 3 World Music Audience Award in 2003 , Gal Gjurin- Olivija, Gal in Galeristi, experimental multi voice Irena Tomažin - IT, Dejan Lapanja- Ulixes, Andraž Mazi -GinG, Hamlet Express) and Žiga Rangus - Intimn Frizurn ............................................................
Z drzno, brezkompromisno originalnostjo Bast izzivajo slabo vest vecine popularne glasbe pri nas.
(Muska, marec 2004) Janez Golic.
Z nastopom domacega glasbenega kolektiva Bast se je predvcerašnjem zacel že trinajsti Trnfest, na katerem se bo v sedemintridesetih dneh zvrstilo veliko število zanimivih prireditev. Na do zadnjega koticka napolnjenem dvorišcu Kuda France Prešeren se je predstavila skupina, sestavljena iz vrhunskih glasbenikov. V slabi poldrugi uri igranja pa je razigrana zasedba Basta pritegnila k poslušanju tudi tisti del publike (ta je najvecji), ki prihaja na festival zaradi druženja in zabave, ne pa zaradi koncertov.Mešanica razlicnih ritmov, od jazza, etna, duba, avantgardnega rocka pa vse do silovitih hardcorovskih izbruhov je popestrila nastop kolektiva, ki s tem pocetjem ustvarja nadžanrsko mešanico, znacilno za prepoznavnost skupine.
Nastop kolektiva Bast je dokazal, da v Sloveniji še zmeraj obstajajo odlicne skupine, ki z originalnim glasbenim in scenskim izrazom ter pravilno izbiro glasbenikov sodijo v vrh svetovnega glasbenega prizorišca.To je bil nedvomno izjemen zacetek koncertnega dela letošnjega Trnfesta.
(Delo), 29,07,04 Veljko Njegovan ............................................................
Bast’s Mitternacht (part of the ‘B’ side suite to 1974’s Autobahn) spends a couple of minutes as a gorgeously medieval mood-piece before unpredictably taking off in a weird, acoustic breakbeat direction complete with trumpet and sax solos and jazzy guitar comping. Utterly bizarre and very much worth hearing.....
Colin Buttimer
August 2005
Published by milkfactory.................................................
................Bast 1 (2000 - Dallas cd194) ............................................................
The Secret Life of the Next Door Neighbour (2003 - Dallas cd291)....................
Mitternacht-Trans Slovenia Express volume 2 (2005 - Mute Records stumm256) ....................................................
Retinal Circus (2007 - Aksioma)