Jalla Jalla profile picture

Jalla Jalla

About Me

Do konca APRILA '09 ZBIRAMO: KOLESA, ŠOLSKE POTREBŠČINE, IGRAČE,OBLEKE... ZA ROMSKE OTROKE IZ ŠUTKE (MAKEDONIJA).-------------------------- 28.4. prirejamo ZAKLJUČNI EVENT akcije zbiranja predmetov, to bo večer Romske glasbe: rola Dj BoŽo in projekcije filmov iz Šutke. Vabljeni ob 20h!!!*OuR MaGiCaL HoMe from tHe aIR************** ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- -------------------GORAN UTAN BAND (Slo) -LIVE-JALLA JALLA-Metelkova-23.02.2008

We are a collective of friends, artists and musicians, who are sharing this beautiful place Jalla Jalla.Jalla Jalla is working more than 3 years. Is the smallest place in the biggest squated area in Slovenia, AKC Metelkova (Autonom Cultural Center). All the area of AKC Metelkova is squated and completly illegal...still there are many small clubs and bars which are working for several years...so we are fighting strong to keep it as it is!JallaJalla was recently closed down by the market inspection and we turn it into a dark room for developing pictures...since few weeks we restart the season for the public, we start again to make alternative music program every weekend...and with hopes to extend it over the week...Thats why we need all the support from you people, to keep it open and WE NEED YOU TO PARTICIPATE!We are searching for non-commercial DJs and musicians, to help us in making the program of this place. Jalla Jalla is open everyday and is always FOR FREE, there is no entrance... everybody is welcome (as soon as is not destroing the program)... We also give a contribution for the program makers...as well as they get free drinks over the night...So if you are not far from Ljubljana and willing to play in Metelkova, let us know. We are really open for forigners but we cant pay the travel expences... as all that we get from the drinks is going to cover the expences of the place.. WE DONT GET ANY MONEY FROM THE GOVERNAMENT, NOT FROM ANYBODY ELSE. SO COME AND SUPPORT!!! At the moment we cant organise live band concerts as we don't have enough equipment...but we are always open for acoustic bands who would like to perform inside the club or outside in the garden... ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ TENORE DE OROSEI (SARDINIA) -Jalla Jalla - 28.05.2007

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Member Since: 11/19/2007
Band Website: www.metelkova.org
Band Members: me, you and all of our friends!
Influences: PuNk_sQuat!_SoLidaRity.This place is a unity of hinduism_islam_serbian ortodox_jewish_and other religions_with_comunism and socialism.PunK and RaiNbow gatherings.Good willing for the others. Making something good for our society!
Sounds Like: A mystic trip to a sacred land...Come to relax and share your knowledge...Play some music...share your ideas...Join the symbiosis rearly found in the world...Come and participate!Peace. Love. Unity. Respect. ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------

Myspace Layouts - Colorful Myspace Layouts
Myspace Codes - Myspace Generators - Myspace Backgrounds

Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Zdravo!Poailjam povzetke sestanka, ki je bil na pobudo tr~ne inapekcij, danes na MOL-u.Tr~ni inapektorat: Irena.Razpotni + 1 S: Ivan CelestinaMetelkova mesto: Andrej Sevaek, Jasna Babi , Nataaa SerecM...
Posted by on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 10:54:00 GMT

Situacija na Metelkovi

V petek (25.03.08) so ob 23.45 Jalla Jallo obiskali tr~na in zdravstvena inapekcija ter 15 policajev (specialcev), ki so zahtevali upravna dovoljenja, spoatovanje protikadilskega zakona in dovoljenja ...
Posted by on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 04:45:00 GMT

Kaj je OPJJ?

Zaradi raznoraznih pritiskov na sami Metelkovi, kjer je za nekatere JallaJalla ae vedno sporna, saj baje nima programa(?!), nikoli nima vstopnine (program si krije sama!), a je kljub vsemu vedno polna...
Posted by on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 04:46:00 GMT